Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />


Furor OverTurkish Report<br />

Business Group Urges Faster Steps to Democracy<br />

J;ly Stephen Kinzer<br />

New York Times Service<br />

JSTANBUL - The lead~<br />

ing Turkish business fe<strong>de</strong>ratiörfhils<br />

urged quicker prû-<br />

recommends the abûlitiûn ûf<br />

'Perhaps mûst significant, it<br />

gress tûward full <strong>de</strong>mûcracy thé Natiûnal Security Cûuncil;<br />

he~, but pûlitical and militarylea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

have strûngly re-<br />

tltrûugh which the military in-<br />

the principal' 'instrument<br />

jected its suggestiûns. flijences gûvel1lll)ent pûlicy,<br />

With its free electiûns, suggests that milii,(try cûmman<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

be Sl,lbot~lâted to.<br />

ûpen ecûnûmy and an ûi.1t~<br />

spöken press, Turkey is in the Defense Ministry' arid that<br />

many ways a paragûn ûf freedûtn<br />

cûmpared with mûst ûf sensitive issues be repealed.<br />

la~s that limit public <strong>de</strong>bate ûn<br />

its Middle Eastern neighbûrs. i 'In malting these recûmmendatiûns,<br />

the grûup, whûso'<br />

But it falls shûrt ûf Western<br />

<strong>de</strong>~ocraticn6nns in sûme members inclu<strong>de</strong> many ûf th~<br />

important respects. . . icduntry's largest dûmestic<br />

Several weeks ago., the 'and internatiûnal cûmpanies~<br />

Turkish Industrialists' and ;Wasasserting its right to.take<br />

Bl)sinessmen' s Assûciatiûn issued<br />

a report analyzing Turk~ . 'But business lea<strong>de</strong>rs alSo.<br />

'part in natiûnal <strong>de</strong>bates. .<br />

ish <strong>de</strong>mocracy and suggesting fear that pûlitical frustratiûn is<br />

wa.ys it cûuld be improved. h~rting the cûuntry' s chances<br />

'The repûrt urges that the<br />

pqwer ûf party lea<strong>de</strong>rs be<br />

:Curbed. The lea<strong>de</strong>rs nûw dic"<br />

ta(e party pûlicies andnûm~<br />

inate candidates withûut cûn-<br />

.su~ting anyûne ûutsi<strong>de</strong> their<br />

ûWn tight c~cles, making it<br />

all but impûssible' fûr ûutsi<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

to.break into. pûlitics.<br />

; Mûving into. mûre danger-<br />

{)lis territûry, thel'repûrt pro';<br />

pûses tnat Kurds be given the<br />

right t9 education in their ûwn<br />

language. . .<br />

forlûng-term grûwth.<br />

."There cannût be two.Tur-,<br />

k~ys:a priv.ate sectûr which is<br />

:an integral part ûf the wörl~<br />

arid a state apparatus which is<br />

<strong>de</strong>tached frûm it," said Halis<br />

Kpmili, the head ûf the busi~<br />

')less group.<br />

'But even MT.Kûmili prob-<br />

,ably did nût expect the rel,lctiûnthat<br />

gre<strong>et</strong>ed his repûrt.<br />

_...<br />

.. . . ..<br />

Many Turkish lea<strong>de</strong>rs rejected<br />

its recûmmendatiûns and<br />

challenged the right ûf private<br />

grûups to.be invûlved in public<br />

pûlicy at all.<br />

Tûp military cûmman<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

suminûned Mr. Kûmili,<br />

telling him that bis report was<br />

ill-timed and pûtentially<br />

<strong>de</strong>stabilizing.<br />

Civilian politicians were<br />

equally scûrnful. "I cannût<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand hûw an institutiûn<br />

which itself lacks <strong>de</strong>mûcracy.<br />

and is cûntrûlled by capitalist<br />

fûrces can give 'us lessûns ûn<br />

<strong>de</strong>mûcracy," Tra<strong>de</strong>. Minister<br />

yalim Erez cûmplained. He<br />

said the. business grûup<br />

shûuld remember that its role<br />

in sûci<strong>et</strong>y isnût to. criticize,<br />

but "to. di'àw fûreign capital<br />

into. Turkey and to. advertise<br />

the cûuntry abroad."<br />

Perhaps mûst <strong>de</strong>vastating<br />

was an ûffhand endûrsement<br />

.ûf the repûrt frûm' Abdullah<br />

Ocalan, lea<strong>de</strong>r ûf the ûut-<br />

.lawed Kurdish Wûrkers<br />

Party, which is waging a separatist<br />

war in the sûutheast<br />

'hat has cûst mûre than<br />

20,000 lives in the past 12<br />

years.<br />

"At this point," he

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