Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />


r ĒUUnlikelyto Hit<br />

Iran With Sanctions<br />

abroad were approved<br />

TehranAi<strong>de</strong><br />

Key Witn'ess<br />

In Germany<br />

By William Drozdiak<br />

Washington Post Sen'ia<br />

BERLIN - Last October, nearly<br />

tl:rree years into the extraordinary trial<br />

that would prove that Iran' s most pO,wer~<br />

fui lea<strong>de</strong>rs gave or<strong>de</strong>rs to assassmare<br />

Kurdish dissi<strong>de</strong>nts abroad, the German<br />

prosecutor, Bruno Jost, <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d the time<br />

was ripe to play his trump card. ,'<br />

Mr, Jost introduced into the Berlin<br />

courtroom' a 39-year-old Iranian exile<br />

,who was called "Witness C." His real<br />

:name was Abol-Hassem Mesbahi, a recent<br />

<strong>de</strong>fector from Tehran who' was<br />

brought to the prosecution' sattention<br />

by former presi<strong>de</strong>nt Aboi-Hassan Banisadr,<br />

who himself had fled to exile in<br />

France in 1981.<br />

'<br />

Until Mr. Mesbahi was interrogated,<br />

even Mr, Jost did not realize whal a<br />

:trove of evi<strong>de</strong>ncehe would uncover for<br />

'the case.<br />

, Mr. Mesbahi served until 1995 as an<br />

:ai<strong>de</strong> to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Hashemi Rafsanjani.<br />

'He also was one of Iran' s most senior<br />

!intelligence officials, who supervised<br />

,key foreign intelligence., n<strong>et</strong>works<br />

among Iranians scattered in Europe.<br />

"He may prove to be the most valuable<br />

and well-informed <strong>de</strong>fector from<br />

Iran in the past <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> or more," said a<br />

'Western diplomat who has monitored the<br />

case closely .• ,Nobodyelse has provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that kind of insight into how the top levels<br />

of Iran's lea<strong>de</strong>rship really function."<br />

'Mr. Mesbahi's testimony was nothing<br />

short of explosive. He <strong>de</strong>scribed in<br />

:<strong>de</strong>tail 'how targ<strong>et</strong>s for _assassination<br />

by a powerful<br />

elite council known as the Committee<br />

for Secr<strong>et</strong> Operations and how the or~<br />

<strong>de</strong>rs for hit squads required the personal<br />

signatures of Mr. Rafsanjani and<br />

f\;yatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei,Iran'!:<br />

:j;;araniountreligious lea<strong>de</strong>r:, "<br />

Mr. Mesbahi also supplied personal<br />

'accounts of discussions that herald~<br />

the attack against three leading IraniaQ]<br />

'Kurdish opposition figures, who werë<br />

,~unne~ d~wn at the Mykonos re~taur~t<br />

~n Berhn m September 1992. HIS testImony<br />

was checked by Germany's for-<br />

;eign intellige!lèe seryice, th~<br />

Buri<strong>de</strong>snachrichtendienst, or<br />

BND.<br />

To the amazed <strong>de</strong>light of<br />

the prosecution, Mr. Me~bahi's<br />

bona fi<strong>de</strong>s were venfied<br />

every s!epof the wa~. A.:<br />

:phot.ographôf~. RafsanJ~I:<br />

$ignmg a secunty treaty WIth<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Edouard Shevard~<br />

nadZe of Georgia showed Mr.<br />

Mesbahi standing behind<br />

them.<br />

He 'also offered unim-<br />

,peachable <strong>de</strong>tails about secr<strong>et</strong><br />

,negotiations with German:<br />

politicians tha~ proved ~~<br />

played a promment role In<br />

:securing the release ofR':ldol~<br />

:Cor<strong>de</strong>s, a German busmess,<br />

'executive who was takenhos-<br />

,tage in Lebanon in 1987.<br />

Even more important, perhaps,<br />

was the emotional reaction<br />

in Tehran that gre<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

the news that Mr. Mesbahi had<br />

<strong>de</strong>fected to turn state's evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

in the Mykonos trial.<br />

Tehran's govemment'"Con-<br />

,trolled press sought to .discredit<br />

him. He was <strong>de</strong>scnbed<br />

!as a washed-up intelligence<br />

'agent who had been rejected<br />

for'ajob at the Foreign Ministry<br />

when he'~turned home,<br />

'The newspaper Tehrari<br />

Times said he became embroiled.,in,<br />

se\'.c!!t.a1, fmancial<br />

~<br />

SCanlSand rw'tup $3Ô mÜJlon<br />

in fraudulent <strong>de</strong>bt. When an<br />

arrest warrant was issued<br />

against him in 1995, he purportedly<br />

fled to Europe.<br />

Mohammed Javad Zarif,<br />

Iran' s <strong>de</strong>puty foreign minister,<br />

on Friday criticized the<br />

German court for reaching a<br />

verdict that "solely relied on<br />

'remarks of terrorists and hijackers,<br />

whose arrest warrants<br />

have been issued by the<br />

Iranian judiciary. " '<br />

•'These elements are members<br />

of couriterrevolutionary<br />

groups whose aim is to mar<br />

the prestige of Iran, " he said.<br />

But the three-judg~<br />

tribunal that heard Mr. Mes-:<br />

bahi 's testimony - some of it<br />

in secr<strong>et</strong> - found it persuas,<br />

ive enough to implicate Iran' s<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rship for the fust time in<br />

terrorist actions abroad.<br />

During several hours of<br />

reading the court opinion, the<br />

presidingjudge, FrithjofKubsch,<br />

referred repeatedly to <strong>de</strong>tails<br />

furnished by'Mr. Mes~<br />

,bahi that left no doubt that the:<br />

highest levels of ~:s lead-'<br />

ership or<strong>de</strong>red the killmgs: •<br />

Many of the sup~ortmg:<br />

documents in the court s verdict<br />

- which sentenced an<br />

Iranian grocer and a Lebanese<br />

accomplice to life in prison,<br />

,with two other Lebanese men<br />

,g<strong>et</strong>ting jail terms of five to Il<br />

iyears - were not ~a<strong>de</strong> pu~:<br />

,lic. German OffiCIaiS saId<br />

,there was much sensitive in-<br />

:telligence material in'the trial,<br />

that required an embargo. ,<br />

Sources close to Chancellor<br />

'Helmut Kohl said, meanwhile,<br />

that the United States did not'<br />

'convey any useful intelligence;<br />

data <strong>de</strong>spite Washington:s!<br />

eagerness to pr~)V<strong>et</strong>hat.Iran Si<br />

'lea<strong>de</strong>rs engage m terronsm.<br />


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