Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Turkish Dairy News SATURDAY,MARCH8,1997 ".......<br />

Euro-Mediterranean conference focuses on Turkey<br />

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London- Turkish Dally News<br />

• Turkey has been one of the major'focuses of the<br />

Euro-Mediterranean conference held in London<br />

March 6-7. Speakers expressed that the country<br />

has a great capacity for foreign investment and<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d that political instability was holding back<br />

many investors and was causing hesitation.<br />

Stanley Fisher, first <strong>de</strong>puty managing director<br />

of the International Mon<strong>et</strong>ary Fund (IMF) said<br />

high inflation and imbalances in budged <strong>de</strong>ficits<br />

were creating problems for the country with a<br />

huge potentials. ;<br />

Sir William Ryrie, vice chairman of the ING<br />

Baring Holdings Limited, UK, said Turkey's<br />

Islamists had discouraged investments recently.<br />

Sir William, after speaking of Turk~y' s huge<br />

=pd(entiäl,said:that u~'{estors had. started taconsidt"<br />

er Turkey as 'high risk' country due to political<br />

turmoil and high inflation.<br />

Meanwhile Rahmi Koç, chairman of the Koç<br />

Holding, said the most dramatic impact of the<br />

customs union Turkey had signed with the EU<br />

was the fierce comp<strong>et</strong>ition felt in the domestic<br />

mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

"This caused a drop in mark<strong>et</strong> share and profit<br />

margins. As a result, mdustry was unable to açcumulate<br />

the required resources," he pointed out.<br />

After reminding that business and industry nee<strong>de</strong>d<br />

larger then ever investments to be able to comp<strong>et</strong>e<br />

in such a situation, Koç said this had caused<br />

Imbalances of financial resources, which could be<br />

remedied by helping business and industry financially<br />

and by allowing them to export to compensate<br />

for the lost domestic mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

He then went on and criticized the EU for not<br />

being generous to Turkey regarding financial<br />

assistance:<br />

"While Spain receives $7 billion and Portugal<br />

and Greece receive $3-4 billion per annum,<br />

Turkey was offered a meagre $500 million per<br />

annum over a period of five years, making (in<br />

total) $2.5 billton. Moreover, even this negligible<br />

sum was not released due to political pressure."<br />

According to Koç, there is no adoption of the<br />

necessary macro-economic policies due to political<br />

instability in Turkey.<br />

"As a result of these reasons, Turkey's foreign<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ficit went up from $14 billion to $20 billion,<br />

reaching 10 percent of the GNP," Koç<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

He pointed out that the 7 percent growth rate<br />

experienced by the country was due to the<br />

dynamism of the private sector in Turkey.<br />

"However unless some clear cut economic<br />

measures are taken to boost exports, I do not<br />

think that this growth rate can be sustained," Koç<br />

warned.<br />

He.expressed.that.Turlœy'-, .case should,be an<br />

example for other Mediterranean countries. "As<br />

we see in the case of Turkey, other Mediterranean<br />

countries cannot really be integrated into the<br />

European Union if they do not take the necessary<br />

economic measures and if they are not financially<br />

assisted," he clarified. According to Koç, the EU<br />

can help Mediterranean countries to become more<br />

comp<strong>et</strong>itive and in turn benefit from the vast mark<strong>et</strong>s<br />

the Mediterranean area can offer. Currently,<br />

he said, the EU was doing $190 billion worth of<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> with the region already.<br />

"Sixty-five percent of all EU exports to this<br />

region originate from three countries, Germany,<br />

France and Italy. Similarly three countries, too,<br />

account for 50 percent of EU' s imports, namely<br />

Israel, Turkey and Algeria," Koç said, adding that<br />

there were serious obstacles that prevented the<br />

Mediterranean countries from expanding their<br />

tra<strong>de</strong>.<br />

"Currently they specialize in agriculture and<br />

agro-based industries. On the other hand, due to<br />

common agricultural policies, the EU is rather<br />

protective regarding imports of agro products,"<br />

Koç stated.<br />

Regarding the <strong>de</strong>bate over the EU-<br />

Mediterranean free tra<strong>de</strong> zone, Koç counted his<br />

own observations as; "The s<strong>et</strong> date of 2010 is too<br />

late because the central Europeans are going to<br />

join the EU in the year 2000. According to<br />

Uruguay round agreement, 2005 is targ<strong>et</strong>ed for<br />

totalliberalization of the world textile tra<strong>de</strong>."<br />

His second point was that agricultural and agro<br />

industry products should be incorporated into<br />

these agreements and that EU common agricultural<br />

policy requirements must be waived.<br />

Koç called for sufficient financial assistance to<br />

be ma<strong>de</strong> available to offs<strong>et</strong> the negative effects of<br />

free trading countries. "The'necessary policies<br />

must be adopted to facilitate the'transfer of tech-.<br />

nology to Mediterranean countries and some<br />

indusro,c;s$ould be en~o\,l~~ged. to. relocate t9 th~s<br />

region," he emphasized. . .<br />

Meanwhile, Turkey's ambassador to London,<br />

Öz<strong>de</strong>m Sanberk, said in an article in Euro-<br />

Mediterranean partnership magazine that there,<br />

were a number of factors working in favor of<br />

Turkey.<br />

"Among the most important of these is the high<br />

volume of unregistered tra<strong>de</strong> with Russia and the<br />

countries of Eastern Europe. Some well-informed<br />

estimates say that this may now have reached $22<br />

billion. Receipts from tra<strong>de</strong> of this sort are certainly<br />

high amonç the factors preventing the<br />

seemingly very high <strong>de</strong>ficits from causing major<br />

problem," h~ wrote in the article.<br />

Meanwhile Foreign Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Malcolm Rifkind<br />

praised the Barcelona Conference of November<br />

1995 and said the Euro-Mediterranean partnership<br />

conference was aiming to attract more private<br />

sector investment to the Mediterranean countries.<br />

There were <strong>de</strong>legates both at govemmentalleveis<br />

as well as from the private sectors of the participating<br />

Mediterranean countries.<br />

CJ1<br />


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