Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Bastn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

briefing. Lt. Gen. C<strong>et</strong>in Do~an, ~hechairman<br />

of the General Staff Operations<br />

Department, replied t~ the questions.<br />

Journalists noted that 10 the past the<br />

Turkish si<strong>de</strong> had said that Greece.'s e~tending<br />

its territorial waters beyond SIX miles<br />

would be consi<strong>de</strong>red as a cause for war.<br />

'But the Turkish si<strong>de</strong> now was saying merely<br />

that this would be "unacceptable." They<br />

asked wh<strong>et</strong>her this indicated a change of<br />

stance. Lt. Gen. Dogan replied as follows:<br />

"Today. we believe the people in uniform<br />

must use the word 'war' less. There is no<br />

chanoé in Turkey's policy. Since we give<br />

importance to a peaceful image, we have<br />

not expressed this political stance.<br />

Otherwise it is obvious that we shall not<br />

remain sil~nt in the face of a fait accompli<br />

which would entirely blockTurkey's path<br />

in the West."<br />

Noting that the package of confi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

building measures had come on the agenda<br />

during the me<strong>et</strong>ing b<strong>et</strong>ween Chief of<br />

General Staff Gen. Ismail Karadayi and<br />

Greek Chief of General Staff in Brussels,<br />

Lt. Gen. Dogan said the following:<br />

"Before the political solution of the<br />

problem. a climate of 'talkability' must be<br />

created. Hence the significance .of the .<br />

chiefs of staff of the two countnes havmg a<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing. The confi<strong>de</strong>nce-building measures<br />

package contains many elements. And we<br />

support the entire package incl~ding the<br />

establishment of a red phone (dlfect telephone<br />

link) b<strong>et</strong>ween the chiefs of staff of<br />

the two countries."<br />

Lieutenant General Ç<strong>et</strong>in Dogan said, in<br />

reply to questions on the fight ~gai~st the<br />

PKK. that a social and economIC drive was<br />

nee<strong>de</strong>d in the region. He said. "We have<br />

said this all along. Despite that. the military<br />

has been seen as the hawks. It is only natural<br />

that an armed rebellion against the<br />

state will be respon<strong>de</strong>d to with arms. But<br />

we believe that the regional problems<br />

which lie at the basis of this too must be<br />

liquidated. We are aware that the fight<br />

against terrorism cannot be won without<br />

people' s support," He said that for this reason<br />

they sought reports from the comman<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

in the region about the needs of their<br />

specific regions. These have been unified<br />

and relayed to the government. He said,<br />

"To be able to g<strong>et</strong> the people of the region<br />

on the si<strong>de</strong> of the state we are even cooperating<br />

with the United Nations High<br />

Commissariat for Refugees. Weare training<br />

officers to be sent to the region. We are<br />

preparing brochures to serve as a gui<strong>de</strong> for<br />

relations with the people of t~e reg~on an~<br />

on human rights. None of us IS saymg he IS<br />

perfect. But we are trying to achieve perfection."<br />

.<br />

Stating that a total of 32,000 ter:0I1;sts<br />

had been neutralized since the begmmng of<br />

the struggle against the PK~, an.d ~hat the<br />

PKK had become a "Terronst Limited<br />

Partnership", which had <strong>de</strong>generated and<br />

therefore had become separated from the<br />

state, Lieutenant Genera~ Do~an s.aid, ~'But<br />

the external support behmd them IS qUite<br />

significant. "<br />

He said "All the countries which support<br />

the PKK, suppo~ at the .~ame time radical<br />

Islamists. In reality, the Jihad. or holy<br />

war calls of radical Islamists do not exactly<br />

~e<strong>et</strong> with approval in Turkish soci<strong>et</strong>y.<br />

Therefore the radical Islamists do not have<br />

an armed potential comparable to that of<br />

the PKK in size. But it IS a fact ~hat the .<br />

powers behind them are supportll~g ceryam<br />

Islamist organizations in Turkey 10 a highly<br />

professional manner. It has been fou.nd that<br />

in Turkey mur<strong>de</strong>rs have been commItted<br />

with Iran' s support. Therefore we have to .<br />

be very alert. very careful in the face of thiS<br />

threat."<br />

Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her the Turkish chief of staff<br />

would me<strong>et</strong> with bis Iranian counterpart as<br />

he has m<strong>et</strong> with his Greek counterpart,<br />

Lieutenant General Dogan said, "Our relations<br />

with Greece are quite different than<br />

our relations with Iran. This is because<br />

with Iran we are on different platforms. In<br />

the visible future it is out of the question<br />

for the chiefs of staff of the two countries<br />

to come tog<strong>et</strong>her. We can say the same<br />

thing about the Syrian chief of staff too. In<br />

fact, the head of the PKK stays in a military<br />

barracks in Damascus. Okay, Greece<br />

too is providing support to the PKK. But it<br />

does not do this by way of the state establishments,<br />

out in the open, making a point<br />

of doing this in the open. On the contrary,<br />

it makes a special effort not to project such<br />

an image."<br />

Lieutenant General Dogan went to say,<br />

"All these problems will come to an end<br />

when Turkey enters the European Union.<br />

Other problems will become marginal. For<br />

.this reason, we, as the Armed Forces, give<br />

utmost importance to Turkey's integration<br />

with Europe." Lt. Gen. Dogan pointed out<br />

that the press had fulfilled an important<br />

duty particularly on the issue of fundamentalist<br />

activities. "The press has been a<br />

sourc~ of pri<strong>de</strong> on this issue. We me<strong>et</strong> this<br />

with appreciation."<br />


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