Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Islamists and this has produced positive<br />

results." All the aca<strong>de</strong>micians agree however,<br />

that the real test is now in Turkey, the only<br />

real functioning parliamentary <strong>de</strong>mocracy in<br />

the Muslim world.<br />

They feel the inclusion of the pro-Islamic<br />

Refah ln the <strong>de</strong>mocratic process has been<br />

unique and offers to become a mo<strong>de</strong>l. They<br />

say Refah has already moved to the center<br />

after being accepted as a major player in the<br />

political scene and this proves the success of<br />

the mo<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>micians also say their studies show<br />

that Islamic movements have nothing to do<br />

with religion but they have more to do with<br />

social justice.<br />

They also agree that there is a sharp change<br />

of mood in Turkey that coups are not a solution<br />

for the problems of the country and say<br />

"the country has left the period of coups<br />

behind."<br />

The aca<strong>de</strong>micians agree that Turkey has<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep differences from the Arab world. ''Turks<br />

have established political values and traditions.<br />

In Turkey everybody knows that their<br />

votes count. This is not the case in the Arab<br />

world. People are aware that elections are a<br />

mere formality and that their vote will not<br />

make much difference on who governs the<br />

country," a leading foreign relations expert at<br />

Boston University told the Turkish Daily<br />

News.<br />

Observers say the U.S. administration is<br />

try~ng to .m~e up ,its mind about the "process<br />

of mclUSlOn. While the aca<strong>de</strong>micians urge<br />

the government to look warmly to the issue,<br />

the strong American Jewish lobby is staunchly<br />

against it and is trying to influence the<br />

administration not to take a positive stand on<br />

the issue.<br />

The observers say the new U.S. Assistant<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Martin Indyk for Near<br />

Eastern and Asian Affairs and a former<br />

ambassador in Israel, feels Islamists should<br />

not be ~owed in the political process. They<br />

say he IS close to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton and<br />

may well be influential.<br />

However, there are others like former U.S.<br />

Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Robert Pell<strong>et</strong>reau<br />

who is still influential in Washington who '<br />

feels the Islamists should be given a chance.<br />

So experts say the battle lines are being drawn<br />

up in the United States as the "process of<br />

inclusion" <strong>de</strong>bate heats up. Meanwhile the<br />

TON learnt the U.S. administration has<br />

or<strong>de</strong>red an extensive study of American policy<br />

on the Muslim world.<br />

Turkish Dally News Monday. March 31. 1997<br />

Pauline Green: 'I am raising these<br />

issues to improve Turkey's EU chances'<br />

We are totally opposed<br />

to terrorism and we are<br />

absolutely against the<br />

activities of rhe PKK, but the<br />

Turkish government must do<br />

more on the civil rights of the<br />

people of the Kurdish areas<br />

Turkey has every right to<br />

join the EU. The fact that it<br />

has already applied and the<br />

application was consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

shows that Turkey has a<br />

right to apply for membership<br />

The European Parliament.<br />

does have great concerns<br />

about four areas in particular,<br />

that is <strong>de</strong>mocratization, the<br />

respect of human rights, the<br />

Kurdish problem and the around o~ce eve~ nine ~on~hs. A<br />

" week after her VISit- with time for<br />

C ypnot questIOn her to reflect her findings, Anthony<br />

Pearce interviewed Pauline Green<br />

You would not believe<br />

the hatemail I receive<br />

from Turks and Turkish<br />

Cypriots, and so much<br />

of it is particularly<br />

offensive to me as a woman<br />


London. Turkish Daily News<br />

• Pauline Green, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the<br />

Socialists in the European<br />

Parliament, was in Turkey recently<br />

with three other Members of the<br />

European Parliament Socialist Group<br />

for an intensive round of talks with<br />

leading politicians and ministers. A<br />

Surveillance Group was s<strong>et</strong> up by the<br />

European Parliament, when it<br />

approved the customs union agreement,<br />

and as a result Pauline Green<br />

has been i!:lT~rkey on official visits<br />

for the Turkish Daily News in her<br />

North London constituency office.<br />

TDN- You travelled to Turkey at a time<br />

when the local political atmosphere was<br />

highly charged, not the least as a result of<br />

the "coup" allegedly staged by the National<br />

Security Council. Did you find this affected<br />

the discussions you had with ministers and<br />

omcia1s?<br />

GREEN: It did. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly people<br />

were talking about the relationship<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the Government and the<br />

military. Now I know that the military<br />

has a role as the guardian of the<br />

secular state and it is for that reason<br />

that on every one of my previous visits<br />

to Turkey, we have asked to see<br />

the military, and permission has<br />

always been refused. But on this<br />

occasion it was granted and th~<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty head of the chiefs of staff,<br />

General Çevik Bir kept his diary<br />

open for us for a whole 24 hours. We<br />

had a long discussion with General<br />


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