Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

to be inclined to stage an early election sible manner. Ecevit also Urged ANAP<br />

to keep the MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions in limbo, he 10 use a mil<strong>de</strong>r tone towards the DYP so<br />

stressed. Ecevitalso said the RP was ~asnotto block the path towards an alter-<br />

.inciting its grassroots and calling for a native government He said some DYP .<br />

jihad, a holy war. He said .tOe RP obvi- figures were supporting the three-party<br />

'OUSlyassumed it woul4 emerge stronger or four-party government mo<strong>de</strong>ls profrom<br />

an early election and would thus ed b th DSP Ind Mini<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urn to Parliament in a position' which pos y e . ustry ster<br />

Erez, speaking at a me<strong>et</strong>ing in Çanlan<br />

would enable it to resist the MGK <strong>de</strong>ci-. . staged by the Turkish Union of .<br />

sions more easily. But that plan may not Chambers and Exchanges (TOBB), said,<br />

work, and, in the meanwhile, the country "As leng as the DYP is a partner in this<br />

may be plunged into a serious crisis. government, the MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions willl:>e<br />

Ecevit continued to say, ''With such a implemented without a change. !fthere<br />

strategy the RP may be <strong>de</strong>siring to are those who would not have these<br />

'plunge Turkey into a climate similar to . implemented, I am challenging them.<br />

the one in Algeria. But Turkey is not , L<strong>et</strong> them come up and prevent these<br />

Algeria. The Turkish nation is mature from being implemented."Erez stressed<br />

enough to solve its problems within the that the DYP was <strong>de</strong>termined to implerules<br />

of the <strong>de</strong>mocratic state which ment the <strong>de</strong>cisions even at the risk of<br />

upholds the rule oflaw."<br />

causing the coalition governmènt com-<br />

Ecevit said the RP could make Çiller ing to an end. He noted that article one<br />

agree to an early election by putting of the coalition protocol said no concespressure<br />

on her. "But then they would be sions would be ma<strong>de</strong> from Atatürk's<br />

causing their own downfall and con- principles and reforms on which the<br />

tributing to a serious regime crisis," he republic was built<br />

said. 'Turkey may be faced with the DYP Deputy Chairman Hayri<br />

biggest danger in the history of the KozakClO~U, on the other hand, said that<br />

republic unless the strategy the RP has the relevant party bodies had not taken a<br />

adopted in recent days is not ren<strong>de</strong>red <strong>de</strong>cision to withdraw from the coalition.<br />

ineffective as soon as possible." He said "We do not want to create a government<br />

the main condition of preventing that vacuum or an instabilityinthe adminisdanger<br />

was that the DYP group should tration. The MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions will be<br />

be able to overcome the "Çiller obstacle" implemented and the government will<br />

and make Çiller start acting in a respon- continue," he said, .<br />

leki Çakan, Deputy Chairman of the .<br />

ANAP group in Parliament, said, "If, in<br />

a country, the military are uneasy, that<br />

means that soci<strong>et</strong>y is uneasy since the<br />

military are part of the soci<strong>et</strong>y. This government<br />

will be swept away by the pub-.<br />

lic wave of reaction against it The government<br />

has been virtually finished off.<br />

Soon it will be finished ]egally too. The<br />

government is ups<strong>et</strong> by the failure to<br />

implement the MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions ."<br />

CHP Chairman Bayka1 said if the<br />

Welfare Party (RP) does not adopt the<br />

MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions it had already signed,<br />

Turkey would find serious problems<br />

ahead. Referring to RP Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-<br />

General Oguzhan Asiltürk's statement in<br />

the press that the MGK <strong>de</strong>cisions would<br />

not be implemented, Bayka1 noted that<br />

all the items had been consi<strong>de</strong>red and<br />

signed by MGK members. "However,<br />

now the RP says the prime minister<br />

signed the <strong>de</strong>cisions due to protocol," he<br />

said. "A situation which I have been<br />

telling the public about for some time<br />

has occurred. Constitutional bodies no<br />

longer trust each other. A government<br />

who lies to the constitutional bodies and<br />

<strong>de</strong>nies its own signarure does not<br />

<strong>de</strong>serve to stay in office. A prime minisler<br />

cannot <strong>de</strong>ceive the public so openly<br />

and so ru<strong>de</strong>ly;" Baykal said that one way<br />

to solve the crisis was through an early<br />

election.<br />

ParliamentaryCommission<br />

plans another visit to Lice<br />

The head of the commissio!l was called by The commission will be visiting Lice again in the very<br />

the Emergency Rule Regional governor near future to gather information to prepare another<br />

and 'asked' not to release the report because<br />

report,<br />

Türk: 'The commission<br />

it 'criticised' the state. sources said<br />

is not in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt'<br />

SAADET ORUÇ Ahm<strong>et</strong> Türk, the former chairman of the Parliament' s<br />

Ankara- Turkis/J Daily News<br />

human rights commission and the head of the pro-<br />

Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HADEP), which has<br />

• The Emergency Rule Region Governorate is reportedly been following the inci<strong>de</strong>nts in Lice, told the TDN that it<br />

s<strong>et</strong>ting up obstacles for the Lice commission, the Turkish was nearly impossible for the commission to be in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

"I came across the members of the commission in<br />

Daily News learned. . .<br />

The commission was s<strong>et</strong> up by Parliament toinvestigatc<br />

allcgations that r,csidcnts of Lice were forced to . told me it was clear that the people had been forced to<br />

DiyarbakIr while they were r<strong>et</strong>urning from Lice. They<br />

become village guar~s. It visited the town more than'a. become village guards. But it means that if they put this<br />

month ago, but its report has not y<strong>et</strong> been released. . in their report, there would be official <strong>de</strong>nials of its content.<br />

Members of the commission inclu<strong>de</strong> Musa Okçu, Demir<br />

(Based onthe governor's <strong>de</strong>mand) it shows that<br />

Berberoglu, Hakan Tartan, Suha Tamk and Sabri Ergül. even a governor can affect the Parliament, which is a<br />

The parliamentary. sources briefing the TDN said that , scandal.consi<strong>de</strong>ring the situation of <strong>de</strong>mocracy in the<br />

the commission' s remar-ks in its report about Lice have<br />

catalyzed many disagreements among the members of the<br />

commission. Demir Berberoglu,.the head of the commission<br />

was called by the Emergency Rule Regional governor<br />

and "asked" not 10 release the report because it "criticised"<br />

the state, according to the same sources. Although<br />

the commission's report on Lice was expected to.be<br />

released immediately upon its compl<strong>et</strong>ion, the request by<br />

the governor has resulted in more than a month's <strong>de</strong>lay,<br />

sourccs ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

country." said Turk.<br />

Lice is a town which played an important role during<br />

the establishment of the separatist Kurdistan Workers'<br />

Party (PKK) and was the sIte of many secr<strong>et</strong> me<strong>et</strong>ings of .<br />

its foun<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

'<br />

Thus it has strategic significance both for the PKK and<br />

the state. According to data published by the Human<br />

Rights Association, since 1992 most. of the people living<br />

in the region of Lice have been forced to migrate because<br />

their villages have been burnt down. .<br />


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