Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

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The head of the European Parliament's Greens ro CI d' R •<br />

Parliame!'1taryCommission outsi<strong>de</strong> Ankara's Uluc~nl~~'Pri:r1I~n ~th~nd thheco-chairman of t~e Turkey-EU Joint<br />

pro-Kurdish<strong>de</strong>puty Leyla Zana was refused She vowed t "k !le ay w .ere Roths applicallon to me<strong>et</strong> former<br />

there were people imprisonedfor their thoughts. 0 eep on InterferingIn Turkey's domestic TDN affairs" Selahalun as long SÖßmn as<br />

~meof the few unsolved problems nalizing certain crimes consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

Turning to other tôpics, Çiller m the wo~ld.<br />

"thought crimes," many people<br />

said the conclusion of the customs She said the format for a solu- were subsequently put back into<br />

union with the EU in 1995 represented<br />

a watershed in Ankara's ties b~:n accepte~ by the two commu- . Roth also expressed her aston-<br />

tion drawn up un<strong>de</strong>r the U.N. had jail.<br />

with the Union.<br />

mues on the island as well as the ishment at Interior Minister Meral<br />

She said that while the EU had EU.<br />

Alqener who recently ma<strong>de</strong><br />

not fulfilled its commitments un<strong>de</strong>r "But the biggest obstacle in <strong>de</strong>rogatory remarks about the<br />

this accord, Turkey had still been implementing this has been the fact Armenians.<br />

able to display its comp<strong>et</strong>itiveness that there has been no dialogue for Alqener subsequently apolothe<br />

~ast two years," she said. gized to members of Turkey' s<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the customs union.<br />

Çiller also said that Turkey Çiller ad<strong>de</strong>d that the lea<strong>de</strong>rs of Armenian minority, saying she<br />

should not be discriminated against the two communities on.the island ~hould not .have lI:sed words equathad<br />

now come to the pomt of mg Armemans With terrorism and<br />

in terms of its bid for EU membership<br />

and that the same criteria re.suming talks: The rem~ks by indicating she had really meant to<br />

applying to other applicants now Çiller concermng Ankara s refer to the Armenian terrorist<br />

should be applied to Ankara. attempts at human rights reform organization ASALA which has<br />

She said, "Europe should not were consi<strong>de</strong>re~ unconvincing by slain scores of Turkish diplomats to<br />

erect a new Berlin wall on the the European Si<strong>de</strong>. Diplomats say date. Meanwhile, JPC co-chairman<br />

basis of religion and culture," in a her credibility in EC circles is at an Democratic Left Party (DSP)<br />

reference to growing sentiments all ti.":lelo~ since she entered a <strong>de</strong>puty Mümtaz Soysal told the<br />

among Europe's conservatives that coahtlOn With the pro-Islamic ~N that Roth exaggerated while<br />

there is no place in the EU for Welfare Partyafter having Çiller had disclosed nothing and<br />

Turkey, with its different religion pr?mised Europe she would keep was vague in her commentary.<br />

and distinct civilization.<br />

thiS part~ out of power.<br />

"Y'f.e, as Turkish <strong>de</strong>puties, cannot<br />

Çiller ad<strong>de</strong>d that Turkey supported<br />

the bids of other prospective coffee break after the opening ses- expect to me<strong>et</strong> her when we can-<br />

Speaking to reporters during the ViSitLeyla Zana, so Roth cannot<br />

members and "friendlv" countries sion, the most vocal of the Euro- not," said Soysal referring to<br />

such as the Czech Republic and <strong>de</strong>puties, Claudia Roth, who has Roth's words about permission to<br />

Poland to join the EU,<br />

been involved with Turkey for the me<strong>et</strong> Zana in jail.<br />

Çiller also referred to Greek- past <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, said that Çiller had not 0!1 the issue of Greek-Turkish<br />

Turkish relations and the search for an~w~red any of her questions. relatlO~s, Soysal said the Turkish<br />

a s<strong>et</strong>tlement to the Cyprus problem. PomtlOg out that the Turkish for- comrmttee had prepared. a report<br />

She said that in the case of the eign minister had not once men- with nine provisions inten<strong>de</strong>d to .<br />

former, it was not a question of tioned the Kurdish problem, Roth b<strong>et</strong>ter relations with Greece and is<br />

separate problems but a collection ,expressed surprise given that this awaiting discussion and acceptance<br />

of related problems. She said the ~as "one of the main problems fac- of the report by the European paronly<br />

way of solving these problems 'mg.Turkey today." She ad<strong>de</strong>d that liamentarians, in which case a great<br />

was by means of dialogue.<br />

whtle some people may have been <strong>de</strong>al could be achieved. The JPC<br />

On the Cyprus issue, Çiller said released after a revision to article 8 me<strong>et</strong>ing is to continue on<br />

that while the means to resolve the of the Tyrkish penal co<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>crimi- Wednesday and end later in the<br />

problem were apparent, it remained<br />

day.<br />


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