Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

u.S. Offers Russia a Satellite Deal iflt<br />

Halts Missile Technology to Iran<br />

By Michael ~. Gordon<br />

New York Times Service<br />

MOSCOW - The United States is<br />

offering Russia the opportunity to expand<br />

its lucrative busin~ss of launching<br />

foreign satellites if it clamps down on the<br />

sale of missile technology to Iran, senior<br />

American officials say.<br />

The American position has been conveyed<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>ntially to the Russians and<br />

is part of a broad effort. to discourage<br />

Russian companies and institutes from<br />

helping Iran <strong>de</strong>velop a new surface-to-<br />

&urfacemissile. .<br />

The offer is potentially worth hundreds<br />

of millions of dollars to Russian<br />

companies and the Western companies<br />

that have formed partnerships with<br />

them. .<br />

Washington has long been worried<br />

~bout Russian nuclear. cooperation with<br />

Iràn. But more recently the United States<br />

has also become concerned about Iran's<br />

effort to <strong>de</strong>velop missiles that could<br />

carry a nuclear warhead, poison gas or<br />

germ weapons.<br />

The nuclear and missile issues are on<br />

the a~enda of this week's me<strong>et</strong>ings in<br />

Washmgton b<strong>et</strong>ween Vice'Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Al<br />

Gore arid Prime Minister Viktor<br />

Chemomyrdin of Russia.<br />

Iran has been <strong>de</strong>veloping a new missile,<br />

called the Shahab 3, that has a range<br />

of about 800 miles (1,300 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers) -<br />

long enough to reach Israel and Saudi<br />

Arabia and more than twice the range of<br />

a Scud missile.<br />

American intelligence experts expect<br />

Iran to flight-test the missile in the next<br />

year or so. Although much of the missile<br />

<strong>de</strong>sign is based on North Korean technology,<br />

American officials have become<br />

increasingly worried about the flow of<br />

missile technology from Russia. Un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

strong American pressure, the Russians<br />

have taken a number of steps, including<br />

a new <strong>de</strong>cree by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Boris Yeltsin<br />

:tightening controls on the export of missile<br />

know-how to Iran.<br />

. But American officials are waiting to '<br />

see. if the Russians strictly enforce the<br />

measure.<br />

_Ifthe Russians do crack down, Washmgton<br />

is willing to ease limits on Russia's<br />

.launchin~' of ioreign 'satellites,<br />

.Amencan offICIals say.<br />

"This is not a carrot that is being<br />

created for this issue, " said an American<br />

specialist, who like some of the others<br />

willi1.l~ to discuss the issue, spoke on<br />

condItIon of anonymity.<br />

"The i<strong>de</strong>a of allowing more launches<br />

is som<strong>et</strong>hing that makes commercial'<br />

sense, unless som<strong>et</strong>hing disturbs the at-<br />

!D0sphere and makes it difficult to do. If<br />

Iran did not exist, it is som<strong>et</strong>hing that<br />

would probably proceed."<br />

Many of the satellites launched are<br />

American, and the United States already<br />

has an agreement that permits a limited<br />

number of Russian launches;<br />

Certainly ,the easing of the limitscould<br />

be a major boost for Russia's hardstrapped<br />

space program and a boon for the<br />

~~rican companies, which have begun<br />

toJO~ forces WIththe Russians in offering<br />

servIces to launch communications imaging<br />

and navigational satellites. '<br />

"The increase of the quota is an important<br />

and necessary issue for us "Y uri<br />

Koptev, the director of t)1eRussi~ space<br />

agency and the official in charge of<br />

preventing sales of missile technology to<br />

Iran, said in an interview.<br />

. "It ~snot ~>Dlya problem for Russia, it<br />

I~also m the mterest of American compames.<br />

We know that on Feb. 5, the main<br />

manufacturers contacted Mr. Gore with a<br />

proposal.to abolish these restrictions. ' ,<br />

Charles Vick, a research analyst at the<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of American Scientists, es-<br />

.timated that the cost of each satellite<br />

launch could range from $80 million to<br />

$100 million.<br />

"There would be more missions,<br />

. more contracts, and it would really help<br />

, the U.S; balance of payments as well as<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> more money for the Russian<br />

economy," Mr. Vick said of the pro-<br />

.posed <strong>de</strong>al. ' .'<br />

Still, given the political sensitivity of<br />

. the Iran issue and uncertainty about Russia's<br />

enforcement of its new technology<br />

controls, lifting the restriction will not be<br />

quick or easy.<br />

''To encourage Moscow to act, American<br />

officials have been sharing intel~<br />

ligence with it about suspected Russian<br />

<strong>de</strong>als with Iran.<br />

, Rooêrt Gallucci,' the .former senior<br />

official. who helped resolve the stalemate'over<br />

North Korea's suspected nu- .<br />

clear program, was recently appointed a<br />

special administration envoy to Russia<br />

On the missile technology issue and vis-<br />

. ited Moscow last week. .<br />

Responding to American concerns,<br />

Russia has expelled an Iranian diplomat<br />

who was trying to purchase missile technology.<br />

It has also suspen<strong>de</strong>d a contract<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween a Russian r(,ek<strong>et</strong> engine manufacturer<br />

and Iran.<br />

But there have been allegations that<br />

Iranian missile scientists are still being .<br />

trained by the Baltic State Technical Uni-,<br />

versity in St. P<strong>et</strong>ersburg.<br />

And while Mr. Yeltsin or<strong>de</strong>red the,<br />

tightening of export controls, ~he Rus,-'<br />

sian bureaucracy has riot always effec.<br />

tively carried out his or<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

"They have taken a number of important<br />

steps, but the issue now is implementation,"<br />

a senior American official<br />

said.<br />

Russia's recently ~isclosed plans to<br />

increase the number of nuclear reactors<br />

it plans to sell to Iran have also clou<strong>de</strong>d<br />

the picture.<br />

Russian officials insist, however, that<br />

they are cracking down. .<br />

"The 13 cases which our American<br />

colleagues have so nicely informed us of<br />

have been consi<strong>de</strong>red, and we have<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d <strong>de</strong>tailed explanations," Mr.<br />

Koptev said. "In the cases where we saw<br />

some doubtful aspects, these contacts<br />

were severed."<br />

Both si<strong>de</strong>s have been careful not to<br />

link the question of raising the space<br />

launch quota publicly with the Iran issue,<br />

though privately officials on both<br />

si<strong>de</strong>s acknowledge the questions are<br />

bound tog<strong>et</strong>her. .<br />

Mr. Koptev said the Americans had<br />

not ma<strong>de</strong> an "official" proposal to ease<br />

the quota on launchers in r<strong>et</strong>urn for<br />

Russian cooperation on Iran.<br />

But he quickly ad<strong>de</strong>d: "I take dinner<br />

conversations very calmly, and I don'.t<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>r it an official discussion. "<br />

. The Clinton administration, for its<br />

part, appears to bè concerned with avoiding<br />

the Impression that it is rewarding the<br />

Russians for good behavior.<br />

,'The Russians un<strong>de</strong>rstand a lot about<br />

the American political system and they<br />

know that some steps are easier when<br />

relations are good and har<strong>de</strong>r when they<br />

aren't,~' an.American expert said.<br />

lft:ralb...<br />

mribunt<br />

PUBLlSM,..n ""TH THK /IIkW voa .. TtMtlI "NP THil. .'''"lNCTOI\i "lI'T<br />

MARCH 10, 1998<br />


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