Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

sands of soldiers. They have overwhelmed<br />

the rebels, who probably<br />

never had more than 10,000guerril.<br />

las<br />

Ṫhe number of attacks by the<br />

rebels in recent months and the area:<br />

in which they operate are greatly<br />

reduced from the level of two or<br />

three years ago. Army intelllgencf'<br />

officers say they bel1eve that fewer<br />

than 3,000 guerrillas remain insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Turkey, with perhaps another 4,000<br />

encamped in neighboring countries.<br />

Published estimates suggest that<br />

the war against the Kurdish rebels<br />

costs Turkey $7 blllion to $8 bUlion ..'<br />

year.<br />

<strong>de</strong>capitated the Kurdish elite in<br />

southeastern Turkey. It may also<br />

have crippled the rebels' efforts to<br />

huild an organized base among civilians.<br />

The next blow against the rebels<br />

was struck by the army, which beginning<br />

in 1993floo<strong>de</strong>d southeastern<br />

provinces with. hundreds of thousurviving<br />

organlzatlon that upholds<br />

the concept of Kurdish I<strong>de</strong>ntity.<br />

"People are not for the P.K.K.,<br />

because the P.K.K. kllls chlldren ann<br />

schoolteachers and commits aH<br />

'kinds of violence," said a university<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nt in D1yarbàklr, the largest<br />

city in the region. "But there is a<br />

certain sympathy, because we share<br />

the same blood.<br />

"We want to be able to express<br />

ourselves as Kurds, with books and<br />

newspapers and radio and television<br />

stations. What the Government has<br />

done makes us think they are against<br />

any peaceful Kurdish movement.<br />

The P.K.K. is all we have left."<br />

As many as one-fourth of the 60<br />

mlllion people in Turkeyare fully or<br />

partly Kurdish, tracing their lineage<br />

back to tribes that have Ilved in this<br />

region for more than 2,000years.<br />

Despite repeated. efforts, Kurds<br />

have never had a state of their own,<br />

and today not only the Turkish Gov-<br />

Apoce Fr_Presle<br />

Many Kurds from Turkey have taken refuge in Iraq. One Kurdish<br />

family walked through a refugee camp northeast of Mosul Wednesday.<br />

ernment but also the Governments of<br />

Iran, Iraq and Syria, all of which<br />

have substantial Kurdish populations,<br />

strenuously oppose efforts to<br />

create one on their territory.<br />

The group leading that effort is the<br />

Kurdish Workers Party, tapping a<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep strain of Kurdish nationalism<br />

that has persisted since the founding<br />

of the Turkish Republlc 73years ago.<br />

The first evi<strong>de</strong>ntly organized<br />

Turkish response to the rebels was a<br />

campaign of mur<strong>de</strong>r and kidnapping<br />

that has taken the lives of hundreds<br />

or perhaps thousands of Kurdishnationalists<br />

since 1991.<br />

This wave of killings effectively<br />

Turkey Fears Its Land<br />

Could Be Carved Up<br />

Despite that cost, <strong>de</strong>spite the social<br />

upheaval caused by the hundreds<br />

of thousands of Kurds who<br />

have abandoned their vlllages volun..<br />

tarlly or on or<strong>de</strong>rs from the army,<br />

and <strong>de</strong>spite the political pric<strong>et</strong>hat<br />

Turkey has had to pay for the accusations<br />

of human rights violations<br />

that have been lodged against it In<br />

Europe and the rest of the world.<br />

most Turks seem to believe that<br />

their lea<strong>de</strong>rs have no alternative.<br />

"Turks have never forgotten how<br />

the West tried to dismantle the Otto.<br />

man Empire," said A. liter Turan, a<br />

political scientist at Koc University<br />

in Istanbul. "They see the P.K.K. 3.'1<br />

trying to cut away a part of Turkey<br />

to create a separate state, and they<br />

don't tolerate that. The view is:<br />

'You've pushed us as far as you can.,<br />

You've taken all you're goiftg to be<br />

able to take. Turkey isn't going to g<strong>et</strong><br />

any smaller.' "<br />

This Intense fear of losing part of<br />

The New York TIIMS<br />

Some of the Kurdish villagers near<br />

Batman still support the P.K.K.<br />

the country has led many Turks 10<br />

oppose granting Kurds a measure of<br />

cu.I~U~alor political autonomy.<br />

First they ask for innocent~<br />

sounding cultural rights like beln81<br />

allowed to speak Kurdish, which is no<br />

problem for us," said Mecati Bilican l<br />

.....<br />


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