Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Bastn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

séparatistes, l'armée, soutenue par <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères a abattu neuf<br />

rebelles <strong>et</strong> l'opération se poursuit, précise-t-on <strong>de</strong> même source. Le<br />

porte parole <strong>de</strong>s forces armées n'a pas précisé si l'armée avait subi <strong>de</strong>s<br />

pertes.<br />

Plus <strong>de</strong> 23.000. personnes ont trouvé la mort dans les violences qui<br />

secouent <strong>de</strong>pUIs 1984 le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, où le PKK lutte pour<br />

l'indépendance du Kurdistan,<br />

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rlsrael<br />

Finds a Friend inTurkey,~<br />

Thanks to the Generals<br />

By Steph~n Kinzer<br />

Over the past two years, Turkey neighbors. TOday both countnes<br />

and Israel have qui<strong>et</strong>ly forged a re- count Syria and Iraq, tog<strong>et</strong>her with and œyond politics, stepped in.<br />

N~w York TI"'~s StrvIC~ markable programof military co- Iran, as threats to their security. Publicly and privately, com-<br />

ISTANBUL _ When the fiery operation; in the process, they have Turkey's military planners por- man<strong>de</strong>rs lectured Mr. Erbakan on<br />

Islamic politician Necm<strong>et</strong>tin established what is now the most tray their country as caught insi<strong>de</strong> a the security value of Turkish-Israeh<br />

Erbakan took office as Turkey's po.werful military friendship in the B~rmudaTriangleofc~aos,withthe ties:~oshow,theworldtha~theyhad<br />

prime minister last June, it was 10- Middle East: . .. ,. Middle East on one Si<strong>de</strong>, the Cau- convmced him, the sen~or comgical<br />

to expect that he would tone The rel,anonsh.lp IScontlnul,ng to ~asus ?n ano~er and .~e Balk~ns, man<strong>de</strong>r. General KaradaYI, flew to<br />

downhispassionate<strong>de</strong>nunciationsof <strong>de</strong>velop, In~provlng thesec.unty of Includmg therr ~adltl?nal nval Tel Aviv in,February and pledged<br />

"Zionistlmperialism" and stopcall-: both countnes even asrelatlO~s. be- Gre~ce, on the thrrd. Like the h- Ankara'sJq.endship. .<br />

ing for ajihad, or holy war, to liberate twee1,1Israel and the PlI:lestml~ns r~hs, they feel the need for a strong Not suftjJlisingly,nearby countries<br />

Jerusalem. But few expected to see <strong>de</strong>teno~ate. and as the en~lre regl~n fnend nearby. . . have been sharply critical of Turkey.<br />

him sitting down for a friendly chat sees a nse In fundamentahst IslamiC These c~ld strategic ~alcul~~lon~ In February lea<strong>de</strong>rs of Syria, Egypt<br />

with the Israeli foreign minister. .moveme~ts. ., are ~e ba:'ls for a ~rowm~ ~Tllhtaryand Saudi Arabia issued a joint ap-<br />

That improbable me<strong>et</strong>ing took.. In particular, ~e relationship can relat1O~shl~. Israeh tech~lc,lans are peal urging Turkey to reco~i<strong>de</strong>r. Irplace<br />

a week ago at the Foreign only make Israeh lea<strong>de</strong>rs more con- now directing a $600 mIlhon pro- an and Greece also complamed. The<br />

Ministry in Ankara. True to form, a ~~ent t~at the>:can t,ake tO';lghpo- gram to mo<strong>de</strong>rnize Turkish fighter Turkish Foreign Ministry respon<strong>de</strong>d<br />

group of protesters assembled in slt~ons m <strong>de</strong>ahn~ With ~err Arab j<strong>et</strong>s. Israeli pilots are practicing ma- tartly that the wave of protest "does<br />

Istanbul to bum an Israeli flag and neighbors. An alhance With Turkey neuvers in Turkey' s vast airspace - not concern us at alL"<br />

<strong>de</strong>clare the visiting dignitary, David cO';lI~go a !01,1gway to.ward.~c:ut- and, according to the International Many Turks, with the exception of<br />

Levy, persona non grata. rahzlng Syna In any ~aJo~ CnsIS; It <strong>Institut</strong>e for Strate,ic Studies, arepan-Islamists in Mr. Erbakan's<br />

What was remarkable was notthe also co~ld, make Syna think tWI~e "almost certainly' flying recon- party, seem to support their counprotest<br />

but the fact that Mr. Erbakan, about stlmng up trou\>le to Israel s naissance missions aimed at nearbytry's embrace of Israel. Despite<br />

who a yearago might have led it, ,north, ho~ever p~occupied Israel countries such as Syria and Iraq. wi<strong>de</strong>spread anger here at Israel's<br />

was now its targ<strong>et</strong>. may be w~t~quelhng unrest among Turkish and Israeli ca<strong>de</strong>ts and of- treatment of Palestinians, they ap-<br />

During his visit, Mr. Levy m<strong>et</strong> the PlI:lest~mans. ficers attend each other's military pear to believe that the friendship is<br />

:with several high-ranking Turkish Sohdarity, b<strong>et</strong>ween Turks and aca<strong>de</strong>mies, Naval units hold ma- m their national interest. .<br />

officials in addition to the prime Jews s.tems ln part ~om their com- neuvers off each other's coasts. . Evi<strong>de</strong>ntly Mr. Erbakan agrees,<br />

mini~ter, discussing civilian cooper- mon history of conflict with Arabs. Some analysts predicted that ~hich sug~ests that his Turkish naation<br />

and ways to increase tra<strong>de</strong>.l;Jut Tu~ks ~led much of Arabi~ until these arrangements would collapse tion~is":l. IS stronger th~n his .I s -<br />

i.mdoubtedly his most substantive early ln thiS cen~, wh~n therr ~le after Mr. Erba1can t?Ok office last lamlc ~htancy. H~ also I~ ~wI~.g<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing was with the chief of the~as overthrown I~ a senes of Bnt. year. If he had re~c:ct faithful !O;to a reahty of. Turkish pohtlcal. hfe<br />

Turkish general staff, General Is- Ish-backed rebelhons; Israel has the oratory he used ln hiS 30 years ln .that has remalned unchanged Since<br />

mail Hakki Karadayi. They re- . opposition, they might have. ,the fo~nding of the mo<strong>de</strong>T? Turkish<br />

viewed the rapidly expanding Turk- . NEWS ANALYSIS But after he~. some anti-Israel.repu~hc 74 ye~s ago: In Imp?!1ant<br />

ish-Israeli security relationship and statementsearlymhisterm,the Turk- secunty questions, the mlhtary<br />

agreed to <strong>de</strong>epen it. ,liyed it~ whole nationallif~ in con~ ish mili~, which views itself as the 'makes key <strong>de</strong>cisions, and the govfllct<br />

With s~lDe.oLall of ItsAr.a.bcountry s long-term ~an above ernment follows.<br />

.<br />

-'". . .<br />


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