Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm ()z<strong>et</strong>i<br />

coàlition with Mrs. Ciller that fell apart<br />

last spring after he indicated he would<br />

l'lupport an investigation of the charges<br />

tagainst her.<br />

~lI!\iamentary investigators, leading<br />

pohtlcal figures, and Turkish. newspapers<br />

have been examining how Mrs.<br />

Ciller and her husband, Ozer Ciller<br />

became multimillionaires. They hav~<br />

raised questions about her statement<br />

~hat she inherited more than $1 million<br />

10 cash and gold from her mother, a<br />

,wom~ whose former neighbors have<br />

<strong>de</strong>scnbed as a penniless pensioner.<br />

~s. Ciller's critics have also examIned.<br />

the 'purchase of $1.5 million in<br />

prope!1les In New Hampshire by an<br />

Amencan company hea<strong>de</strong>d by her husband.<br />

They assert that Mr. and Mrs<br />

Çi~ler enriched themselves through il~<br />

hClt use of government funds in her<br />

years as prime minister from 1993 to<br />

1996.<br />

Some opposition figures have even<br />

suggested that Mrs. Ciller once held<br />

American citizenship, which if true<br />

could complicate her .political position<br />

here. They have sued In fe<strong>de</strong>tal court in<br />

New York to obtain her. passport records.<br />

~s. c;iller has <strong>de</strong>nied any wrongdOIng.<br />

Tim Platt, her New Hampshire<br />

lawye!, said she has never held an<br />

~me~c.an passport or been an Amer-<br />

Ican CitIzen. Mr. Platt also said that her<br />

investments in the United States comply<br />

fully with American law.<br />

Some aspects of Mrs. Ciller's rise to<br />

the status of a multimillionaire<br />

however, remain unclear. She has said:<br />

for example, that some of her wealth<br />

stems from wise investment of the $1.1<br />

million inheritance from her mother<br />

who died in 1995.<br />

'<br />

But neighbors of Muazzez Ciller<br />

said last week that she had lived near<br />

poverty in a shabby Istanbul apartment,<br />

and doubted that she could have<br />

left such a substantial sum.<br />

.Questions about the finances of Mrs.<br />

Ciller were of little interest outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

Turkey until June, when she astonishe~<br />

!ßany w~r~dlea<strong>de</strong>rs by agreeing to join<br />

In a coahtlOn government with the Islamic-oriented<br />

Welfare Party. Until<br />

then, she had bitterly attacked Welfare<br />

calling it a fundamentalist threat and<br />

vowing never to cooperate with it.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the coalition agreement, the<br />

Welfare Party lea<strong>de</strong>r, Necm<strong>et</strong>tin:<br />

Erbakll!l' became prime minister and<br />

~s. Ciller became <strong>de</strong>puty prime min-<br />

Ister and foreign minister.<br />

After the alliance was sealed, Mr;<br />

Erbakan 's supporters in Parliament<br />

helped Mrs. Ciller <strong>de</strong>feat a series of<br />

proposals, some of which they themselves<br />

had filed while in opposition, that<br />

would have referred questions about her<br />

we.althto the Supreme Court.<br />

Th;~ h"':led critics tO.ass.ert that a<br />

~<br />

<strong>de</strong>al has been struck un<strong>de</strong>r which Mrs.<br />

Ciller keeps the Welfare Party in<br />

po~er a~d,.i~ e~change, it protects her<br />

agaInst judlclalmvestigation.<br />

Charges of corruption and abuse of<br />

power began to swirl around Mrs. Ciller<br />

as she en<strong>de</strong>d her term as prime minister.<br />

In recent months, the charges have bec?me<br />

a .major topic of public discussIOn.This<br />

year, Mrs. Ciller has faced a<br />

series of parliamentary votes on charges<br />

that she i\1icitly diverted funds from<br />

~vera~ government-owned companies,<br />

Includmg an electric utility, an auto<br />

manufacturer. and a hotel chain.<br />

Mrs. Ciller agreed to an interview in<br />

February to discu~s the charges against<br />

her, but canceled It moments after Parliament<br />

voted, 270-263, not to send<br />

charges against her to the Supreme<br />

Court. Afterward, her office provi<strong>de</strong>d a<br />

statement that said:<br />

"The parliamentary commission<br />

conduc!ed :m extensive inquiry into<br />

~rs. Ciller s finances, releasing pubhc1y<br />

numerous confi<strong>de</strong>ntial tax r<strong>et</strong>urns<br />

and financial documents. which she'<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d voluntarily. The commission<br />

Issued a report of over 300 pages and<br />

c1e~ed her of any impropri<strong>et</strong>ies. The<br />

Parhament has confirmed that finding<br />

and the matter is now closed." .<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r Turkish law, Parliament cannot<br />

reopen any investigation within<br />

one year after it has been closed.<br />

/::=1 ======'J(( Tiny Island a Haven for<br />

Some Kurds<br />


Associated Press Writer<br />

Monday, April 7, 19973:10 am EDT<br />

ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam (AP) -- Jamil<br />

Khalil Samin sat outsi<strong>de</strong> a sun-bleached concr<strong>et</strong>e<br />

building that until recently housed U.S. military<br />

officers. He smiled at a group of Kurdish children<br />

playing in the stre<strong>et</strong>.<br />

.\.<br />

Before coming to Guam from Iraq, he saw a lot of<br />

suffering, Samin said. He tried to do som<strong>et</strong>hing about<br />

it, using his skills as a civil engineer to rebuild what<br />

Saddam Hussein's forces ruined.<br />

That, h~wever, put him in a <strong>de</strong>licate political position.<br />

By helpmg strengthen the Kurds, Samin also was<br />

helping the United States weaken Saddam's hold in<br />


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