Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Jeudi, le PKK a aimoncé l'ouverture à Athènes d'une représentation officielle, lors d'une réception en<br />

présence d'une dizaine <strong>de</strong> députés grecs dans un grand hôtel. "Il s'agit <strong>de</strong> la première représentation <strong>de</strong> ce<br />

type en Europe", a déclaré à l'AFP sa responsable, Semsi Kilç, dite "Dilan".<br />

Un message du chef du PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, a été lu sous un poster le représentant au côté du héros<br />

grec <strong>de</strong> la guerre d'indépendance contre les Ottomans Théodore Kolokotronis, <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s drapeaux grecs <strong>et</strong> du<br />

PKK.<br />

•,<br />

Dans une autre déclaration <strong>et</strong> sans jamais citer le PKK, M. Reppas a condamné "le terrorisme <strong>et</strong> l'utilisation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la violence" assurant que "ni maintenant, ni dans l'avenir, la Grèce perm<strong>et</strong>tra le fonctionnement <strong>de</strong><br />

groupes qui développent une activité armée qui se tourne contre <strong>de</strong>s gouvernements d'autres pays. Toutes<br />

les mesures ont été prises dans ce sens".<br />

"En Grèce, a cependant ajouté M. Reppas, comme dans beaucoup d'autres pays <strong>de</strong> l'VE (Italie, Espagne,<br />

Finlan<strong>de</strong>, Autriche, Norvège, Suè<strong>de</strong>, Danemark), il existe <strong>de</strong>s bureaux politiques d'organisations kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Turkish troops push on against Kurd rebels<br />

By Ferit Demir Thursday April 30 4:53 PM EDT<br />

TUNCELI, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkish military officials said thousands of troops were engaged Thursday<br />

in one of the country's biggest offensives against Kurdish separatists in the rugged mountains of the<br />

southeast.<br />

They said troops killed a further 39 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) guerrillas in fierce clashes in a remote<br />

triangle of the towns of Kulp, Hani and Gene, north of the regional capital Diyarbakir.<br />

Security officials said that brought the <strong>de</strong>ath toll to 74 rebels in the latest campaign.<br />

"This is one of the biggest PKK strongholds in the region. The Turkish armed forces are staging the most<br />

extensive operation in the area to date. With support from the air a great success has been won," one of the<br />

officials told Reuters.<br />

"This operation is the biggest we have carried out so far," said another.<br />

Up to 40,000 Turkish troops, along with fighter planes and attack helicopters,<br />

the rebels at the weekend. Three soldiers have been killed in the clashes.<br />

launched the assault against<br />

More than 28,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in 1984.<br />

Officials said clear, sunny weather was working to the advantage of troops who were able to <strong>de</strong>ploy at will<br />

by helicopter on the mountain peaks in a sweeping pursuit of the rebels who were fleeing to the north.<br />

Turkish F-16 j<strong>et</strong>s and U.S.-ma<strong>de</strong> Super Cobra helicopters had heavily bombed suspected guerrilla<br />

positions throughout the day, the officials said.<br />

Large amounts of ammunition, food and guns were captured in overrun rebel hi<strong>de</strong>-outs, they said.<br />

State-run Anatolian news agency quoted army field officers as saying the guerrillas had split into small<br />

groups in an effort to escape encircling troops. "We ma<strong>de</strong>calls to them to surren<strong>de</strong>r," it quoted a senior<br />

officer as saying.<br />

: • Turkish security forces staged a similar operation earlier this month to hit the PKK as they renewed their<br />

I . fight for Kurdish self-rule with the ons<strong>et</strong> of spring.<br />

A senior member of the PKK said Thursday the group would intensify its armed campaign unless Ankara<br />

accepted a political solution.<br />

"Ifthere is no solution in view, then operations will intensify," Simsi Kilic Dilan, the new chief Balkans<br />

representative for the PKK told a news conference in Athens.<br />

Greece, a traditional enemy of Turkey, has often been accused by Ankara of sheltering and training PKK<br />

guerrillas, som<strong>et</strong>hing that Athens has repeatedly <strong>de</strong>nied.<br />


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