Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

We feel strongly that<br />

religion isn't an issue.<br />

Unfortunatel y; the<br />

statement of the Christian<br />

Democrats bears the<br />

.stamp of Chancellor<br />

Kohl. However,<br />

the Socialists ...<br />

are adamant that<br />

religion is not an issue<br />

Now I would accept that<br />

western Europe is not<br />

perfect either, but by and<br />

large there is no comparison<br />

to the situation on human<br />

rights b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey<br />

and western Europe<br />

Bir on the issue of human rightsàna<br />

the relationship b<strong>et</strong>ween the military<br />

and the government. General Bir<br />

pointed out their constitutional'role,<br />

and said that the National Security<br />

Council has both military appointees<br />

and civilians. But I did tell hIm that<br />

we had difficulties with a system<br />

where an unelected military could<br />

apparently dictate terms to an elected<br />

government.<br />

TDN. In recent months the Turkish government<br />

claims to have ma<strong>de</strong> major stridt'S<br />

on the subject of human rights. Infact, follo~g<br />

the me<strong>et</strong>ing with you, For.eign<br />

Ministry Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary Onor Oymen said<br />

that by the end ofthis year, human rights<br />

issues would no longer be on the agenda of<br />

the Turkey-European Union. Does this<br />

reflect the position as you see it?<br />

GREEN: No, They have ma<strong>de</strong> a<br />

start withthe formal adoption of a<br />

'number of measures to improve<br />

human rights. They claim that now<br />

their laws are absolutely in line with<br />

western Europe. But it IS absolutely<br />

essential to <strong>de</strong>monstrate it on the<br />

ground. The crucial question is one<br />

of enforcement; Now I would accept<br />

that western Europe is not perfect<br />

either, but byand large there is no<br />

comparison in the situation on<br />

.human rights b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and<br />

.western Europe. So I am afraid I<br />

•.think it is very unlikely that this will<br />

.be off the agenda by the end of the<br />

year. Generai Bir said that every soldier<br />

carries a small book which<br />

stresses the importance of human<br />

rights. But it is a matter of training<br />

being carried through into what they<br />

actually do. I told General Bir that I<br />

had been a London M<strong>et</strong>ropolitan<br />

police officer for four years and the<br />

london police have a reputation for<br />

fairness and respect for human<br />

rights. Some abuses do occur, but<br />

these are the exception rather than<br />

the norm.<br />

TDN- in the field ofhuman rights are<br />

there any specific measures which you<br />

believe should be tackled as a matter of priority?<br />

(;REE:"i: We have not seen a<br />

<strong>de</strong>tàiled list of the measures adopted<br />

by the Turkish Parliament, so I am<br />

not y<strong>et</strong> able to comment.<br />

TDN- Were you able to visit Leyla Zana<br />

and other political prisoners?<br />

GREEN: No. Permission was<br />

. refused on the grounds that the new<br />

re$ulations restricted access to the<br />

pnsons to immediate family and<br />

lawyers. Y<strong>et</strong> only half an hour<br />

before, Tansu Çiller had said that the<br />

prisons were open and that anyone<br />

could visit them.<br />

TDN- To my mind, one of the biggest<br />

areas of misun<strong>de</strong>rstanding b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

Turks and the EU is the question of the<br />

Kurdish areas. Few people in Brussels<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand that the majority of the population<br />

ofsouthe~tem Turkey wish to live in<br />

peace and that they are suffering some of<br />

the worst terrorism the world has ever<br />

seen. Instead ofbeing seen as the oppressor,<br />

Turkey should be praised for helping to<br />

protect the citizens of ~e region. From<br />

your close observation of TUrkey,how do<br />

you see the Kurdish question, and what do<br />

you believe needs to be done by the Turkish.<br />

government to satisfy the European<br />

Parliament? .<br />

GREEN: This issue comes down to<br />

a discussion on human rights. The<br />

thing that needs to be done is a<br />

recognition of the rights of minorities<br />

- they want to be allowed to<br />

speak their own language in much<br />

the same was as the Welsh or the<br />

Br<strong>et</strong>ons orthe Catalans are free to do.<br />

so. They want to be free to maintain<br />

their distinct culture. Now we are<br />

totally opposed to terrorism and we<br />

are absolutely against the activities<br />

of the PKK, bùt the Turkish government<br />

must do more on the civil<br />

rights of the people of the Kurdish<br />

areas.<br />

TDN. There is an impression of Turks<br />

as being ''toopoor, too numerous and too<br />

Muslim." On the other hand Turkish<br />

industry and business believe that Turkey<br />

is a mo<strong>de</strong>m, industrial (or at least industrializing)<br />

country. Do you think that this<br />

impression in western Europe can be dispelled?<br />

GREEN: Turkey has every right to<br />

join the EU. The fact that it lias .<br />

already applied and the application<br />

was cOQsi<strong>de</strong>red shows that Turkey<br />

has aright to apply for membership.<br />

One of the most exciting things in<br />

this visit was the real bubbling up<br />

from the people of a real need for .<br />

human rights and <strong>de</strong>mocracy. In this<br />

sense I think that the political elite is<br />

out of touch with its owo.people.<br />

We had me<strong>et</strong>ings with ruStAD, the<br />

two tra<strong>de</strong>s unions and the Turkish<br />

Foundation For Small And Medium<br />

Business and I am much encouraged<br />

by what I heard. I do think these<br />

organizations have a role to play in<br />

dispelling this impression of Turkey<br />

being backward.<br />

TDN- There have been some unfortu.<br />

nate references in the recent past about the<br />

religion of the majority of the Turkish population,<br />

which you countered by saying<br />

that if the EU were to be regar<strong>de</strong>d as a<br />

Judaeo-Christian bloc you would not wish<br />

to be part of it. Do you feel that your visit<br />

helped to dispel the feeling in Turkey that<br />

religion was an issue for the EU?<br />

GREEN: We feel strongly that religion<br />

isn't an issue. Unfortunately<br />

the statement of the Christian<br />

Democrats bears the stamp of<br />

Chancellor Kohl. However, the<br />

Socialists as the largest political<br />

family in Europe, are adamant that<br />

religion is not an issue and I went<br />

out of my way during my visit to g<strong>et</strong><br />

this message across.<br />

TDN. FolloWingthe informal me<strong>et</strong>ing of<br />

the EU Foreign Ministers in the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands on 15/16March 1997,Deputy<br />

Prime l\Unister Tansu Çiller gave a news<br />

conference in Ankara on 17 March at<br />

which she explained that, ''the actual work<br />

and the real trial is only just starting."<br />

From the perspective of the European<br />

Parliament what do you believe this work<br />

should inclu<strong>de</strong>?<br />

GREEN: If they are serious about<br />

membership, then we must see the<br />

implementation of proper <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

and human rights. Tansu<br />

Çiller told us that the Parliament had<br />

brought in the three reforms which<br />

she had promised - the reform of<br />

Article 8 of the Constitution, the<br />

freedom of thought and <strong>de</strong>centralization.<br />

Now progress has been ma<strong>de</strong><br />

on the implementation of <strong>de</strong>centrali.zation.<br />

But there has been no<br />

progress on the implementation of<br />

other issues. There has been no<br />

extension of the franchise, no inclusion<br />

of tra<strong>de</strong>s unions and other<br />

groups in the political process. no<br />

extension of voting rights to Turks<br />

living abroad. For example, as a<br />

result of the changes to Article 8 of<br />

the Constitution, 142 people were l<strong>et</strong><br />


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