Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

<strong>de</strong>nts who are likely to join the organization<br />

be kept un<strong>de</strong>r surveillance,<br />

and that MED TV be prevented from<br />

making programs in Turkey.<br />

The classified four-page document<br />

lists the measures to be taken<br />

against PKK activities un<strong>de</strong>r two<br />

titles: .<br />

'. "Measures to be applied at specific<br />

times"<br />

• "Measures to be applied continuously".<br />

Measures to be applied<br />

at specific times<br />

"In response to the PKK separatist<br />

terrorist organization' s steering of<br />

men of thinking and art and other<br />

influential people who may impress<br />

the public at home and abroad to<br />

serve its aims: "People who may be<br />

qualified as thinkers and are currently<br />

being used by the organization<br />

should be i<strong>de</strong>ntified and their<br />

past histories and intelligence<br />

Information relating to them be<br />

secured~<br />

"P~op'l~ ~e.organization may<br />

~se should be presented to the pubhc<br />

at home and abroad in such a<br />

manner as to remove any influence<br />

they may have.<br />

"International institutions and<br />

?rganizations should be correctly<br />

Info~ed ,regarding people the .<br />

orgamzatIon presents as thinkers<br />

and files prepared with this aim '<br />

~ho~ld .be sent to international<br />

InstItutIons and organizations.<br />

The document says the above<br />

measures should take place<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween January and May 1997<br />

In other actions that are to take<br />

place during the first fives months<br />

of the year, the document proves<br />

that the village guard system will<br />

not be abandoned, at least not in<br />

the s~r:t.term. "In response to the<br />

IX?sslblllty that the organization<br />

w1l1targ<strong>et</strong> people taking the si<strong>de</strong> of<br />

the state and put ps~chological<br />

pressll!e on them WIth accusations<br />

of spYIng and banditry, or carry out<br />

massacres and various armed<br />

act~ons; p'ractices should be applied<br />

whIch WIll ~~cure the raising of the<br />

moral~ of cI~zens supporting the<br />

state, In partIcular temporary villag~<br />

guards, ~d th~ public should<br />

be Informed In a SUItablemanner in<br />

the matter of the malintentioned<br />

reports in the press that the temporary<br />

village guard system is to be<br />

abolished."<br />

Special Project for Newroz<br />

The celebration of Newroz, March<br />

21- a festival for the coming of<br />

spring - is especially mentioned for<br />

action during March. The festival is<br />

celebrated by many Middle Eastern<br />

peoples, but in recent years it has<br />

takenon political connotations.<br />

"With the aim of preventing the<br />

organization from exploiting<br />

Newroz, the functions required by<br />

the special project to be prepared in<br />

this matter should be carried out."<br />

The "special project" mentioned<br />

in the document was not elaborated<br />

on.<br />

Measur.s to be<br />

applied continuously<br />

Those activities which are to take<br />

place throughout the year are mainly<br />

aimed at the PKK's recruitment<br />

strategies, its propaganda - both at<br />

home and abroad - and the supporting<br />

of anti-PKK groups and people.<br />

"In response to the s<strong>et</strong>ting up of<br />

so-called front headquarters in socalled<br />

provinces <strong>de</strong>fIDed by the organization<br />

and activities of the creation<br />

of institutions of lo~istics, education,<br />

finance, health, military branches,<br />

people's courts and the like, collaborators<br />

should be speedily exposed,<br />

persuasion should be applied to<br />

them, a spectacle should, be ma<strong>de</strong> of<br />

them, and if necessary they should<br />

be penalized." The Interior Ministry<br />

document also or<strong>de</strong>rs that special<br />

enlightenment programs are to be<br />

organized, visits ma<strong>de</strong>, in the presence<br />

of international visitors (representatives<br />

of nongovernmental organizations,<br />

human rights activists and<br />

international institutions which the<br />

ministry says are used by the PKK)<br />

to regional people who 'have suffered<br />

from terronsm. The paper also says<br />

that those who have suffered from<br />

terrorism should be "ma<strong>de</strong>" to apply<br />

for reco~tion "to organizations like<br />

the Helsinki Watch Committee and<br />

the International Human Rights with<br />

documentation and information, and<br />

protests should be ma<strong>de</strong> at the biased<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong>s of these institutions."<br />

Stopping PKK cooperation<br />

In regards to the PKK cooperating<br />

with other legal organizations in<br />

Turkey, such as extreme left-wing<br />

groups, the Yezidis - a religious<br />

group - Alawites and radical<br />

Islamic groups the document puts<br />

forward two plans.<br />

" , "Possible lea<strong>de</strong>rs inthought of the<br />

left-wing organizations will be<br />

enlightened and those who can not<br />

be directed wilI have their influence<br />

over the public rocked as professional<br />

<strong>de</strong>generates."<br />

The Interior Ministry also laid out<br />

the plans to keep the Kurdish language<br />

at the fringes of soci<strong>et</strong>y,<br />

"Administrative and local measures<br />

should be taken against those<br />

attempting to propaßate the Kurdish<br />

language,forminstitutionsconduc~<br />

ing research to make it a language of<br />

literacy and to start education and<br />

Kurdish literacr. courses directed at<br />

front activities. '<br />

For the pro-PKK MED TV, which<br />

broadcasts mainly in Kurdish, the<br />

Interior Ministry or<strong>de</strong>red new campaigns<br />

by l<strong>et</strong>ter, fax and telegrams<br />

addressed to the governments concerned.<br />

MED- TV will also be prevented<br />

from making programs in<br />

Turkey.<br />

Red, yellow, and green<br />

are Turkish colors<br />

It was also or<strong>de</strong>red that aca<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ings should display the colors<br />

yellow, red, and green as if they<br />

were traditional Turkish colors.<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to prevent the PKK<br />

searching for new fields of activity,<br />

Stre<strong>et</strong> trading will be prevented in<br />

the provinces of Adana, tçel,<br />

Antalya, Sivas, Konya, Nev~hir,<br />

~ehir, Tokat, Ankara, Istanbul<br />

and lzmir. Kurdish migrants from<br />

the Southeast often earn their living<br />

in the big cities of the west through<br />

stre<strong>et</strong> trading.<br />

Kuran courses which are consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

as a possible field of PKK<br />

activity, and which are likely to be<br />

"steered" by the Kurdistan Islamic<br />

Movement, will be closely monitored.<br />

In conclusion, the classified document<br />

states that at the end of March,<br />

June, September and December,<br />

working reports of the above or<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

will be sent to the Interior Ministry<br />

State of Emergency Coordination<br />

Committee GeneraI Secr<strong>et</strong>ariat.<br />


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