Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

l'attentat<br />

sans avoir été inquiétés par les autorités autrichiennes.<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te affaire a rebondi après lé récent verdict prononcé par un tribunal<br />

<strong>de</strong> Berlin m<strong>et</strong>tant en cause les dirigeants iraniens pour un attentat<br />

contre <strong>de</strong>s opposants kur<strong>de</strong>s en Allemagne en 1992 mais aussi pour le<br />

triple meurtre <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s perpétrés en 1989 à Vienne.<br />

clp/bme<br />

A.F.P.- Agence France Presse-A.F.P.- Agence France Presse-A.F.P.- Agence France Presse<br />


l , '<br />

~Iran Radicals<br />

,Warn Gerrrumy<br />

'OfR<strong>et</strong>aliation<br />

By William Drozdiak<br />

Washington Post Service<br />

BERLIN - The lea<strong>de</strong>r of an extremist<br />

Shiite Muslim fundamentalist'<br />

group in Iran threatened Germany on<br />

Friday with suici<strong>de</strong> bombings if it did<br />

not apologize for a court ruling that<br />

blamed Iran' s lea<strong>de</strong>rship for or<strong>de</strong>ring';<br />

the assassination of Kurdish dissi<strong>de</strong>nts ~<br />

here in 1992., ' ,<br />

It was the fIrSt explicit warning Of<br />

violent r<strong>et</strong>ribution in the wake of last<br />

week's verdict by a, Berlin court, which;<br />

convicted an Iranian and three Lebanese'<br />

of mur<strong>de</strong>ring the Kurds at aJocal resitaurant.<br />

The coUftsaid the killers were,<br />

acting on instructions from Iran's<br />

!highest authorities.<br />

! European' Union nations withdrew<br />

their envoys from Iran after the ruling.<br />

, GermllllY bas steppedup anti-terror<br />

vigilance .at internati0!l~ ~rts and<br />

llJ'owtdgovernment buildings mthe l~<br />

few days, officials said. Italy also has<br />

moved td a. N.g~ alert after its intel-<br />

I~œ .. en'~ wlUnedOf.po,';.'" al' lievOil to bel1ßked tôlliè I".;an-bac'41<br />

tacks by Islarmc extreffilsts.<br />

Hezbollah group in Lebanon that carried<br />

. "We will èonftont insqIts to Islam out kidnappings of Westerners there. It<br />

and our religiQus lea<strong>de</strong>rship wherever in is mainly a pressure group representing<br />

the worldthèy occur;." Hossein Allah poor people who seek to prevent Iran's<br />

Karam head of the'Ansar'e Hezbollah ruling Shiite clergy from straying from<br />

group, told a crowd outsid~ the German the hard-line values of the 1979 Islamic<br />

Embassy in Tehran. "We are even revolution that toppled the shah.<br />

ready to strap a bomb around our waistst Until now, the Iranian government<br />

and go for martyrdom. Woe to you if you has expressed outrage but reacted with<br />

,do not apologize for your actions." 'cautionagainst the German court ruling.<br />

Ashe spoke, dozens of people signed Germany is Iran's leading trading partup<br />

on the spo'-,,-to become suici<strong>de</strong> ner and has long acted as a special inbombers,<br />

according' to an Associated termediary during timesof tension with<br />

Press report. from Téltl'ân. Mr. Allah other Western countries. After with-<br />

Kl11'am<strong>de</strong>clared that hundreds of othersdrawing their ambassadorsin tit-for-tat<br />

had already volunteered for suici<strong>de</strong> at" protests, both Iran and Germany <strong>de</strong>tacks<br />

against Oen:nany.<br />

clared they did not wish to see the dis-<br />

~ "Rightnow',qur,government won't pute escalate to open hostility. .<br />

~ow such' actions, but we are negotiating<br />

with it," he said.<br />

But with Iran heading into the fmal<br />

stage of campaigriing for its presi<strong>de</strong>ntial<br />

"Once our <strong>de</strong>adline passes, then Uer': election next month, the anti-Western<br />

many will be confronted with the ex_fervor in the wake of the German verdict'<br />

plosion of the Hezbollah," he ad<strong>de</strong>d, has been exploited by radical groups that<br />

without specifying when the <strong>de</strong>adline want to purge mo<strong>de</strong>rate voices from<br />

would expire.<br />

government.<br />

Hundreds of policemen in riot gear After keeping a low profile immewere<br />

arrayed in four human walls to diately after the verdict, leading Iranian<br />

shield the embassy, as protesters shouted politicians reacted angrily when the<br />

"Revenge, Revenge!" Disabled war lower house of Germany's Parliament,<br />

v<strong>et</strong>erans also joined the <strong>de</strong>monstration approved a resolution this week conafter<br />

the government said it would press. <strong>de</strong>mning .Iran for or<strong>de</strong>ring the assas-.<br />

charges .~gainst 24Gi:rm~ firms ac,:sinations. Tensions could rise further if<br />

cused of supplying Iraq with chemical: German prosecutors <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> to prolong<br />

'weapons used onIranian soldiers during, ,their investigations into the role played<br />

the 1980-88 war.<br />

'by Iranian lea<strong>de</strong>rs in the work of Iranian<br />

Mr..AJlahKaram's group is not be~ hit squads in Europe.<br />

~ . . . .<br />

Associated Press - A.P. - Associated Press - A.P. - Associated Press - A.P. -<br />

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP-20/04/97) -- German Foreign Minister Klaus<br />

Kinkel tried Sunday to ease tensions with Iran and said it was necessary to continue<br />

a dialogue with Tehran.<br />

Calling Iran "an important country," Kinkel said was b<strong>et</strong>ter to remain in contad<br />

than to lose influence by breaking off diplomatic relations.<br />

In an interview with Hessen radio, Kinkel questioned how much the United<br />


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