Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

and "external" affairs.<br />

Speaking at a Welfare Party (RP) parliame~tary group .<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing, Erbakan <strong>de</strong>clared Tuesday that relatIOns b<strong>et</strong>ween his<br />

government and the military wer~ "extre~ely ~o~" and .<br />

charged that it was the media whIch was fabncatmg stones<br />

of a riff' b<strong>et</strong>ween the two.<br />

Erbakan said the government and the partner parties were<br />

in harmony with both the p~esi~en!,and the arm~d f~rces but<br />

the Turkish press was "fabncahng tales of tenslO1110 the top<br />

echelons of the state apparatus. .<br />

Stating that the armed forces ~ere part o~the n~h.onand.<br />

that his Refah represented the nahon, the pnme numster saId<br />

there could be no rift b<strong>et</strong>ween his party and the military.<br />

Branding efforts by the opposition parties and some members<br />

of the junior coalition partner True Path Party (D~~) to forge<br />

alternative government mo<strong>de</strong>ls to replace the coahtlOn government<br />

as a "nonsense occupation," Erbakan said a multiparty<br />

coalition would be much like "Hormuz with nine husbands"<br />

(a famous Turkish play in which Hormuz is simultaneously<br />

married to nine husband~,.all of which are unaware ~f<br />

the others). He said the OpposItIOncould not mount a credIble<br />

alternative to his coalition government.<br />

"Neither arithm<strong>et</strong>ically nor in actuality is there an alternative,"<br />

Erbakan said.<br />

Democratic Left Party (DSP) lea<strong>de</strong>r Bülent Ecevit launched<br />

a series of me<strong>et</strong>ings with other opposition lea<strong>de</strong>rs Tuesday in<br />

a bid to form an alternative, "Refah-free" government. The<br />

Islamist prime ~nister, refe1!Ïng t~ the eight-year c~mpulsory<br />

primary educatIOn <strong>de</strong>bate, SaIdthe Issue was som<strong>et</strong>hing to be<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by the education experts. He said the government was<br />

for launching education. refprQ1.in the country, which would<br />

raise well-educated future generations.<br />

Prime Minister Erbakan said that much like they were providing<br />

the separatist Kurdish Workers' Party gangs with arms<br />

and ~rsonnel, foreign powers who were opposing the <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of Turkey had now found collaborators in the country<br />

against his government. He charged that when the "negative<br />

efforts" of some media establishments were taken into consi<strong>de</strong>ration,<br />

the i<strong>de</strong>ntity of "those collaborators'> would become<br />

more clear. He said "some media establishments" had been<br />

working for months until midnight in search of banner headlines<br />

which could harm Turkey's stability.<br />

He claimed that the efforts of those media establishments<br />

were the direct -result of the government' s move to cut lucrative<br />

state subsidies and credits to the press. saying that before<br />

his government came to power, media groups had received up<br />

to TL 6.2 trillion from the state. "They are angry that we have<br />

cut those funds. But, I warn them, we are all in the same boat.<br />

They work 'til midnight trying to make a hole in the belly of<br />

the ship. If this ship sinks, they should know they will sink<br />

with it. They are cutting the branch of the tree upon which<br />

they are sitting," Erbakan said.<br />

Karaday. visits Erbakan<br />

Meanwhile, Chief of General Staff Gen. Ismail Hakla<br />

KaradaYI visited Prime Minister Erbakan Tuesday. KaradaYI<br />

said he would brief the prime minister about his contacts<br />

~a<strong>de</strong> in Brussels during the NATO Military Committee me<strong>et</strong>lOgS.<br />

Reiterating that there was rift b<strong>et</strong>ween the government and<br />

the military, Erbakan said, "Hea<strong>de</strong>d by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel, our<br />

government and the armed forces Jare al! in harmony."<br />

.Army: Fighting radicalism,<br />

PKK a matter 2t!~~c<br />

Military discloses that<br />

Turkey' s national<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense concept has<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgone changepriority<br />

is now given to<br />

national and territorial<br />

integrity, domestic threat<br />

~d~~!~<br />

separatist terronsm were ut<br />

Turkish Daily News Wednesday. April30. 1997<br />

~~~~~:i,,~%:~~~~t~i~m and<br />

• The Office (jf the Chief of "life or <strong>de</strong>ath" importance for<br />

General Staff <strong>de</strong>clared Tuesday the military.<br />

that the Turkish military con- The Office of the Chief of<br />

HAYRÎ BtRLER si<strong>de</strong>red tolerance to the rise of General Staff held a special<br />

Ankara-TDN fundamentalism and separatist<br />

terrorism as tantamount to the<br />

briefing for journalists<br />

Tuesday. The briefing focused<br />

state committing suici<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Disclosing that Turkey's<br />

mostly on the current situation<br />

in the army's fight against the<br />

national <strong>de</strong>fense concept had separatist Kurdish Workers'<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r~on~ a rearrangert,lent and Party (PKK) and Turkishthat<br />

pnonty was.no~ g~vent?<br />

national and teITIt?nal mtegnty<br />

Greek problems.<br />

Disclosing that the annual<br />

and to the domestIc threat t.o revenue of the separatist group<br />

fundamentals of ~herepubhc, amounted to nearly $2 billion,<br />

Gen. Kf'nan Demz, he~d of the the military comman<strong>de</strong>rs said<br />

general staffs DomestIc that close to $5 million worth<br />

of arms and ammunition<br />

belonging to the militants had<br />

been seized by the army over<br />

the past year. The daily cost of<br />

the fight against the separatist<br />

rebels, on the other hand, was<br />

placed by the generals at $4 .<br />

million. The comman<strong>de</strong>rs saId<br />

that, hea<strong>de</strong>d by Iran and<br />

Greece, the countries supporting<br />

the terrorists were lending<br />

support to Islamic radicals as<br />

wel1.The comman<strong>de</strong>rs said<br />

although radical Islam in<br />

Turkey did not y<strong>et</strong> have a military<br />

capability equal to that of<br />

the PKK, this threat should be<br />

accor<strong>de</strong>d the utmost attention.<br />

Army: Giving free rein to religious extremism and<br />

PKK would be tantamount to.state committing suici<strong>de</strong><br />

Military discloses that Turkey's<br />

national <strong>de</strong>fense concept has<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rgone change - priority<br />

is no~ given to national and<br />

territorial integrity, domestic<br />

threat to republic fundamentals<br />

HAYRÎ<br />

BlRLER<br />


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