Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Bastn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Spiegel's covei story is "anawful one,"<br />

Roth's question io Çi11er was discussed<br />

and thatusing the statistics is misleading,<br />

among European parliamentarians who<br />

adding, "Since these laws are for foreigners,<br />

it is only the foreigners who can<br />

well a~ by Turkish parliamentarians.<br />

thought "Roth always exaggerates," as<br />

break them."<br />

The dissi<strong>de</strong>nt Health Minister from<br />

But Roth also criticized Turkish politi.<br />

the True Path Party (DYP), Yidirim<br />

cians, especially lntenor Minister Meral<br />

Aktuna, told reporters, "Everyone should<br />

Ak~ener, who compared the Krefeld<br />

mind his own country's affairs. It's not a<br />

arson attack with the Holocaust and drew<br />

German parliamentarian' s business, but<br />

criticism for using the word "Armenian"<br />

we should pull ourselves tog<strong>et</strong>her. Thus<br />

as if it were a curse. Although Ak~ener<br />

was a foreigner able to appear and criticize<br />

us like this, but it is not her place to<br />

'r<strong>et</strong>racted her words, the effects J:'emained.<br />

Roth's report accepted by the Turkey.<br />

do that."<br />

EU JPC on Wednesday foresees abolishing<br />

the visa requirement for Turkish busi-<br />

Mümtaz Soysal said that Çi11er should<br />

Democratic Left Party (DSP) Deputy<br />

nessmen and children un<strong>de</strong>r 16 years of<br />

have answered the words more firmly,<br />

age, a law <strong>de</strong>nounced as a "baby visa" by<br />

and that her response was vague. A<br />

its critics.<br />

female <strong>de</strong>puty from the DSP, Birgen<br />

Roth dismissed religion and culture as<br />

Kele~. said it was against the Republic's<br />

criteria and said that those who did so<br />

laws to have three wives and that she was<br />

"should shut up" and shouldn't disturb<br />

also against this, but that this me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

the critical dialogue. Roth ad<strong>de</strong>d that the<br />

was neither the time nor the place to<br />

positive announcement in the Dutch city<br />

voice such opinions.<br />

of Apeldoorn had been ma<strong>de</strong> to cover-up<br />

The secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general of the<br />

the Turkish reaction to earlier announcements.<br />

Adnan Keskin, said he didn't take Roth's<br />

Republican People's Party (CHP),<br />

Roth en<strong>de</strong>d the interview by joking<br />

words as interfering with Turkey's internal<br />

affairs, and noted that, "Matters of<br />

that she would have to seek asylum in<br />

Turkey because of her words.<br />

human rights are no longer problems of<br />

specific countries, but of all nations in<br />

Turkish re.ctlon to the world. I evaluated what Roth said in<br />

Roth's f<strong>et</strong>el question<br />

that light."<br />

iHD announces March HR re ort<br />

Ankara. Turkish Dailv News<br />

• HU?1an Rights Ass~i~tio~ (tHD) ~ecr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Abuses continue ;n l'apnh<br />

Ka~ll Ate~ogullan said md1V1duals10 Turkey felt JI lrJj, '"<br />

enmity towards each other and the state.<br />

Speaking at the monthly tHD press conference to<br />

announce the report on the March summary of human<br />

rights abuses, Ate~ogullan stressed that Turkey was<br />

l?sing. its reputation for reliability in foreign countries<br />

slOce It was not fulfilling its responsibilities based on<br />

international agreements.<br />

He said respecting human rights and <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

were not matters concerning the law as much as<br />

education and culture.<br />

Referring to the controversial eight-year mandatory<br />

education system, the IHD secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general said it<br />

was not the quantity but the quality of education which<br />

mattered. "Instead of discusslDg how many years primary<br />

education should be, children should be taught<br />

the universal aspects of human rights," said<br />

Ate~ogullan.<br />

He noted that prison conditions were poor and that<br />

inmates' lives were un<strong>de</strong>r threat when they should be<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r state protection in prisons. Hunger strikes were<br />

going on in Erzurum, Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Yozgat<br />

and Isken<strong>de</strong>run prisons to protest poor conditions,<br />

noted Ate~o#ullan. "Twenty inmates' health is in very<br />

bad condition in Erzurum prison. Even if one person<br />

dies, the blame will be on Justice Minister Sevk<strong>et</strong><br />

Kazan," he said.<br />

The tHD would also be closely watchin~ illegal<br />

organizations exposed by the Susurluk aCCi<strong>de</strong>nt, he<br />

said, noting that the Susurluk Commission's report did<br />

not satisfy the public. He said the Kurdistan Workers'<br />

Party (PKK) was holding one soldier and many village<br />

guards hostage and that the best solution Wl'lS for both<br />

Thefollowing statistics were takenfrom lHD's<br />

March report on human rights abuses<br />

• Eight people died in unsolved mur<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

• Seven people lost their lives through execution<br />

withouttriaJ.. after torture or while in custody.<br />

• 168 people died in armed clashes.<br />

• Attacks on civilians left 12 <strong>de</strong>ad and six injured.<br />

•. 11 people "disappeared" while in custody.<br />

.48 people were tortured or claimed to have been<br />

tortured. .<br />

.2910 people were taken into custody, 41ofwhom<br />

were frOm the press.<br />

.100 people were arrested.<br />

• Fouivillagesand haml<strong>et</strong>s wereevacuated.<br />

.tO locations were bombed.<br />

'<br />

.Sii'associatioDS, tra<strong>de</strong> unions and press agencies<br />

were dosaI.<br />

.Eightassociations, tra<strong>de</strong> unions and press agencies<br />

..ue. rai<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

.'26fJUbJications were confiScated., .<br />

ISO prisoners of conscience<br />

~A.r~,Sf~<br />

.~~baveâPPn>vedofprison terms ex~g<br />

12yean;andfinCStotaling TI.. 16,548,000. ,.,..••••••.<br />

si<strong>de</strong>s to exchange the people they held. Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-<br />

General Ate~o#ullan stated that further activities<br />

would be carried out for the Freedom for tsmail<br />

and Thought campaign which began March 6,<br />

~9~~~ci<br />


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