Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la .Prensa-BasIn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Turkeyun<strong>de</strong>r. world'<br />

Germany's Klaus.<br />

Kinkelleaves EU<br />

question hanging<br />

SEMÎH D.IDiz<br />

Ankara- Turkish Daily News<br />

., German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d his controversial visit to Turkey on<br />

Thursday by tryin~ to assure Turks that their<br />

country's place is 10 Europe, and that Ankara<br />

is on the "main track" in terms of its bid for<br />

European Union membership. '<br />

But it was noteworthy that<br />

what he gave with his<br />

right hand was all too<br />

readily taken back<br />

with the left, an<br />

approach that appears<br />

to have become a<br />

"characteristic" of<br />

Bonn' s position vis-a-'<br />

vis Turkey.<br />

"Turkey will not be<br />

able to become a member of the<br />

European Union in the near tenn ...because of<br />

human rights, the Kurdish question, relations<br />

with Greece and certain economic matters,"<br />

he told a press conference on Wednesday<br />

after talks with Tansu Çiller. '<br />

German officials are quiek to point out that<br />

there is no "malice" in these remarks which<br />

after all represent a mere "statement of fact."<br />

The Turkish si<strong>de</strong> appears in actual fact to<br />

be in<strong>de</strong>ed satisfied With what Kinkel said<br />

during his talks in Ankara, and especially his<br />

, message that Chancellor Kohl has no intention<br />

ofblockin~ Turkey's E~ patJ:1. .<br />

Senior offiCIais say the diSCUSSionsWith<br />

Kinkel were "useful' and "contributed to b<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

mutual un<strong>de</strong>rstanding." But Turkish offi- '<br />

cials still note the absence orthe same tone on<br />

the German si<strong>de</strong> when these reassurances are<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> in public. 'The public German tone does<br />

seem wanting when contrasted with the tone<br />

of other EU countries which are more forward<br />

in terms of their words of reassurance for<br />

Turkey," according to one Turkis~ official.<br />

He conce<strong>de</strong>s that there are specific reasons<br />

for this that have to do with the "domestic situ-,<br />

ation in Germany." On the German si<strong>de</strong>, the '<br />

bottom line appears to be that "friends must<br />

talk franldy" as Germany is doing, and refrain<br />

from "vacuous heroies" as other EU members<br />

are doing with their openly supportive remarks<br />

on Turkey.<br />

.spotlight<br />

It is also noteworthy that while "not exactly<br />

happy" with France and Great Britain on this<br />

score, the real anger in Bonn is directed at.<br />

Athens which has come out unexpectedly 10<br />

.support of Ankara in the reçent <strong>de</strong>bate on<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her Turkey has a place in E~rope or not<br />

While acknowledging that "friends must '<br />

in<strong>de</strong>ed be frank~' the Turkish si<strong>de</strong> is, neverthe~ :<br />

less, of the opinion that frankness "must not be<br />

<strong>de</strong>bilitating but must be useful."<br />

Although Turkish officials un<strong>de</strong>rstand .that<br />

Kinkel is "stating facts," as German offiCiaI<br />

argue, when he says EU membership for<br />

Ankara. is far off, they are nevertheless unhappy<br />

about the fallout from these remarks.<br />

They point, as an example, at.a N~w y

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