Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka<br />

Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Jeudi, la presse écrivait que l'aimée serait mécontente du manque d'efficacité <strong>de</strong> la lutte menée par<br />

l'actuel gouvernement <strong>de</strong> coalition pro-laïc du Premier ministre Mesut Yilmaz contre l'intégrisme<br />

musulman, <strong>et</strong> qu'elle s'apprêterait à présenter un rapport au gouvernement, le 27 mars, lors <strong>de</strong> la<br />

réunion mensuelle du Conseil national <strong>de</strong> Sécurité, organe politico-militaire par lequel les<br />

généraux exercent leur influence sur le gouvernement.<br />

$248 Million Ruling Against Iran, hut<br />

How to Collect?<br />


By Bill Miller and Barton Gellman<br />

, "Washington Post Service<br />

WASfiINOTON'~ When a fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

judgè ,oÏ4ered the government of Iran to<br />

pay $2475' million in damages to the<br />

Jamily of an American college stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

whowas killed in a suici<strong>de</strong> bombing<br />

, while' l'tudying in Israel, it was the<br />

largest. judgment r<strong>et</strong>urned by a U.S.<br />

court against a Qfttion <strong>de</strong>emed responsible<br />

for a terrorist act.<br />

,But it is far from clear wh<strong>et</strong>her it can<br />

be enforced.<br />

Further,the'ruling places the Clinton<br />

administration: ;,iD:: a quandary. While<br />

,consistent withgovernment assessments<br />

of Iranian links to terrorism, foreign<br />

policy officials said it risked stoking<br />

unwelcome'.conflict at a moment when<br />

the adminis~ation sees realistic prospects<br />

of a change of course by Tehran.<br />

. The suit was brc:mghtby the family of<br />

Alisa Flatow, a 20-year-old from New<br />

Jersey who died in. '<br />

April 1995 after a sui- ,<br />

èi<strong>de</strong> bomber drove a '<br />

v.anfilledwith explosives into the bJJSin<br />

which she was riding. in the Gaza Strip.<br />

Seven Israelis also died in the attack.,<br />

The Palestinian group Islamic Jihad,<br />

theri led by Fàthi Shiqaqi from Damascus,<br />

tQokresponsibility for the attack.,<br />

,U.S.and Israeli authorities, who later<br />

authenticated the claim, have long asserted<br />

t~a_the Shiqaqi faction ofIslamic<br />

Jihad is fun<strong>de</strong>d primarily by TehralL ,<br />

. .. ~, ÎI)~ocent g~rl.was ne~lessly<br />

kille,d, the' U.S. DIStrIct Court Judge,<br />

Royce Lamberth, said in announcing his<br />

'60-page ,ruling. "The court cannot be<br />

stronger in' con<strong>de</strong>mning this action. It<br />

has no place in a civilized<br />

soci<strong>et</strong>y.'" ,<br />

, . '" Judge' Lamberth's<br />

,ruling was based' on legislation passed by<br />

~ongress two ye~.ago that permits cit-,<br />

lZens who are VICttms of terrori.st actS<br />

abroad to sue foreign countrieS' ID U.S.<br />

courts if those countries, like kan, have<br />

been classified by the State Department<br />

,as sponsors of terrorism. '<br />

The court h~d no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that Iran<br />

,planned or carried out the attack that'<br />

killed Ms. Flatow, but lawyers for her<br />

family presented testimony last week<br />

from former officials of the FBI and<br />

Israel' s security service <strong>de</strong>scribing Iran' s<br />

fundingand training for Islamic Jihad.<br />

Judge Lamberth based his finding on<br />

testimony that Iran has supplied virtually<br />

all of the $2 million, annual budg<strong>et</strong> of the<br />

faction ofIslamic Jihad, a group believed<br />

to have only about 100 members.<br />

The vital question for the Clinton administration<br />

is not' wh<strong>et</strong>her Iran has<br />

sponsored terrorism in the past but<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her a series of public and private<br />

overtures from its new presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Mohammed<br />

Khatami, signal meaningful<br />

changes ofpolicy on Iran's fmancial and<br />

operational backing for political violence.<br />

Senior administration officials<br />

have expressed optilnism that impofta1:1t<br />

movement could be un<strong>de</strong>r way.<br />

Washington gre<strong>et</strong>ed as intriguing and<br />

potentially promising Mr. Khatami's<br />

election in May on a platform of domestic<br />

reform. Ina January interview with CNN"<br />

among several other public and private<br />

communications, the new presi<strong>de</strong>nt ex-<br />

, presSed regr<strong>et</strong> for the 1979 seizure of<br />

hostages at the U.S. Embassy and <strong>de</strong>nounced<br />

the killing of civilians in Israel.<br />

In public, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton wel-<br />

, corned the overture andrespon<strong>de</strong>d with a<br />

parallel message to the Iranian people.<br />

,"This case is not what we nee<strong>de</strong>d at<br />

this iirrie, in terms of what we 're trying to<br />

do," an administration official said. "At<br />

a tinie when Khatami may be trying to<br />

,move, a country in areas where our long-<br />

,term strategic interests are involved, we<br />

,don 't warit to smack him. "<br />

"Judge Lamberth or<strong>de</strong>red Iran and its<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs, to pay' $22.5 million in compensatory<br />

damages to Ms. Flatow's parents<br />

and four siblings, and another $225<br />

million in punitive damages. He said he<br />

wanted Iran to spend three times its "an-<br />

, flUalexpenditure for terrorist activities"<br />

ort punitive damages as a <strong>de</strong>terrent.<br />

The family has little chance of collectmg<br />

the' damages directly from Iran.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>fendants, wlto inclu<strong>de</strong>d the sen,ior '<br />

religious lea<strong>de</strong>r, Ayatollah Sayed Ali<br />

Hoseini Khamenei, and former Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Hashemi Rafsa.njani, did not respond to<br />

the filing of the:1àwsuit last year and sent '<br />

no attorneys to court. The <strong>de</strong>fense table<br />

was empty throughout ~o day~ of hearings<br />

at the courthouse ln Washmgton.<br />

Steven Perles, an attorney for the<br />

Flatows said the family was consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

asking Mr. Clinton to turn over Iranian<br />

ass<strong>et</strong>s un<strong>de</strong>r U.S. control. Washington<br />

froze an estimated $12 billion in Iranian<br />

ass<strong>et</strong>s in 1979, during the seizure of the<br />

U.S. Embassy in Tehran, but most of that<br />

sum has been adjudicated through a<br />

claims panel. Iranian ass<strong>et</strong>s impound~<br />

in the United States now total $20 mlllion,<br />

a Treasury Department spokesnll}P<br />

said. Mr. Perles said the family also<br />

could attempt to persua<strong>de</strong> another naMn<br />

to turn over Iranian ass<strong>et</strong>s in its contrQl.<br />

"Iran by any standard is a wealthy<br />

country,"<br />

he said. "We antiCipatec

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