Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Turkeyaskswhyit isex~lu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

frollla Europe it helped build<br />

. . .<br />

.<br />

Ankara- Turklsh Dally NeWs<br />

. . . .<br />

European source faults Turkey for refusing 'special<br />

rylationship' which would bring eventual full<br />

membership as culmination of 'natural process'<br />

• Foreign Ministei'Tarisu Çiller assembled European ambassadors<br />

on Thursday to explain why the bluntest ever rebuff<br />

Turkey has received from Europe over its European Union<br />

bid was unacceptable to.Ankara.<br />

(EU)<br />

Addressing the ambassadors over a workirtg lunch, Tansu<br />

Çiller insisted that Turkey, by the very standards that the EU<br />

itself had s<strong>et</strong>, was more eligible for membership today than the<br />

countries that are now being given prece<strong>de</strong>nce. ..<br />

Meanwhile, a well-placed European source explained to the<br />

Turkish Daily News that, while EU ambassadors 10 Ankara were<br />

equally at a loss to explain the harsh snub<br />

issued Turkey on Tuesday, it was clear in<br />

r<strong>et</strong>rospect that Ankara was also to blame<br />

for the present turn of events.<br />

He also revealed that Ankara not so long<br />

ago had refused a special cooperation package<br />

which contained concr<strong>et</strong>e elements and<br />

which would incrementally pave the way .<br />

for eventual full membership as a result of<br />

a "natural process."<br />

Former Belgian prime minister and presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

of the mainly Christian Democrat .<br />

European People's Party (EPP), Wilfred<br />

Martens, said on Tuesday that Turkey was<br />

not a candidate to become a member of the<br />

European Union, "short-term or long."<br />

Martens spoke after a me<strong>et</strong>ing of the EPP<br />

in Brussels also atten<strong>de</strong>d by German<br />

Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Spanish Prime<br />

Minister Jose Maria Aznar and Italian<br />

Prime Minister Romano Prodi.<br />

Ciller explained to the EU Ambassadors<br />

on Friday that Turkey was proud to have<br />

played the role it did as a staunch NATO<br />

ally in the "great victory" which resulted in<br />

the end of the Cold War to the West's<br />

advantage.<br />

Çiller pointed out that Turkey had not<br />

balked at any stage in this struggle and had<br />

e:ven provid~ one of the largest troop contmgents<br />

dunng the Korean War, ofwhich<br />

731 Turkish soldiers had sacrificed their<br />

lives.<br />

'The <strong>de</strong>sign of the 'new Europe'<br />

through the enlargement of European institutions<br />

is really a celebration of this<br />

remarkable victory," Çiller said.<br />

, "But we are surprised to see that as<br />

Europe gathers for this historic celebration<br />

~of <strong>de</strong>mocracy and freedom, only one ally<br />

- and one ally only - appears to be<br />

exclu<strong>de</strong>d," she said. "As we watch .the con-<br />

vening of a seri~s of major me<strong>et</strong>ings to plan<br />

the 'new Europe,' only Turkey is being .<br />

kept outsi<strong>de</strong> the room. While each of our<br />

fonner Warsaw pact adversaries is warmly<br />

welcomed, Turkey is being asked to step<br />

asi<strong>de</strong>," Çiller said. Çiller said that Turkey<br />

was confi<strong>de</strong>nt that if it was to be judged by<br />

the same objective criteria, held to the<br />

exact same standards, put through the i<strong>de</strong>ntical<br />

tests as the foimer Warsaw Pact ll.ppli-.<br />

cants for the EU, "it would score very<br />

high." "The facts are clear that, when measl.liedbythe<br />

EU's own criteria Turkey<br />

me<strong>et</strong>s the tests for membership as applied<br />

to the other applicants," she said.<br />

This is why, Çiller said, Turkey has "a<br />

very simple and eminently reasonable<br />

request" from Europe. .<br />

'.'We ask to be judged by exactly the<br />

same criteria as every other applicant,"<br />

Çiller said.<br />

''To do otherwise; could create a map of<br />

Europe with inconsistencies and aberrations.<br />

For example, if all the current applicants<br />

for EU membership and NATO<br />

membership were accepted except Turkey,<br />

there ~ould only be one nation in Europe<br />

that belongs to NATO but was <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

admission to the EU." .<br />

A view from the European si<strong>de</strong><br />

. A senior European source, talking to the<br />

: Turkish Daily News on Friday, said that<br />

the EPP <strong>de</strong>cision was not government policy<br />

in any of the countries involved.<br />

The source, who wished to remain<br />

: anonymous, nevertheless conce<strong>de</strong>d that the<br />

. presence of such key figures such as<br />

Chancellor Kohl, Prime Minister Amar<br />

and Prime Minister Prodi, among the group<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> this a "very significant <strong>de</strong>velopment."<br />

This source said that Ankara had<br />

played a significant role in the present turn<br />

ofevents.<br />

He listed Turkey's threat to v<strong>et</strong>o NATO<br />

expansion if it was qot admitted to the list<br />

of candidates for the next expansion of the<br />

, EU as one of the main reasons, saying this<br />

threat had clearly reboun<strong>de</strong>d onto Ankara.<br />

"Ankara was also asked after the conclu-.<br />

sion of the customS union not to go sofer-<br />

. vently after full membership and to l<strong>et</strong> mat-<br />

, ters s<strong>et</strong>tle for a while, but this advice was<br />

not taken." Pointing out that European<br />

states do not like being pressurized or<br />

browbeaten on specific Issues, the source<br />

revealed that Turkey had recently been<br />

offered a package which incorporated special<br />

and enhanced relations with the EU.<br />

He said that what was being proposed in<br />

this context was not only systematized and<br />

regular dialogue at the higpest level<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the si<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

"What was proposed was also concr<strong>et</strong>e<br />

cooperation un<strong>de</strong>r aspects of the Maastricht<br />

Treaty, including Û1 the areas of services,<br />

visa regulations, drug control, security<br />

cooperation and so on," he said.<br />

This would have meant an open-door<br />

relationship and an incremental apprQach to<br />

Turkish-EU ties with full membership<br />

coming at the end of a natural process as<br />

Turkey gradually fulfilled the requirements<br />

for membership, he said. But, this source<br />

said, the Turkish si<strong>de</strong> refused this offer of<br />

enhanced ties, seeing itmerely as a<br />

"punctuation mark" in terms of what it<br />

really wanted from the EU.<br />


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