Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensà-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

ananti-Israeli nllly lumedotoa fundamentalist<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstration..Œbc lrani81ambassadorand two<br />

consuls who ~~~ ltIç dti!owere expelled, triggering<br />

a res~in .kind~m Tehran~<br />

Following"~ lwo-bourne<strong>et</strong>ing w~ththe<br />

Democratic Left.Party ~) lea<strong>de</strong>r Bülent<br />

Ecevit. Erbakan ~onechgainst attitu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

"which cast doubt on Turby's <strong>de</strong>mocratic system",<br />

arguing abat "anifi~ crises can bring<br />

nothing but harm to lheccmtry."<br />

''The MOg cao.not issueor<strong>de</strong>rsand say ~leg~slale<br />

this and that'; il can only put forth its .<br />

thoughts and the ,ovemmœt has the say and<br />

power ovcr~ ..1be governmentakes that<br />

power from the Parliament. The naLionis the<br />

source for that power. This is what <strong>de</strong>mocracy is.<br />

Acts which overshadow this mechanism serves<br />

nobody."<br />

'.,<br />

The ~slamist lea<strong>de</strong>r repeated his arguments that<br />

seculansm ~~ould not be i~terpr<strong>et</strong>ed as hostility<br />

towards relIgIon and he satd his party had i<strong>de</strong>ntical<br />

views with all the other parties on that as well<br />

as the sanctity of human ri~hts.<br />

. Er~akan also called agamst "exaggeration of<br />

certam isolated inci<strong>de</strong>nts and limitation of human<br />

rights on that pr<strong>et</strong>ext."<br />

Vexed by the reporters focus on the MGK ""<br />

<strong>de</strong>cisions, Erbakan called on them to "please the<br />

nation, not your bosses." .<br />

Contrary to the media reports of the 20-point<br />

s<strong>et</strong> of recommendations, the Islamist lea<strong>de</strong>r said<br />

the gewernment had not been submitted such a<br />

list. .<br />

Ecevitl 'Either come to terms<br />

with secularism or quit'<br />

Following the me<strong>et</strong>ing, which lasted nearly two<br />

hours, Ec~vit remin<strong>de</strong>d the press that Erbakan<br />

had saidhe was open to a dlaloçue and a compromi~e<br />

wi~.the opposition, especIally the DSP, on<br />

aliissues. He said that Erbakan had not suggested<br />

a compr~mise on any specific issue and that this<br />

illerely.~~ that Erbakan was see~ng support.<br />

"Ecevrt.reJ~ted Erbakan' s contentIon that there<br />

were no big differences b<strong>et</strong>ween them. He<br />

stress~ that they had serious differences of view<br />

regardihJrthe country's regime. Ecevit told the<br />

press thatduring the me<strong>et</strong>ing he had told Erbakan<br />

"that it was not possible to govern the country<br />

whilebeing at loggerheads with the state. Hë said<br />

that with tJ:teword "state" he <strong>de</strong>finitely did not .<br />

mean only the MGK. He said that "state" was a<br />

conceptwhichaIso entailed the government,<br />

Parliament; the presi<strong>de</strong>ncy, the judiciary and the<br />

opposition. He said, "The 'We are the government<br />

so we can do anything we lilec,' mentality<br />

would creaLevery serious problems."<br />

Ecevit said that what was expected of the<br />

country was taking serious steps. He stressed that<br />

the RP should, before anything else, change its<br />

mentality. He said, "Either you (Erbakan and the<br />

RP) must come to terms with this state, with all<br />

its fundamental elements starting with secularism<br />

.and <strong>de</strong>mocracy, or if, at this stage, you are .not<br />

capable of doing that, you must step down from<br />

:the government."<br />

Ecevit said that Erbakan seemed to believe that<br />

certain circles wanted no person left in Turkey<br />

who was a believer. He stressed that this was not<br />

true, that in no other Islamic country was the freedom<br />

of belief and worship as extensive as in' .<br />

Turkey. Referring to Erbakan's complaints about<br />

the "objections to mosque building,' Eeevit<br />

. stressed that this complaint did not reflect the<br />

reality either. .<br />

Ecevit said that the <strong>de</strong>mocratiC regime went<br />

throu~h restoration ~riods froin time to time.<br />

Now It was in a siimlar period. In the past,<br />

restoration was achieved by suspending <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

But this time, suspension of <strong>de</strong>mocracy was<br />

out of the question. Ecevit stressed that thIS<br />

opportunity should be put to good use. He said<br />

that the responsibility fell on the government,<br />

especially on the RP, to ensure that restoration is<br />

achieved without <strong>de</strong>mocracy being suspen<strong>de</strong>d. He<br />

said that the RP should fully come to terms with<br />

secularism. The RP's attitu<strong>de</strong>s against that were<br />

causing uneasiness.<br />

Ecevit said that the DSP' s position regarding<br />

military coups was no secr<strong>et</strong> and that there would<br />

be no change in that position. He said that they<br />

wanted the country to enter the restoration<br />

process withoutany shadow being cast on the<br />

regime. He noted that in the past they had put<br />

their proposalsregarding alternatives to the RP-<br />

DYP coalition on the country's agenda. He<br />

stressed that they consi<strong>de</strong>red Parliament as the<br />

place where all these problems should be solved.<br />

Livre.' tcarteLé~ entre cinq payö, ofageö ou<br />

imtrument6 <strong>de</strong> L'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt<strong>et</strong>déöun~.<br />

Maudit comme un Kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Chris Kutschera: ..Le défi IoIr<strong>de</strong> ou le rêve Iou <strong>de</strong><br />

I~lndépendanceJ), Bayard£ditlon4, 300 pp., 160F.<br />

esKur<strong>de</strong>sn'ont jamais étéévoquéspar leursen-<br />

iraniens,irakiens<strong>et</strong>turcs,qu'affublés<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Lnemis<br />

qualificatifs<strong>de</strong> «kofars» (infidèles), <strong>de</strong> «Kuyruklu<br />

Kurt», (

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