Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />


rAnkara Un<strong>de</strong>r Pressure<br />

ToTemper RadicalIslam<br />

By Kelly Couturier<br />

Wash'ington Post Service<br />

ANKARA - With Prime Minister;<br />

Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan and many of his<br />

dosest ai<strong>de</strong>s on a pilgrimage to the<br />

Islamic holy city of Mecca, the government'<br />

s secular wing last week<br />

han<strong>de</strong>d the nation' s governors a list of<br />

instructions aimed at stamping out radical<br />

Muslim activity.<br />

Interior Minister Meral Aksener <strong>de</strong>-<br />

Uvered the instructions to a gathering of<br />

80 provincial governors. They inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

or<strong>de</strong>rs to rrre any civil servant involved<br />

in subversive religious activities, to close;<br />

illegally operating schools and hostel~<br />

run by religious foundations, to shut<br />

down unauthorized Koran study groups<br />

and to enforce secular dress co<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

The action came as pressure mounted<br />

on the government coalition, especially.<br />

on the secular True Path Party, to implement.<br />

a broad military-backed plan<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed to crack down on Islamic radicalism.<br />

The National Security CoUncil,<br />

which issued the plan, is expected to<br />

review the government' s progress il}<br />

implementing the plan at its monthly<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing, scheduled for Saturday.<br />

. A senior military official, General<br />

Cevik Bir, recently called Islamicanti;.<br />

secular movements a greater national<br />

secûritY .thfeat .than the Kurdish separatist<br />

insurgency that has preoccupied<br />

the government for the last 12 years.<br />

Some political analysts were skeptical<br />

that the instructions to the governors.<br />

would satisfy the security council, which<br />

ïssued its I8-point plan in February. .<br />

. The councillikely will <strong>de</strong>mand fur-:<br />

ther progress in areas not a~dressed by<br />

:the interior minister's directives, said a<br />

:political analyst, Rasit Gurdilek,<br />

:Among them, he said, are overhauling:<br />

the national education system.in a way'<br />

'that discourages enrollment in religious<br />

schools and enacting tighter regulations<br />

on private donations, especially frop~<br />

religious organizations, to politÏc81<br />

parties. .<br />

Mr. Erbakan's Welfare Party ha~;<br />

pushed an Islamic-oriented agend\l;including<br />

proposals to relax dress co<strong>de</strong>s to<br />

allow women to wear religious head<br />

scarves in public buildings. In the process,<br />

Welfare has drawn the ire of the'<br />

armed forees, the nation's sworn guarantor<br />

ofseculansm. .<br />

The lO-month-old government. the<br />

first in mo<strong>de</strong>m Turkey to be led by an<br />

Islam-bàsed party, has also caused coneern<br />

within the armed forces, analysts<br />

say, by failing to crack down on a small<br />

radical element both within and outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

,the Welfare. faqy that seeks to alter;<br />

Tiirkey's secular foundations.<br />

,Welfare has dragged its fe<strong>et</strong> on implementing<br />

the I8-point plan, whic,l"<br />

calls for constitutional amendments and'<br />

other changes in law. In particular, ti}l~<br />

J;~\rtyhas resisted enacting a new edu.-<br />

:cation project that would phase out r~~.<br />

't:gious middle schools and make ~r<br />

l :\r<strong>de</strong>r for religious school graduates to<br />

f:lter universities. :<br />

An estimated 500,000 male and fe>-<br />

J'lale stu<strong>de</strong>nts are enrolled in religiou'!!<br />

rniddle and high schools, known as im~<br />

am-cleric training schools, many of<br />

which are fun<strong>de</strong>d by private religious:<br />

foundations based in Turkey. Some als~<br />

receive funds from Saudi Arabia ang<br />

other Muslim countries, government ofi<br />

ficials said. The military-backed plat<br />

calls for enrollment in such schools tc,<br />

be scaled back to only those stu<strong>de</strong>nt$<br />

who plan to become clerics.<br />

Many Welfare supporters and otherS.<br />

in the conservative religious commu~<br />

nity oppose phasing out the religiou!><br />

schools. They argue that the schools ar~<br />

not hotbeds of religious fanaticism, as<br />

portrayed by the secular establishment,<br />

but rather provi<strong>de</strong> an alternative to the<br />

state system, offering children a good<br />

education as they learn the principles of<br />

Islam. .<br />

But many in the secular camp say<br />

they fear that stu<strong>de</strong>nts in such schools<br />

have become vulnerable to radical Islamic<br />

propaganda.<br />

A.F.P.- Agence France Presse-A.F.P.- Agence France Presse-A.F.P.- Agence France Presse<br />

Soutien <strong>de</strong> Suleyman Demirel au général critiquant les islamistes<br />

ANKARA, 21 avr (AFP) - Les déclarations d'un général turc m<strong>et</strong>tant en gar<strong>de</strong> les<br />

islamistes au pouvoir contre toute atteinte à la démocratie ont reçu l~ soutien du<br />

chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat Suleyman Demirel <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'armée, affirme lundi la presse.<br />

Le général Osman Ozbek, commandant <strong>de</strong> la gendarmerie <strong>de</strong> la région d'Erzurum<br />

(est), avait mis en gar<strong>de</strong> vendredi contre toute atteinte à la démocratie le Parti <strong>de</strong><br />

la prospérité (Refah) du premier ministre islamiste Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan, chef <strong>de</strong> la<br />

coalition gouvernementale à dominante islamiste.<br />

"Il aurait été mieux si le général n'avait pasparlé <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te façon mais il faut<br />

comprendre les raisons qui l'ont conduit à faire ces déclarations", a dit à son<br />

entourage M. Demirel, cité par la presse. Il est actuellement dans la région<br />

d'Antalya (sud).<br />

Les propos du général Ozbek ont monté d'un cran la tension existant entre l'armée<br />

<strong>et</strong> le Refah dont <strong>de</strong>s porte-parole ont remis en cause ces.<strong>de</strong>rniers mois le caractère<br />


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