Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to live and be permanent resiûents in<br />

Germany."<br />

Hintze said that they were still working on<br />

the issue of integration, and that they were<br />

also discussing the visa for Turkish minors in<br />

Germany - known as the "baby visa" by its<br />

critics - and that mo<strong>de</strong>ls for the citizenship<br />

of these children were still un<strong>de</strong>r discussion.<br />

The German state requires visas for<br />

Turkish children un<strong>de</strong>r 16 years old.<br />

German Foreigners' Bureau official<br />

Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen disagreed with<br />

the claim that Germany did not need a young,<br />

foreign workforce.<br />

Schmalz-Jacobsen was speaking at a press<br />

conference to promote a bookl<strong>et</strong> released by<br />

her office consisting of useful statistical information<br />

on education as part of a program<br />

.called "Adjustment or Isolation'!" She pointed<br />

but that numerous firms in Germariy had<br />

.noted the educated and dynamic foreign<br />

workforce in Germany, which was increasing<br />

each day.<br />

She accused the German magazine Der<br />

Spiegel, which published a long article on<br />

young Turks living in Germany, of false and<br />

dangerous publication.<br />

Jacobsen also listed false statistics given<br />

by the magazine, and said: "Turkish young-<br />

~<br />

sters with German passports are our<br />

youngsters. We always point out that the citizenship<br />

of these young people should be<br />

facilitated, thus making them our economic<br />

and social treasure. Maybe German citizenship<br />

is not a magic wand, but it can <strong>de</strong>finitely<br />

solve lots of problems for us t}ndsecure their<br />

future."<br />

Turkish Dally News Wednesday. Apr1l23. 1997<br />

Saddam <strong>de</strong>fies West, semIs<br />

copters to pick up pilgrims<br />

Warning: Clinton tells<br />

Iraq religion shouldn't be<br />

used to eva<strong>de</strong> obligations<br />

Baghdad- Reuters<br />

• Iraq said its helicopters<br />

arrived at its southern bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

with Saudi Arabia to pick up<br />

Muslim pilgrims on Tuesday,<br />

ignoring a CS. warning not to<br />

violate the "no-fly zone"<br />

enforced since the Gulf War.<br />

The official Iraqi News<br />

Agency (L".-\) said "a number<br />

of helicopters were sent yesterday<br />

and this morning to the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

area of Arar to transfer Iraqi<br />

pilgrims from the city of Arar to<br />

all provinces in the country."<br />

INA said the undisclosed<br />

number of helicopters, which<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d one carrying foreign<br />

TV crews on Tuesday, lan<strong>de</strong>d<br />

safely at the bor<strong>de</strong>r post. Iraq<br />

had sent about 1,000 pilgrims to<br />

Mecca, all of them more than 50<br />

years old. In Washington,<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton on<br />

Tuesday told Iraq religion<br />

should not be used to eva<strong>de</strong><br />

international obligations but<br />

gave no indication the United<br />

Saddam Hussein in renewed challenge<br />

against UN-imposed 'no-fly' zone.<br />

States would r<strong>et</strong>aliate for<br />

Saddam Hussein' s <strong>de</strong>fiance of a<br />

"no-fly" zone to transport pilgrims.<br />

"My message is that we<br />

support people in exercisin~<br />

their rehgious liberties and 10<br />

living out their religious convictions<br />

everywhere in the world ...<br />

But we don't want to see reli-<br />

~ion in effect used an.d ~istorted<br />

10 a way to try to aVOId1Oternational<br />

obligations," Clinton told<br />

reporters.<br />

Nin<strong>et</strong>een rebels killed<br />

in Southeast region<br />

Ankara<br />

- Turklsh Dally News<br />

• Security forces have strock heavy<br />

blows againstthe separatist Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey's<br />

southeastern region during the Feast of<br />

the Sacrifice, killing 19 rebels,<br />

According to the office of the<br />

Emergency Rule region, in operations<br />

to clear PKK militants from the<br />

region, security forces killed eight<br />

rebels near Bingöl, six near Tunceli<br />

and five near ~lrnak,<br />

One terrorist surren<strong>de</strong>red to security<br />

forces near Siirt.<br />

A group of rebels in the southeastem<br />

town of Genç attacked a security<br />

team which was patrolling the area<br />

and seriously injured three soldiers.<br />

Another PKK group injured two members<br />

of government special teams in an<br />

attack on a police station in<br />

Alacakaya, near Elazl~, the Anatolia<br />

news agency reported,<br />


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