Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

_ Associ~lredJ)J-css - A.P. - Assoçiared Press - A.P. - Associarcd Prcss - A.P. - _<br />

TEHERAN (AP-19/04/97) -- Moins <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux semaines apres leur rappel, les<br />

ambassa<strong>de</strong>urs d'Australie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Nouvelle-Zelan<strong>de</strong> en Iran sont revenus a Teheran,<br />

rapporte samedi l'agence iranienne IRNA.<br />

Tous les pays <strong>de</strong> l'Union europeenne -Greee exceptee- avaient rappele leurs<br />

ambassa<strong>de</strong>urs pour consultation apres le jugement d'un tribunal berlinois rendant<br />

le 10 avril <strong>de</strong>rnier l'Etat iranien responsable <strong>de</strong> l'assassinat <strong>de</strong> quatre opposants<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s sur le sol allemand en 1992. C<strong>et</strong>te <strong>de</strong>cision avait <strong>et</strong>e imitee par l'Australie, la<br />

, Nouvelle-Zelan<strong>de</strong>, le Canada <strong>et</strong> la Finlan<strong>de</strong>. ' '<br />


Turkey'<br />

An i<strong>de</strong>al ally?<br />

generals, who then as now saw themselvesèriminals such as Catli, a fugitive since<br />

~ trustees of Kemal Ataturk's western-ori- 1978, had beenused by the state. Present-,<br />

ented, secular legacy. Military a"?,i<strong>et</strong>ies :able rightcwingerssuch as Turkes have beel1<br />

were shared by the National Action Party just as helpful. Although a military court<br />

, and,taken most seriously by the I<strong>de</strong>alists, jailed him duriilg the 1980s,Turkes-a for-<br />

T<br />

'ANKARA ' an association of young i<strong>de</strong>ologues gui<strong>de</strong>d mer colonel-did not bear a grudge. ,After'<br />

HE 1970sare remembered in Turko/ by Turkes. Until 1980, when fed-up gener- the collapse of the Sovi<strong>et</strong> Union, he difor<br />

an eruption of violence so dramatic als put a stop to it, I<strong>de</strong>alists were in the thick rected his energies against assertive Kurds,<br />

'that only a military takeover could haIt it. of fighting that claimed 5,000 lives. Turkes did his bit insi<strong>de</strong> parliament too!"<br />

No politician was more associated with the I<strong>de</strong>alists have remained useful even scorning colleagues who advocated cuI"<br />

blood-l<strong>et</strong>ting than Alpaslan Turkes, who though the communist threat has rece<strong>de</strong>d. tural autonomy for the Kurds.<br />

'died on April 4th. Why, then, should well buring the past ten years, other challenges His <strong>de</strong>ath poses questions over ho\"(<br />

over 100,000 people-including the presi- have uns<strong>et</strong>tled ]urkey's strongly unitarY; :long the alignment b<strong>et</strong>ween right-wingery<br />

<strong>de</strong>nt and some senior generals-converge character, the most important of which is: ,and the establishment can last. Whoev<strong>et</strong><br />

on Ankara tomoum him? ' 'Kurdish nationalism. Some I<strong>de</strong>alists have, ,succeedsTurkes at the head of the National<br />

, On the face ofit, Turkes was nev~r ~ore gone freelance, conducting. operations; ~ActionParty must win not only the trust or<br />

than a mo<strong>de</strong>rately important politiCian. against Kurdish militants and smuggling'a potentially unruly following, butalso th,e<br />

His militaristic brand of nationalism drugs and arms as a si<strong>de</strong>line. The best ;sympathy ofIoyalists to Turkes, who fill sf<br />

rarely appealed to more than a noisy mi- 'known ofdtese was an old pal ofTurkes,~ 'nior posts in several ministries. He,must':<br />

nority, the moustachioed heavies ofhls Na- Abdullah Cadi. On the day of Turkes's' :also<strong>de</strong>al with activists who want his partY<br />

tional Actidn Party. However, Turkes ~as <strong>de</strong>ath, parliament put out a report on links,to become more Islamic.<br />

appreciated in other, mor~ influentlalb<strong>et</strong>ween I<strong>de</strong>alists, crime and the state. This A tilt towards radical Islam would ce~.<br />

quarters; Although his remedies were con- subject would have remained unbroached,tainly ups<strong>et</strong> the generals. Last week, their<br />

si<strong>de</strong>red extreme, bis concerns reflected hadCatli not been killed in November in a '<strong>de</strong>puty chief of staff said that "anti-secular<br />

those ofTurkey's establishment. ' car driven by a senior policeman, owned movements" had replaced Kurdish nation-<br />

Twenty years ago, many of those wail- by a memberof parliament and carrying alism as the scourge of the age. Ever obliging<br />

har<strong>de</strong>st at Tuesday's funeral were foot- guns and drugs.<br />

ing, Turkes apparently muttered the same<br />

soldiers on a bloody campaign directed by , Most say that the parliamentary report on his <strong>de</strong>ath-bed. I<strong>de</strong>alists and fellow-trav-<br />

Turkes. The supposed allure of commu- is a whitewash, but Turks were not aIto- ellers may take note.<br />

nism foryoungTurksworried thecountry's g<strong>et</strong>her surprised to learn that convicted<br />

.,<br />

266<br />


.<br />

Y---S-addam's SonHas Surgery<br />

To RemoveJlull<strong>et</strong> Near Spine<br />

BAGHDAD .~' Sad4am Hussein~.se~<strong>de</strong>st son un<strong>de</strong>rwer:'t<br />

surgerySunday to remove at least one b~ll<strong>et</strong> ,lodged,Ilearhis,<br />

ispine after 3r:' ~s~sination attempt 10 December. gOv~<br />

'emment offiCIaIs saldo , , .<br />

The officials~speakin~ on cç>nditionof anony,mity,~~ a<br />

.French and Ge~an ~~cal team operated ~>n~e 33;~~ar"l<br />

old Odai Hussem earher 10 the day. The~ Sald hiS condi~on<br />

çpeared tobe_s~ble. but ~ecline9,tQ_g!veJur.tb.~r <strong>de</strong>wls:<br />

_...<br />

. . . .<br />

Mc. HUMein was ID _ o,t"Ir,qi telev .. ion Suada, night,f<br />

they said.. . -" .. " .. . . ..<br />

Mr. Hussem, whohad been w.i<strong>de</strong>ly believed to be Mr.<br />

Sadd8m~s heU-apparent, was shöt about 10 times while<br />

w8Itinsalone in a car m an upscale Baghdad suburb on Dee.<br />

12 . . . '. •<br />

Iraqi dissi<strong>de</strong>~ts hav~ said at least one bull<strong>et</strong> w~ lodged<br />

near Mr. Hussem's spmeand thatFrench an~ iraqi doct

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