Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

us: 'We ,have excellent relations with Turkish military'<br />

'We will not interfere with<br />

Turkey's internal affairs'<br />


Washington'.<br />

Turkish lJaily News<br />

• In the second day of commentary on the<br />

recent escalation of tensions b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

Turkish National Security Council and the RP-<br />

DYP government led by Islamist Prime<br />

Minister Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, the Clinton<br />

administration raised its level of public support<br />

for the pro-secular warning <strong>de</strong>livered by the<br />

Turkish military.<br />

Still refraining from coming out openly with<br />

full public support of the communique <strong>de</strong>livered<br />

last Friday by the Turkish Armed Forces<br />

(TAF), the State Department nevertheless put<br />

on record the "excellent relationship" it has<br />

with the Turkish military. The Department<br />

clearly views the escalation of tensions<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween TAF and Erbakan as a purely internal<br />

affair.<br />

Excellent relationship<br />

"We have an excellent working relationship<br />

with the Turkish military and the Turkish<br />

general staff on a bilateral basis, on NATO<br />

issues, and on bilateral Turkish-U.S. issues,"<br />

said State Department spokesman Nicholas<br />

Bums.<br />

"So we're not going to interfere in internal<br />

Turkish affairs, but we aœ going lO continue to<br />

work with the various civilian and military officials<br />

in Turkey to improve our relationship,"<br />

Bums said. "We have the greatest respect for<br />

many of the people who champion secular<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy in Turkey," Bums ad<strong>de</strong>d. The<br />

Turkish General Staff has always maintained<br />

that it is the vigilant guardian of Turkish secular<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy .<br />

Secularism<br />

Bums remin<strong>de</strong>d his listeners of the continuing<br />

importance of secularism in Turkey for<br />

America.<br />

''Turkey is a great secular <strong>de</strong>mocracy and<br />

that secular <strong>de</strong>mocracy, we believe, will,thrive.<br />

The secular foundation of mo<strong>de</strong>m Turkey since<br />

Ataturk is very important to the government of<br />

Turkey," he said.<br />

Civilian. rule<br />

Bums expan<strong>de</strong>d on his belief in civilian rule<br />

when an American journalist asked if "a secular<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy can be ruled by the military."<br />

''Turkey has had a tradition of secular<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy since, I believe - correct me -<br />

1923, as the Great.Ataturk laid the foundation<br />

of the state," Burns said. "We believe that civilian<br />

rule is important.<br />

It's an important part of <strong>de</strong>mocracy. We<br />

encourage civilian rule. And NATO, of course,<br />

16 countries, all ruled by civilians with a subordinate<br />

relationship to the military. That's very<br />

clear."<br />

Ankara- Turldsh Daily'News<br />

German parliamentarians speak out:<br />

'Violence is no solution to the Kurdish problem'<br />

Speaking about the Kurdish<br />

....<br />

issue, one parliamentarian<br />

~ called the problem 'a thorn in<br />

~ the si<strong>de</strong> for Turkey. both<br />

~ domestically and from the<br />

~ point of view of foreign policy'<br />

<br />

:J:<br />

f-<br />

~ • German parliamentarians urged<br />

~ Turkey on Monday. ~ofind fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

~ solutions to its Kurdish and Cyprus '<br />

è conflicts, saying these are intertwined<br />

"':S problems which have a flow on effect<br />

Q in Germany, home to nearly three<br />

~ million Turks, at a conference orga- .<br />

~ nized by the Konrad A<strong>de</strong>nauer<br />

~ Foundation in Anka(a. Karl Lamers,<br />

~ a parliamentarian from the Christian<br />

Democrat Union (CÙU) - which has<br />

nearly 242 seats in the German parliament<br />

- said. "Wè favor a fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

. . . .. .<br />

f~vored. mlht~ry option, which 10 fact<br />

solution for the Cyprus conflict," Simply lI~tenslfied the proble~ and<br />

when discussing one of the thorniest resulted 10 the country spe.ndmg enorissues<br />

for Turkey in either the domes- mous sums of money. e~lllvalent to 3<br />

tic or the foreign arena. When asked percent of the gross naUonal product.<br />

about the latest <strong>de</strong>al by Greek Cyprus<br />

to purchase anti-aircraft S-300 mis-<br />

"This is a thorn in th~ si<strong>de</strong> for<br />

Turkey, both domestically and from<br />

sHes from Russia, the German parlia- the point of view of foreign policy,"<br />

mentarians assured the listeners, he said to the listeners among whom<br />

including a number of Turkish parlia- there was also kurdish origined<br />

mentarlans, that if the missile <strong>de</strong>ploy- politicians.<br />

ment takes place they "won't sit tight Dr. Heriberd Blen~, another<br />

with their arms crossed." German parliamentanan, spoke to the<br />

Discussions on EU expansion TON about Kurdish militants and<br />

inevitably turned to human rights vio- members of the K~rdistan Workers'<br />

rations in Turkey, with Lamers and Party (PKK) c~eat.mg .trouble in<br />

his colleagues saying the number one qerma~y and.msugatmg <strong>de</strong>monstraproblem<br />

in Turkey is the Kurdish Uons, ~Isturbmg the peace and<br />

Issue, which also consistently gener- launchmg bomb and arson attacks<br />

ates a great <strong>de</strong>al of interest in against Turkish citizens and business-<br />

Germany.<br />

Lamers said Turkey would never<br />

es.<br />

According to Blenz there are<br />

find a solution using the currently an estimated 400,000 Turkish<br />


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