Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

move came on the heels of U.S. Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Clinton's August 5, 1996 signing of the controversial<br />

Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which gave<br />

him power t~ ~nalize non-U.S. f~ ~at<br />

invest $40 nullion or more per year ID either<br />

country's<br />

''1be<br />

oil and natural gas sectors.<br />

value of the <strong>de</strong>al- Tehran's largest<br />

gas export project to date - is $23 billion over<br />

23 years," Akbar Torkan, Iran's Roads and<br />

Transport Minister said in a press conference<br />

last year.<br />

Currently, Turkey imports around 10 billion<br />

cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers of gas yearly from Russia and<br />

Algeria. Construction of the Tabriz-Erzurum<br />

pipeline, which will pump another.10 billion<br />

cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers from Iran and Turkmenistan is s<strong>et</strong><br />

to begin in a few months. The construction is<br />

forecast to be finished by the end of 1999.<br />

Rapidly-growing domestic <strong>de</strong>mand and<br />

lucrative reexport opportunities to Western<br />

mark<strong>et</strong>s provi<strong>de</strong> strong incentives for Ankara to<br />

expand its natural gas imports.<br />

Geographic proximity to major producers of<br />

the commodity place Turkey on the cutting<br />

edge of the mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

The agreement involves the sale of 4 billion<br />

cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers of gas annually, which will be<br />

increased gradually to hit 10 billion cubic<br />

m<strong>et</strong>ers by the year 2010. The plan is scheduled<br />

to take effect in 1999 after the construction of a<br />

260-kilom<strong>et</strong>er pipeline from the Iranian city of<br />

Tabriz to Turkey. Iran will also build a pipeline<br />

from Tabriz to the bor<strong>de</strong>rtown of Teba un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the agreement.<br />

Iran has had its sights s<strong>et</strong> on a jewel <strong>de</strong>al<br />

such as the 23-year agreement gas supply projectwith<br />

Turkey since the Islamist Welfare<br />

Party came into power as the senior coalition<br />

partner. "Un<strong>de</strong>r Premier Erbakan Turkey is no<br />

longer a province of the United States of<br />

America," the English-language Tehran Times<br />

said in an editorial. Iran News commented,<br />

''1be 'Friendship Pipeline' will block the way<br />

of hostile foreign influence and will allow the<br />

two countries to endure proper and friendly<br />

relations for generations to come."<br />

But Ankara had been searching for possible<br />

ways of negotiating with its close neighbor<br />

since the late Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut Ozal' sattempts<br />

for closer economic coo~ration<br />

Islamic republic were imtiated.<br />

with the<br />

Commercial ties remain Important<br />

Two years ago, political and economic relations<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Iran and Turkey witnessed an upward<br />

trend. High-ranking officials from both countries<br />

held me<strong>et</strong>ings and contacts which were<br />

seen as "constructive" on both si<strong>de</strong>s. Im{X>rt<br />

and export figures rose consi<strong>de</strong>rably dunng<br />

1995, state statistics indicated. Turkeyalso<br />

renewed its oil import agreement with Iran for<br />

at least 4.5 million tons annually, the amount<br />

which it currently imports from its neighbor.<br />

During the recent official visit in December<br />

by Iranian Presi<strong>de</strong>qt Hashemi Rafsanjani, <strong>de</strong>als<br />

on tra<strong>de</strong>, mutual enterprise protection and promotion,<br />

marine tradè, the environment, agriculture,<br />

joint industry and commerce chamber protocol,<br />

and many other plans were signed,<br />

bumping tra<strong>de</strong> volume b<strong>et</strong>ween Iran and<br />

Turkey upward by an estimated sum of $2 bil-<br />

chief of Iranian-Security Forces<br />

Tansu Ciller says sbe has warned<br />

says.<br />

Iran to halt its support for the PKK.<br />


17- Ankara criticizes Tehran for<br />

8- The foreign ministers of Iran failin2 to IlT'Cyentinfùtrations of<br />

Syria and Turkey hold talks in ,PKK separatIst from Iran to Turkey.<br />

:Tehran on the situation in neighbor- OCTOBER<br />

~g ~ and <strong>de</strong>fend the territorial 6- Iran says it has arrested a<br />

mtegnty of that country. Turkish spy and implies that three<br />

.DECEMBER Turkish diploma~ at the e~bassy in<br />

, . Tehran knew ofhis operatIons.<br />

25- Iran s state-run radio wel- 7- Turkey rejects Iranian allegacome~<br />

the succc;ss of the Welfare tions that its diplomats had helped a<br />

Paf!Y II! Turkey' s general elections, spy.<br />

saymg It was likely to shift secular<br />

Ankara toward a pro-Islamic stand.<br />

.1111<br />

MARCH<br />

11- Istanbul Police Chief Orhan<br />

T~ar says that Iran Ça~Cl an<br />

Islami!it hit man involved m a siring<br />

of attacks on journalists, businessmen<br />

and Iranian dissi<strong>de</strong>nts bad<br />

been trained in Iran. '<br />

APRIL<br />

.9- Turkey reassures Iran that an<br />

accord it signed with Israel does Dot<br />

ÏJ?volve opening Turkish bases and<br />

arrspace to the Israeli Air Force.<br />

9- An Iranian security official<br />

says four Turkish diplomats have<br />

been arrested for spying in western<br />

~. Turkey <strong>de</strong>nies the Iranian allegatiOn.<br />

11- Four Iranian diplomats,<br />

accused by Turkey of mvolvement<br />

in the killing of secular figures and<br />

or<strong>de</strong>red withdrawn<br />

by Ankara. say<br />


19- Iranian Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Rafsanjani,<br />

accompanied by a large <strong>de</strong>legatIon,<br />

starts a four-day visit to Turkey.<br />

20- The Umted States expresses<br />

disapproval of a visit by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Rafsanjani to Turkey and advised<br />

Ankara against improYing ties Mth<br />

Tehran.<br />

23- Turkisb Foreign Ministry<br />

spokesman Omer Akbel says that<br />

cooperation with Iran in the <strong>de</strong>fense<br />

industry field is out of the question<br />

for the time being.<br />

1112<br />


31- Iran' s ambassador to Ankara<br />

Mohammed Reza Ba2heri speaks<br />

during a "Jerusalem Night" cerem

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