Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />


V.IS.Happy<br />

WithRecal1<br />

OfEnvoys<br />

By Tom Buerkle<br />

llllfml/liolll/i Hal/Id Trihu//('<br />

BRUSSELS - European govemme!lts<br />

struggled Friday to <strong>de</strong>fine a new<br />

pohcy toward Iran, beginning the formal<br />

recall of ambassadors from Tehran<br />

b~t ~esisting suggestions that Europe<br />

mimic the U.S. effort to isolate the Islamic<br />

regime diplomatically and economically.<br />

That r<strong>et</strong>icence, including a rejection<br />

by France of economic Sanctions indicated<br />

that the 15-nation European'Union<br />

was unlikely to go beyond the suspc:nsion<br />

of its so.-called critical dialogue<br />

With Iran, which was <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d late<br />

Thursday, officials said.<br />

But the European response to a German<br />

court ruling that Iran engaged in<br />

state-sponsored terrorism by slaying<br />

three Kurdish dissi<strong>de</strong>nts and their translator<br />

in Berlin in 1992 was firm enough<br />

to win praise from the White House and<br />

con<strong>de</strong>mnation from Iran.<br />

. In a scene that recalled images of the<br />

siege of the U.S. Embassy in 1979.<br />

about 3,000 <strong>de</strong>monstrators marched on'<br />

!he german Embassy in Tehran, pelting<br />

It Withtomatoes and chanting' 'Death to<br />

Germany!" and "Fascist Germany ser":<br />

vant of Zionism!"<br />

'<br />

.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Hashemi Rafsanjani disrmssed<br />

the German ruling and the<br />

Euro~an .reaction to it as a passing<br />

storm mstlgated by the United States.<br />

and Israel.<br />

He predicted that European countries<br />

would r<strong>et</strong>llm their ainbassadors to<br />

:rehran shortly, as they did afterprotestmg<br />

the <strong>de</strong>ath edict against Salmari<br />

Rushdie, the British author; in 1989. He<br />

~dtd that '~was stronger eConom-<br />

Ically than e~ty~ alo .and could<br />

stand up to f~ ~UOt.'<br />

. "W. . es 1IiOâldft='" '. .. *m to Ir....... -.-yUp .<br />

th;. noise in.c . ~ Mi:'Rafsanjani<br />

toIQwQf$biners2atbénld.at-Tebran University<br />

for Friday prayers. "But this will<br />

bring them nothing. ' ,<br />

In Washington, the White House<br />

spokesman, Michael McCurry, hailed<br />

the German court ruling as a confirm~<br />

ation of U.S. charges that'Iran sponsors<br />

international terrorism.<br />

"The European Union and the German<br />

govemment respon<strong>de</strong>d appropriately to<br />

that court <strong>de</strong>cision," Mr. McCurry said.<br />

"We'll continue our very close consultations<br />

with our European allies about the<br />

activities that we <strong>de</strong>em reprehensible by<br />

the government of Iran."<br />

In contrast with the Western con<strong>de</strong>mnation,<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Boris Yeltsin of Russia<br />

promised to strengthen ties with Iran. He<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> the pledge during a me<strong>et</strong>ing in<br />

Moscow with the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Iranian<br />

Parliament, Ali Akbar Nateq-Nouri.<br />

"We have good, positive cooperation<br />

with Iran, which shows a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to<br />

grow," Mr. Yeltsin said.<br />

The lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Communists in the.<br />

~ussian Parliament, Gennadi<br />

Seleznyov, criticized the German verdict,<br />

saying, "There is no court in the<br />

world which has the authority to pass'<br />

sentence on a whole nation. ' ,<br />

The overture from Russia, which is<br />

Seeking allies as a counterweight to<br />

NATO's J.>lanne<strong>de</strong>xpansion into eastern<br />

Europe, highlighted one of the problems<br />

facing European policymakers as they<br />

pon<strong>de</strong>r what, if any, additional steps to<br />

take against Iran. The Europeans know<br />

that many countries, including Russia<br />

and Turkey, are ,eager to step intO'any<br />

commercial and diplomatic gap left by a<br />

European withdrawal.<br />

. "D!, c~urse. it's an unpleasant regune,<br />

said Michael Sroermer, director<br />

of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik<br />

in Cologne. "But in the real world to<br />

ignore a country in this geopolitical siroatio~<br />

- with ~5 million people, controlling<br />

~ verr Important piece of real<br />

esta~, With ml and gas - is not very<br />

realistic. ' ,<br />

Greece un<strong>de</strong>rscored the liniits of<br />

European unity, meanwhile, saying that<br />

it was not convinced of the need to recall<br />

its ambassador. A spokesman for the<br />

German Foreign Ministry expressed<br />

"astonishment and surprise" at the lack<br />

of solidarity from Athens.<br />

European officials also showed no<br />

signs of shedding their traditional disdain<br />

for U.S.-style economic sanctions<br />

or diplomatic isolation, especially given<br />

the lack of results from Washington's<br />

hard-line stance.<br />

Jacques Rummelhardt, a spokesman<br />

for the French Foreign Ministry, indicated<br />

that France would oppose any altempt<br />

to impose economic sanctions Oll<br />

Iran. "In general, embargoes do not<br />

seem to us to be an appropriate mea-,<br />

sure," he said.<br />

Still, a senior EU official said that<br />

some sanctions, perhaps including a ban<br />

on visas for Iranian officials and restrictions<br />

on loans to Tehran, would be<br />

among the options put to EU foreign<br />

ministers when they me<strong>et</strong> April 19 in<br />

Luxembourg.<br />

This official also thought European<br />

governments might agree to closer scru-,<br />

tiny of Iranian diplomats stationed in<br />

their countries. On Friday, Britain noted<br />

its expulsion of suspected Iranian intelligence<br />

officials in 1992 and 1994,<br />

and suggested that France and Germany<br />

had failed to crack down on Iranian<br />

operatives working from embassies in<br />

<strong>Paris</strong> and Bonn.<br />

European oil companies, meanwhile,<br />

said they would not refrain from new<br />

investments in Iran.<br />

, Total, a French company, said it<br />

would continue with its $600 million<br />

project to <strong>de</strong>velop the Sirri oil and gas<br />

fields, while the British-Dutch oil giant<br />

Royal Dutch/Shell said it would continue<br />

to talk to Iran about <strong>de</strong>veloping its<br />

huge gas reserves.<br />

~r-l<br />

---""""ErB LJ-I. r-i U r---- -'<br />


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