Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

UN Ignores Iraq Sanctions Threat<br />

_ ..<br />

Saddam Hussein, who celebrated<br />

his 61st birthday on Tuesday.<br />

But Council Agrees to Reviews Every 60 Days<br />

By Barbara Cross<strong>et</strong>te the Sec1;Jrity CQl1;Dcilme<strong>et</strong>ing Mo.~y<br />

N~ York 7Jme1 S~rvic~ was. noüceably .different<br />

sessions on the ISSue.<br />

fro.m prevlo.us<br />

Bill Richardson. the U.S. representative,<br />

was somewhat conciliato.ry in his<br />

assessment o.f Iraq's recent perfo.rmance.<br />

UNITED NATIONS, New York -<br />

The Security Council has <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

extend sanctio.ns against Iraq, ianoring<br />

threats from Baghdad that it wo.uld disf!o1ptfutw'e<br />

~ inspectio.ns if the sanctiens<br />

were not lifted.<br />

"No. member o.f the co.uncil is arguin,<br />

fer the lifting cf sanctio.ns against<br />

Iraq, ' said Sir Jo.hn Weston, Britain's<br />

representative, near the end cf a daylo.ng<br />

<strong>de</strong>bate Mo.nday on the matter.<br />

But in a gesture to the Iraqis, who. have<br />

recently allo.wed greater access to arms<br />

inspectors, the council also <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

in the future, reviews o.f sanctio.ns wo.uld<br />

take. place every 60 days. That was the<br />

procedure befo.re Iraq instigated a series<br />

o.f crises last year, bringing Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Saddam Hussein and the United States<br />

to the brink o.f war by late January.<br />

But diplomats do no.t expect the next<br />

big push fer lifting er easmg the sanctiens<br />

until October, when the next major<br />

report en Iraqi compliance is due from<br />

the United Natio.ns Special Commissien,<br />

which has been in charge o.f eliminating<br />

Iraq' s weapons o.f mass <strong>de</strong>structien<br />

and its capacity to make more.<br />

[Iraq's foreign minister called the Security<br />

Council's <strong>de</strong>cision to maintain<br />

sanctio.ns "very disappointing," but said<br />

Tuesday that Baghdad would cooperate<br />

with the United Natio.ns in or<strong>de</strong>r to un<strong>de</strong>nnine<br />

U.S. efforts to maintain the sanctions,<br />

The Associated Press reported<br />

from Baghdad.<br />

[Despite the pfedge cf cooperatio.n,<br />

Fo.reign Minister Mo.hammed Said Sabhat<br />

took issue with UN interpr<strong>et</strong>atio.ns<br />

o.f an agreement in February to o.pen<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>ntial palaces to. UN inspectio.ns.<br />

The issue o.f access to the palaces nearly<br />

led to U.S.-led military strikes. But Mr.<br />

Sahbaf said the agreement b<strong>et</strong>ween Iraq<br />

and Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Ko.fi Annan<br />

guaranteed "su~uent visits" by inspectors<br />

but n<strong>et</strong> unlimited cnes.<br />

[Mr. Sabhaf said that Baghdad <strong>de</strong>stroyed<br />

all banned weapons in 1991. But<br />

the chief UN inspector, Richard Butler,<br />

said Tuesday that his teams had in recent<br />

weeks feund artillery shells in Iraq<br />

filled with mustard gas.]<br />

The United States has Vo.wed to v<strong>et</strong>o<br />

any lifting o.f the sanctio.ns, imposed in<br />

1990, until Iraq has m<strong>et</strong> a number of<br />

requirements - n<strong>et</strong> o.nly verifiable disarmament<br />

but also the r<strong>et</strong>urn cf Kuwaiti<br />

prisoners and property seized in the<br />

1990 Iraqi invasio.n and a general improvement<br />

in respecting human rights.<br />

Altho.ugh there was never a cbance<br />

that Iraq wo.uld be freed from sanctio.ns<br />

in this review - the first since the agreement<br />

in February b<strong>et</strong>ween Mr. Saddam<br />

and Mr. Annan that <strong>de</strong>fused the most<br />

recent crisis - the atmosphere around<br />

Facing eroding support fer unlimited<br />

sanctions, Mr. Richardso.n ackno.wledged<br />

seme Iraqi progress in disarmament,<br />

including me<strong>et</strong>ing mo.st <strong>de</strong>mands<br />

o.f nuclear inspecto.rs fro.m the<br />

Internatio.nal Atomic Energy Agency.<br />

But he continues to o.bject to. Russian,<br />

Chinese and French calls to "clo.se the<br />

file" on nuclear weapons and shift fro.m<br />

an active" search and <strong>de</strong>stro.y" phase o.f<br />

disarmament to leng-term mo.mto.ring.<br />

Russia has proposed a fermaI reso.lutio.n<br />

making the change, which the<br />

United States o.pposes.<br />

Shen Guo.fang, China's new <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

representative to.the United Natio.ns and<br />

a former Fo.reign Ministry spokesman,<br />

argued no.t o.nly fer clo.sing the nuclear<br />

weapons file new but alSo.fer mo.ving to.<br />

end sanctio.ns generally "because the<br />

Iraqi people are suffering a l<strong>et</strong>. "<br />

But he ackno.wledged that Iraq still<br />

had requirements to. me<strong>et</strong>.<br />

The council heard Mo.nday fro.m Mr.<br />

Butler, who.se commissio.n is in charge<br />

cf eliminating Iraq's bio.lo.gical, chemical<br />

and missile pro.grams, and Garry<br />

Dillen, lea<strong>de</strong>r o.f the Internatio.nal<br />

A1bmic Energy Agency inspectors.<br />

Mr. Butler has feund no. pro.gress en<br />

outstanding issues in the last six mo.nths<br />

and Mr. Dillen, while mo.re upbeat, still<br />

has some unanswered questio.ns.<br />

The United States, increasingly iso.-<br />

lated amo.ng co.uncil members who. say<br />

that eight years o.f sanctio.ns are eno.ugh,.<br />

g<strong>et</strong>s its strongest support fro.m Britain,<br />

who.se diplo.mats cautio.n against shift-,<br />

ing the <strong>de</strong>bate fro.m Iraqi co.mpliance to.<br />

Iraqi suffering.<br />

-Iraqis F<strong>et</strong>e Saddam'8 Birthday<br />

Iraqi media trump<strong>et</strong>ed Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam's<br />

6lst birthday Tuesday, heurs after<br />

the go.vernment failed in its unusually<br />

strong bid to win relief en sanctio.ns fro.m<br />

the Security Co.uncil, The Associated<br />

Press reported from Baghdad.<br />

Entire newspaper editio.ns were <strong>de</strong>vo.ted<br />

to stories about Mr. Saddam, with<br />

cne headline in a go.vernment-co.ntro.lled<br />

daily boasting that 22 millio.n candles<br />

had been lit "with jo.yo.n the belo.ved<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt's birthday." That wo.uld be<br />

o.ne for each o.fIraq's citizens .<br />

. A song broadcast en televisio.n referred<br />

to the presi<strong>de</strong>nt's tireless sparring<br />

with the United States, saying "Saddam,<br />

yo.ur name has shaken America."<br />

The festivities, weeks in preparatio.n,<br />

focused en Mr. Saddam's ho.m<strong>et</strong>o.wn o.f<br />

Tikrit, 160 kilo.m<strong>et</strong>ers (100 miles) no.rth<br />

o.f Baghdad, where a para<strong>de</strong> was held.<br />


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