Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

ment's approach since the me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

Recalling that bis party had been<br />

emphasizing the failure of military<br />

acllon alone in solving the issue,<br />

Ecevit said, "Security and <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

must be pursued simultaneously."<br />

He.proposed immediate implementation<br />

of land refonn in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

uproot the feudal system still prevailing<br />

in Turkey's southeastern region.<br />

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Dutch, French Eye<br />

Turkey-EU Bid<br />

Thursday, April 3, 1997 5:32 pm EST<br />

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- The Dutch and French<br />

foreign ministers were in Ankara Thursday to discuss<br />

Turkey's so-far frustrated bid to join the European<br />

Union.<br />

Both French Foreign Minister Herve <strong>de</strong> Char<strong>et</strong>te and<br />

the N<strong>et</strong>herlands' Hans van Mierlo recently <strong>de</strong>clared<br />

their intentions of bringing Turkey closer to EU ranks.<br />

"There was concern in Turkey towards Europe's<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong> (to Turkey's EU membership)," De Char<strong>et</strong>te<br />

told reporters.<br />

Last month, some EU Christian Democrat lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

called Turkey's membership application "not<br />

acceptable. "<br />

"We are here to confirm, for the Turkish people, that<br />

France(éonsi<strong>de</strong>rs, very clearly and firmly, that Turkey's<br />

calling is to join the EU," the French minister said.<br />

De Char<strong>et</strong>te stressed thatpotential EUmembers must<br />

have. <strong>de</strong>mocratic institutions, a <strong>de</strong>veloped economy,<br />

minority rights and no problems with neighboring<br />

countries.<br />

"But these criteria are valid for all candidates,<br />

including the countries of central and eastern Europe,"<br />

he said. .<br />

-Turkey's Kurdish problem, poor human rights record<br />

and tense relations with neighboring Greece are issues<br />

complicating its bid for EU membership.<br />

,An associate member of the EU since 1963, Turkey feels<br />

.it is being pushed asi<strong>de</strong> in Europe in favor of former<br />

Eastern-bloc countries. .<br />

Van Mierlo's country currently holds the EU<br />

'-.. ..<br />


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