Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Turkish Foreign Ministry had to satisfy the<br />

Gennan <strong>de</strong>mand that Ankara <strong>de</strong>ny that<br />

Erbakan had ma<strong>de</strong> these remarks in or<strong>de</strong>r for<br />

Kinkel to continue with his trip.<br />

But the Gennan Foreign Mmister was visibly<br />

ruffled by these remarks which he knew<br />

had been ma<strong>de</strong> and told reporters in the<br />

Turkish Parliament that he would take up the<br />

matter of this "megaphone diplomacy" when<br />

he m<strong>et</strong> with Prime Minister Erbakan later in<br />

the day.<br />

"I don't feel that to be a friendly welcome. 1<br />

will say that calmly and clearly," he said,<br />

Kinkel said that he had arrived in Turkey to<br />

try and sort out the problems that exist<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries. 'There is a need<br />

for honest dialogue b<strong>et</strong>ween friends. But this<br />

must be conducted within the framework of a<br />

certain tone." Referring to the remarks attributed<br />

by OPA to Erbakan, Kinkel put the matter<br />

in plain terms.<br />

"If these remarks had not been <strong>de</strong>nied then 1<br />

was going to r<strong>et</strong>urn to Germany from Rome<br />

where 1was attending a me<strong>et</strong>ing of EU foreign<br />

Ministers ... Among ourselves we can say<br />

what we want, but we have to weigh our<br />

words when we are talking in 'public," Kinkel<br />

said in what was a blunt chasttsement of the<br />

Turkish prime minister.<br />

Pointing out that there were seROUSproblems<br />

in Turkish-EU ties, Kinkel said these ties<br />

nevertheless had to be maintained in "calm<br />

waters ....<br />

Turkish-German relations have been on the<br />

<strong>de</strong>cline since Bonn reacted to Deputy Prime<br />

Minister and Foreign Minister Tansu Çiller's<br />

threat that Ankara would v<strong>et</strong>o NATO expansion<br />

if the EU took in former Warsaw Pact<br />

members before Turkey.<br />

While the Gennan Si<strong>de</strong> inte~r<strong>et</strong>ed this as .<br />

"attempted blackmail," Europe s Christian<br />

Democrat led by German Chancellor Helmut<br />

Kohl had subsequently sent an eqùally blunt<br />

message to Ankara saxing it could not join the<br />

EU for "civilizational' and "cultural" reasons.<br />

This blunt message was said by diplomats<br />

to have been spurred by Çmer's remarks about<br />

NATO expansion. .<br />

'Addressing a joint press conference with<br />

Çiller after their talks' in the afternoon Kinkel<br />

referred to the question of NATO expansion<br />

and said every country had to act responsIblY<br />

with regard to this issue.<br />

"No one should <strong>de</strong>mand of others what they<br />

can not do," Kinkel said. .<br />

He repeated that he had arrived in Turkey<br />

with his head held high and that no German<br />

official would arrive here with feelings of<br />

shame.<br />

Referring to the fact that Greece was blocking<br />

EU funds allocated to Turkey un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

customs union, Kinkel said he too was not satisfied<br />

with this situation.<br />

Kinkel recalled that he had personally been<br />

making great efforts to have this obstacle<br />

removed.<br />

The German Foreign Minister also <strong>de</strong>clared<br />

that while it was not in the cards that Turkey<br />

should join the EU in the near future, Ankara<br />

was nevertheless on the track to eventual<br />

membership.<br />

He dispelled any notions that Turkey would<br />

be pushed asi<strong>de</strong> from this track.<br />

Kinkel also called on Turkey and Greece to<br />

improve their relations. .<br />

"I don't want to interfere in the domestic<br />

affairs of Greece and Turkey but the two countries<br />

have to come closer on a solution to the<br />

Cyprus problem."<br />

Kinkel that the human rights issues and the<br />

"Kurdish problem" in Turkey were also<br />

among the issues that were obstructing<br />

Ankara' s path to the EU.<br />

Foreign Minister Çiller for her part, said<br />

that there was discrimination against Turkey in<br />

Europe, adding that this should not be the<br />

case.<br />

"Our expectation is that we are treated justly,"<br />

Çiller said reminding listeners that Turkey<br />

was a longstanding member of NATO.<br />

She also <strong>de</strong>nied that there was a "Kurdish<br />

problem" in Turkey. Çiller said that every person<br />

in this country was a "first class citizen."<br />

During his talks with Çiller, Kinkel is said<br />

to have proposed a "new plan of action" for<br />

enhancing Turkish-EU ties. The principal<br />

components of this plan are said to incorporate<br />

further <strong>de</strong>velopment of the customs union, creating<br />

new financial resources in this context,<br />

cooperating against organized crime, particularly<br />

against drug smuggling, and increasing<br />

political and cultural contacts.<br />

EU traffie<br />

toeontinue<br />

Ankara- Turldsb DaHy News<br />

• High level diplomatic traffic to<br />

Turkey from Europe is seen to be<br />

increasing. French Foreign<br />

Minister Herve <strong>de</strong> Char<strong>et</strong>te and<br />

Qutch Foreig~ Minister Hans Van<br />

Miedo are s<strong>et</strong> to arrive in Ankara<br />

in early April for talks on Turkish-<br />

EU ties. These visits will take<br />

place on the heels of the on~oing<br />

visit by German Foreign Mmister<br />

Klaus Kinkel to Turkey<br />

The French minister's visit is to<br />

take up all issues of interest<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries - from<br />

the Middle East to the Caucasus<br />

- but the agenda will no doubt be<br />

topped by Turkey's relations with<br />

the European Union.<br />

De Char<strong>et</strong>te, who has planned<br />

to visit Turkey since last autumn,<br />

Turkisb Dairy News rnURSDA Y, MARCH 27, 1997<br />

is to be in Ankara April 2-3.<br />

France, which has distanced itself from<br />

the remarks ma<strong>de</strong> by the Christian<br />

Democrats that Turkey was not a<br />

European Union candIdate, said in the last<br />

EU minister' s informal me<strong>et</strong>ing in<br />

Apeldoorn that the EU's commitments to<br />

Ankara should be kept.<br />

Herve <strong>de</strong> Char<strong>et</strong>te said in that me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

Turkey's candidacy should be judged in a<br />

"non-discriminatory fashion" and "in the<br />

same way" as the other European Union<br />

candidates.<br />

France, along with the Dutch presi<strong>de</strong>n-<br />


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