Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revu"e <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basln Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

'ers, Wildred Maartens, a former Be.lgiaIi<br />

prime minister, said that Turkey "IS not<br />

a candidate to become a member of the<br />

European Union, short-term or long." ~<br />

Turkish diplomats sought to d~wn"<br />

play the results of the Brussels me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

by pointing out that it did not officially<br />

reflect the views of either the European<br />

Union or any member government. The<br />

statement Wednesday by MT. Kinkel,<br />

however, was an official <strong>de</strong>claration by<br />

one ofthe Union 's most important mem-.<br />

ber states.<br />

'<br />

While rejecting Turkish hopes fo(;<br />

quick membership in the El!ropean Uni"';<br />

on, Mr. Kinkel assured hiS hosts that'<br />

Turkey "belongs to Europe" and is "an<br />

important country with great respon-'<br />

sibilities." Foreign Minister Tansû<br />

Ciller of Turkey seized on those as-,<br />

surances in an effort to extract<br />

:som<strong>et</strong>hing positive from a strikingly<br />

:negative message.<br />

"We are on the main t5'1ckto Europe,<br />

not on some outsi<strong>de</strong> track," Mrs. Cille~<br />

'asserted. "Naturally there are obstacles'<br />

and problems which Europe has brought<br />

up repeatedly."<br />

"The Cyprus problem cannot re<br />

solved quickly because we need fle; ,1<br />

ibility on both si<strong>de</strong>s," she continuev<br />

"As for human rights, we take these<br />

problems very seriously in Turkey. Wt:<br />

have taken very important steps. In the<br />

interest of the Turkish people, Turkey is;<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined to improve this situation. "<br />

Supporters of Turkey'sapplicationto<br />

join the European<br />

Union have warned<br />

that a clear European rejection like that<br />

which Mr. Kinkel <strong>de</strong>livered would,<br />

'sll'engiiiëii ,.ani i-Weslern"t'acùon's-Iierë',<br />

'so,ne::or\VhlCh-~~elnt1uêntlâï-miïie<br />

Mr. Kinkel being escorted by an honor guard in An'kara after a wreath-laying ceremony<br />

Wednesday at the, mausoleum, of Kemal Ataturk, the foun<strong>de</strong>r of mo<strong>de</strong>rn Turkey.<br />

.Iamlst government oflYrime""tv1iii1s' ' ' '!hàt T~rkey is fundlunentalty incompat-<br />

Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan.'<br />

Ible With Europe and should look for<br />

'Mr. Erbakan haspublicly Sup? friends elsewhere.<br />

,;is country'sdrive for mem,lF'~s" , '_ p~!h~p~!J::1~~~!!..oB.&est supporter o~<br />

.ihe EU, but he has c..ppell!ed I:," Turkey s bid to J.Olnûl<strong>et</strong>urope.an U!1lOn<br />

thusiastic ab~.':l~..iI1,lpr()~m.!L.!~::':'_., has been the l!mte~ States, which Views,<br />

WTtlï Libya, lian and other MùSIim coun- Turkey as a vital plll!lf of ~uropean and<br />

.tries.<br />

Middle Eastern secunty. Nicholas Burns,<br />

. The statements by Mr. Kinkel could the chief State Department spokesman,:<br />

be"used by Islamists here who believe<br />

,<br />

recentlysaid tha.tTurkey's,~uture "ought!<br />

to be groun<strong>de</strong>d In Europe.<br />

rwtr6- Türkisb Daily News THURSDAY, MARCII27, 1997<br />

Turkish-German ties come to the boil<br />

Bonn angry: Kinkel says he has no intention of bowing his head as PM Erbakan suggested he should do<br />

Ankara- Turkish Daily News Kinkel in the afternoon, Prime Minister<br />

Erbakan was asked by a reporter before<br />

• Tensions b<strong>et</strong>weenAnkara and Bonn<br />

the tàlks what he had meant by his<br />

that have been silently simmering in<br />

remarks the day before.<br />

recent weeks came to theboil on<br />

Resorting to his traditional "g<strong>et</strong>~way<br />

Wednesday during the visit of German<br />

tactic" when confronted by such dIfficult<br />

questinsErbakan ,merely said, .<br />

, Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel to<br />

Turkey.<br />

"Don't beheve everythmgyou read In<br />

. "I came to Turkey as the German<br />

the press." ,<br />

Foreign Minister. At the same time, I<br />

He did, however, have indirect<br />

represent the EU. I have no intention of<br />

words of caution for the German<br />

.apologizing or bowing my head,"<br />

Foreign Minister when he saidthat<br />

Kinkel said after me<strong>et</strong>ing members of<br />

Turkey's friends in Europe "should not<br />

the Foreign Affairs Commission in<br />

arrive at <strong>de</strong>cisions that are <strong>de</strong>trimental<br />

Parliament in the morning. These harsh<br />

for themselves."<br />

words from the visiting' Foreign<br />

Both Erbakan and Kinkel were visibly<br />

uncomfortable during the me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

Minister were in response to remarks<br />

by Prime Minister Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan<br />

At one stage Ihl' (Jl'rman Foreign .<br />

on Wednesday.<br />

Minister asked if "they were going to conduct<br />

Speaking to his Parliamentary grouP,.<br />

their talks in front of the pre~s." Kinkel came<br />

Erbakan had called for "respect towards<br />

close to calling off his visit to Turkey aftèr<br />

Turkey" and suggested that Kinkél .<br />

Erbakan' s remarks of the day before were<br />

. would have to "bow his head in shame"<br />

reported by the German press agency, OPA.<br />

during his visit to Ankara. Receiving<br />

Following a flurry of diplomatic activity the<br />


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