Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />


r U.S. Is Said toBe Reviewing It;-i<br />

'Containment' Policy on Iran<br />

el<br />

By Jo~pHFitch<strong>et</strong>t<br />

InternalioNJl H~rald Tribune ,<br />

Makers of foreign policy in the Clinton<br />

administration are engaged in discussif>ns<br />

about future stability in the<br />

Gulf and specifically on possible<br />

changes itl U.S. policy toward Iran, according<br />

to fonner U.S. officials and<br />

cabin<strong>et</strong>-level figures in Arab governments.<br />

This top-level discussion about longtenn<br />

options concernin~ Tehran appears<br />

to have put a new policy overlay on a<br />

question that until recently dominated<br />

U.S. thinking about Iran: wh<strong>et</strong>her the<br />

United States will respond militarily if<br />

Tehran turns dut to be implicated in the<br />

Khobar Tower bombing laSt June in<br />

Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S. Air<br />

Force personnel.<br />

Declining <strong>de</strong>tailed comment on the<br />

subject as "too sensitive for discussion,<br />

" a White House source said that<br />

the stakes in the Gulf were "so hiBb for<br />

U.S. J?Olicythat we are going to manage<br />

that situation at our own pace and on our<br />

owncue."<br />

Any hint of reopening U.S. policy<br />

toward Iran, traditionally the dominant<br />

power in the Gulf, is controversial in<br />

Washington, where the regime.remains<br />

a pariah 18 years after the ayatollahs<br />

seized power.<br />

U.S. attitu<strong>de</strong>s toward Iran preoccupy<br />

not only neighboring Saudi Arabia but<br />

also European govemrnents because of<br />

the Gulfs strategic importance.<br />

While aca<strong>de</strong>mics have suggested in<br />

recent months that Iran may be losing its'<br />

zeal to <strong>de</strong>stabilize its neighbors, it is<br />

only now that the Clinton administration'<br />

s inner circle on strategic issues<br />

seems to be re-examining U.S. options<br />

to see ifthere is an alternative to its Gulf<br />

policy of "dual containment" - in<br />

effect, treating both Iraq and Iran as<br />

pariah states.<br />

~'It's a posture, not a policy," Zbigèiow'<br />

BlUzinski, a fonner national security<br />

adviser, said about the U.S. position,<br />

adding that it did not allow for<br />

lUly evolution in Tehran's attitu<strong>de</strong>s or<br />

behavior.<br />

Now there is "<strong>de</strong>liberation" about<br />

'Iran in Washington among a small circle<br />

of officials, Mr. Brzezinski said this<br />

week in <strong>Paris</strong>. He said he assumed the<br />

U.S. goal was to see if there were<br />

grounds for a gradual convergence oi<br />

views, perhaps over a <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>,about the<br />

need for regional stability in the Gulf.<br />

A possible new horizon for relations.<br />

severa) officials said, could take the<br />

fonn of a common Western position<br />

offerin~ Tehran the prospect of slowly<br />

expanding economic ties, if Iran were<br />

willing td respect a general co<strong>de</strong> of<br />

peaceful co-existence, espeçially with<br />

its oil-rich Arab neighbors in the Gulf.<br />

To forge a common Western front,<br />

the United States would have to pledge<br />

not to escalate its economic pressure<br />

into an all-out attempt to isolate Iran,<br />

while Gennany, France and Italy would<br />

agree not to expand their busiflCJSs<strong>de</strong>al-,<br />

ings with Tehran.<br />

That Western line could then be adjusted<br />

over the years in conjunction with<br />

Iranian actions, diplomats said.<br />

This approach would fit a wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />

noticed comment by: Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State<br />

Ma<strong>de</strong>leine Albright during her recent<br />

visit to <strong>Paris</strong> when she suggested that<br />

the United States and Europe tog<strong>et</strong>her<br />

try to find a joint approach to Iran.<br />

She said that Europe and the United<br />

States had failed with their respective<br />

policies of critical dialogue and critical<br />

silence toward Iran.<br />

Economically, Iran has been crippled<br />

by the U.S. tra<strong>de</strong> embargo, which was<br />

,recently strengthened by a controversial<br />

law calling for U.S. sanctions against<br />

foreign oil companies that make major<br />

investments in Iraniatl energy <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

Enou~ countries, including Russia,<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> With Iran to keep the economy<br />

fuDctiWlio&<br />

But 'the fimemay bè approaching<br />

when the Tehran regime, faced with a<br />

credible Western array of carrots and<br />

sticks, might be ready to ex~lore formulas<br />

for co-existence with. ItS neighbors<br />

and the West, according to U.S. and<br />

Arab officials.<br />

To allow time for Washington to explore<br />

these possibilities, the Saudi au~<br />

thorities appear to have put of~ again<br />

their report on the Khobar bombmg.<br />

The report could create political pressures<br />

by absolving Iran or offering con~<br />

clusions that called for swift U.S. ac.<br />

tions.<br />

Already, Iran has threatened violent<br />

reprisals against Saudi Arabia and<br />

Bahrain if the United States strikes Iranian<br />

targ<strong>et</strong>s, according to officials from<br />

both Arab countries,<br />

But U.S. officials recently <strong>de</strong>nied any<br />

preparations for :punitive air strik~s,<br />

callingthe reports Iranian disinforination<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed to uns<strong>et</strong>tle Arab governments.<br />

After consultations in Washington<br />

and European capitals, Saudi Arabia'~<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense minister, Prince Sultan ibn Abdulaziz,<br />

said last week that the inves~<br />

tigation nee<strong>de</strong>d to beexten<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

At the time ofhis visit, a White House<br />

official said that Washington had no<br />

intention of being stampe<strong>de</strong>d into action<br />

"by a single report written by a third<br />

government" - àreference to the<br />

Saudi Arabian report.<br />

With the I,(hobar bombing. now<br />

nearly a year old, the possibility of<br />

military reprisals, reportedly un<strong>de</strong>r consi<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

last fall, seems to have been<br />

fol<strong>de</strong>d into a larger effort by the Clinton<br />

administration to find a way around the<br />

dual-containment impasse.<br />

Mr. Brzezinski said U.S. policymakers<br />

have scant room for maneuver<br />

because of congressional concerns<br />

about Iran's interest in nuclear weapons<br />

and terrorism and because of the apparent<br />

lack of unified political authority<br />

mlqo.<br />

r:l ELrL.EI<br />

-- .......... UH.J r::r-1::J ~r:1. ---<br />


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