Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

political parties would be held responsible<br />

Directorate, implement the dress co<strong>de</strong> for the statements and actions of mayors majority of th~ "measures" to be adopted,<br />

strictly so that certain types of religious associated with them; and close down the ~elevant bdls will be presented to<br />

attire win not be worn oUfsi<strong>de</strong>mosques; . immediately theiHegally"reiigious clois- ParlIament an<strong>de</strong>xecutiveaction will be<br />

bring un<strong>de</strong>r control certain Islamist "ter- ters and r<strong>et</strong>reats. ' taken immediatelyon some issues. But if<br />

rorist organizations such as Hizbollah and<br />

IBDA-C"; put an end to the wave of "fun-<br />

The government's future may be<br />

plunged into jeopardy unless the coalition<br />

thi~ }?rocesst~rn~ into afoot-dragging<br />

ac.ti,vltyto gam time, theuneasiness of the<br />

damentalist"appointments at state <strong>de</strong>part- partners manage to reach a compromise. If Ill!l~tary.and the intensiryof the political<br />

ments; initiate new legislation un<strong>de</strong>r which the partners do reach a compromise on the CnslS wdl keep feedingone another.<br />

Northern Iraq peace<br />

process at stalemate<br />

Fuad Masum: ,'Iraq is "Baghdad.<br />

responsible for the assassinations' .Fuad Masum, a member of PUK lea<strong>de</strong>r-<br />

, 'ship told the TON that an agreement<br />

'h<strong>et</strong>w{,t"I' 'Il

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