Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-BaSln Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

so loyal to Atatürk, how come you plOmb- colors, as if in some Kurdish cities, Ûle<br />

ited a holiday the celebrations of which he traffic lamps were not changed for this rea- participate in the celebrations there. 1c~<br />

participated as early as 1922", or "how son, these three colors have also been foresee what Çiller will be doing in Igdrr.<br />

come you forgot for so long to celebrate Turkified. She probably will take with her the . .<br />

such a significant nationalist occasion," Look up to the posters prepared by the .Minister of Interior Meral ~ener who IS<br />

could only be those enemies of Atatürk or Ministry of Culture which dress the stre<strong>et</strong>s nicknamed "Asena" among Ulkücü cirthose<br />

who conspire against our national recently, stating "Nevruz is Love, Nevruz cles, to the celebrations. If she had not<br />

unity and integrity! . is Unity, Nevruz is Fertility." The only. thought of this 1strongly advise her to take<br />

If only this unprece<strong>de</strong>nted nationaliza- thing possibly missing in this Nevruz men- Ak~ener there since ~ener would fit in<br />

tion operation by a government who tality could be a Mehter (the Ottoman very well with the Ergenekon legend. And<br />

<strong>de</strong>clared itself the champion of privatiza- Army Band ubiquitously employed recent- I can foresee this couple (Çiller and<br />

tion were limited to Newroz ... there are ly in pro-Islamic occasions) show, but Ak~ener) jumping over the Nevruz fire, for<br />

some colors to it. Yes, colors; with thanks to the Minister of Culture who it is the tradition, and chanting at the same<br />

Newroz, Some colors too have been or<strong>de</strong>red Mehter Band shows in the Nevruz time ''Nevruz is Turkish and will remain<br />

nationalized. celebrations we will not miss anything. It Turkish." As 1wain the two lady minis-<br />

As if the tricolor yellow-red-green has is officially <strong>de</strong>clared that Tansu Çiller, . ters, "do be careful; do not l<strong>et</strong> your skirts<br />

not been forbid<strong>de</strong>n in this country for . who staunchly forba<strong>de</strong> Newroz celebra- catch fire," 1hereby <strong>de</strong>clare that, personalmany<br />

years, as if the Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puty Leyla tions in h<strong>et</strong> time at the office as the Prime ly, 1shall participate in the Newroz cele-<br />

Zana was not imprisoned with her col- Minister, saying "I shall not tolerate losing brations in Istanbul. Happy Newroz (or .<br />

leagues for wearing a hair band in these .a peb~!e of Turkey," will go to Igdir to Nevruz) to you all. .<br />

Turkish DailyNews SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1997<br />

Russia to <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

big Iraqi oilfields<br />

Moscow supports lifting all curbs on Iraqi<br />

oil exports and hopes Baghdad would be<br />

able to repay <strong>de</strong>bts worth billions of dollars<br />

Baghdad-Reuters<br />

• Russia will sign a <strong>de</strong>al with Iraq in a few weeks to <strong>de</strong>velop a<br />

big Iraqi oilfield west of al-Qurana in southern Iraq, visiting<br />

Russian Fuel and Energy Minister Pyote Rodionov said. He was<br />

speaking during the s,gning a protocol of cooperation with Iraqi<br />

Oil Minister Amir Muhammad Rasheed.<br />

Rasheed said the ':Oostimportant item in the protocol was the<br />

.oilfield project which could produce up to 600,000 barrels per<br />

day (bpd).<br />

l:Ie said Russia would also <strong>de</strong>velop an oilfield north of<br />

Rumala near the southern Iraqi port of Basra.<br />

Both ministers said they had agreed to s<strong>et</strong> up a joint oil<br />

drilling company to un<strong>de</strong>rtake oil excavation in various parts of<br />

. Iraq. .. '<br />

~ ."W~.hav~.~~r~~d.~o.s<strong>et</strong> up 10?~itenn o~~"i~~u~~3;r~d~W"<br />

cultural projects," said RodioJ:}ov,who arnvcihn Baghrl;ld on<br />

Monday along with six .<br />

Russian ministry un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>aries. He said after three days of<br />

mecüngs they had prepared several project contracts that would<br />

be signed in the near future.<br />

An agreement to boost cultural and scientific cooperation<br />

was also signed by Iraq's foreign ministry un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary,<br />

A~ul-Jabbar al-Douri, and Russian <strong>de</strong>puty foreign minister<br />

VIctor Posuvalyuk .<br />

Roidonov said many ways were discussed about how to<br />

finance these projects, but he gave no figures on their cost or<br />

when they might begin. .<br />

Ira9. is u~<strong>de</strong>r stringe~t U.N. tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions imposed after its<br />

1990 JOva'ilon of KUWait.The curbs inclu<strong>de</strong> a ban on oil exports<br />

but the U.N. ha'i allowed Iraq to pump $2 billion worth of oil<br />

over six months to international mark<strong>et</strong>s on humanitarian<br />

Turkish Daily News SATURDAY, MARCH 22,1997 .. . •<br />

Newroz celebrated In peace<br />

Ankara-Turkis/lDsily News . sponsored arid state-controlled, security.ln DiyarbaJar, nearly Officials<br />

In of~c!~1 cedlebbrathionswhicthh 20'101OOd peloPble~tten<strong>de</strong>d stat~-con- celebrate "Nevruz"<br />

• Newroz 1997 was celebrated were InItiate y testate, e tro e ce e ratIons. The nelgh- M t rf" . I d' Pei<br />

throughout the country with no officials emphasized the meaning boring city of Batman was anoth. M?s. Pt0 INlclanst't~ncEublakng me<br />

Outbreaks of violence that has f th d fi th" t T ki h . 'hi h' ed h InIS er ecme JO ran,<br />

o I<strong>de</strong>"a<br />

y °drd' ~ greah ur fSfi er cllt y w c wlt~ess t e two issued statements on the occasion<br />

marred previous years. Some of ~or . I na. Itlon to t ese 0 1- sty es 0 f celebratIOns. of "Nevruz."<br />

the cities in southeast witnessed clally sponsored events, ot~ers Erbakan, in his message, said<br />

two sorts of celebrations: state- celebrated Newroz un<strong>de</strong>r tight that Nevruz had <strong>de</strong>ep historical<br />


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