Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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What Does Clinton Do ifTehran Proves Guilty?<br />

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ASHJNGTON-Proteusas~s- By Jim Hoagland riskto American lives. The missiles hit evacuate at a moment's notice, They lJ:l<br />

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i<strong>de</strong>nt That is the s~ thus of . ~s intelligence headquarters late at can be repaired or replaced far more<br />

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William Jefferson Clinton. ud<strong>de</strong>nlythe nig t, killing janitors rather than the easily than major pieces of Iran's oil ~<br />

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ongoing search for =c, unmalle- America's military lea<strong>de</strong>rship, which officials who plotted against Mr. Bush. industry, which Mr. Cinton is nô more<br />

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able form for bis presi andbimself would contribUle its own values to car- Later military responses to Iraqi mis- likely to attack than was Ronald Re- .......<br />

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as a lea<strong>de</strong>r moves back to the Islamic .rying out the punishment of a foreign <strong>de</strong>eds and a path<strong>et</strong>ic failed covert at- agan in 1986, when he or<strong>de</strong>red an air<br />

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There is now a struggle insi<strong>de</strong> the suspects in touch with Iranian officials That raises fears amon~ Saudi of- and the United Nations has <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

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U.S. government to answer a question shortly before the bombing. These re- ficials and others that Mr. linton may that his agents carried out the bombing<br />

being posed with increasing urgency: ports follow a flurry of unpublicized launch "pinprick raids" against Iran if of Pan Am Right 103 in 1988. "Clinton<br />

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What does Mr. ainton do if clear ev- visits by senior forei~ officials to he does <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> on r<strong>et</strong>aliation. These has to think about what happened when<br />

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i<strong>de</strong>nce is uncovered that Iran, in a wan- Washington to gather information on would infuriate the Iranians and tempt Reagan tried r<strong>et</strong>aliation on the cheap, ' , ~<br />

ton act of mur<strong>de</strong>r by proxy, helped possible U.S. military r<strong>et</strong>aliation and its them to lash out locally, without bring- says Henry Shuler, an international oil CI)<br />

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Saudi extremists bomb the Khobar ing about a change of behavior or re- expert who was consulted by the Air ~<br />

Towers apartment complex in Dhahran gime in Tehran. Foree on targ<strong>et</strong>s in Libya in 1986. ~<br />

and kill 19 U.S. airmen last June? Shuler advocates These fears help explain the Saudi Mr. Shule.' advocates extending the ~ ~<br />

The struggle for Mr. Clinton's mind. ambivalence in cooperating with the navalblocka<strong>de</strong>nowinforceagainstlraq I<br />

on Iran is a struggle over conflicting extendr.ng the naval FBI in.vestigation into the Dhahran to Iran if Iranian. sponsorship of the tl<br />

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values and concepts of justice (areas blocka<strong>de</strong> nOw in force bombing. The Saudis do not want to Khobar Towers massacre is established. ~<br />

where he is un<strong>de</strong>r attack at horne) rather wind up bearing the costs of limited He does not un<strong>de</strong>rèstiJnate the tunnoil .....<br />

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thanastru~eovertherealmsofpolicy- against Iraq to Iran. American strikes. that this would create in oil mark<strong>et</strong>s or<br />

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~ an diplomacy. This makes a The Pentagon has beenreviewing the difficulties withAmerica's allies, but ~<br />

diffi t <strong>de</strong>cision even more complex. potential targ<strong>et</strong> listsinsi<strong>de</strong> Iran since he prefers those problems to mana~g<br />

The case of ~nding to Iran 's <strong>de</strong>- consequences for their nations. Fig- the Dhahran attack in Saudi Arabia the downsi<strong>de</strong> of new ~Ck rai in ~<br />

ètions is ra' y slipping out of the uring out how far Mr . .clinton will go (500 Americans were woun<strong>de</strong>d, in ad- the Gulf. He makes a g case . 'ï:l<br />

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ds of the diJ»lomats, who are paid to on Iran is the No. 1 global diplomatic dition to the <strong>de</strong>ad). Last July, then If Iran did commit mur<strong>de</strong>r of Amer-<br />

postpone or mmimize conflict and pur-. guessing game right now. Defense Secr<strong>et</strong>ary William Perry told a icans by~xy, the one option that Mr. ~<br />

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sue general principles, into the grasp of His record here is one of equivo- group of DOl=gn advisers that Clinton oes not have is to do nothing. ~<br />

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law enforcement officials, who are paid cation. Early in his presi<strong>de</strong>ncy he such lists had y been presented to The ayatollahs, and Saddarn, have<br />

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to pursue and punish specific criminals quickly or<strong>de</strong>red a cruise missile strike the White Ho=ssibie action. handily survived four years of Mr. -<br />

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and who want aroon by yesterday. against Iraq to r<strong>et</strong>aliate for an unsuc- Targ<strong>et</strong> lists Ycenleron i<strong>de</strong>o- Clinton's "dual containment" policy<br />

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If a smoking Iranian bomb fragment cessful !::tot against George Bush. But tified terrorist trainin~ centers, which in the Gulf. It is time for values of.<br />

.is found by the FBI, Mr. ainton's he care ly tailored the strike to min- w.ouldbe easy::.tts or croise strikes. justice, not of policy, to prevail. 0<br />

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<strong>de</strong>cision would be shaped as well by imize enemy casualties as well as the Terror camps, owever, are easy to The Washington POSI.<br />

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THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1997<br />

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