Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

26 March, 2000, Turkish Probe issue 375, Copyright (Ç) Turkish Daily News<br />

'Nevruz' is okay but 'Newroz' is not<br />

• While the controversial Nevruz holiday was officially celebrated in Diyarbakir and Batman, the reason for it being<br />

banned in other cities were the l<strong>et</strong>ters 'W' and '0'<br />

Dakan Aslaneli<br />

The Nevruz holiday on March 21, which marks the beginning of spring and when daytime and nighttime hours are equal, was<br />

celebrated again amid disputes this year. In the southeastern cities of Diyarbakir and Batman, about 20,000 people s<strong>et</strong> tires on<br />

fire, danced the halay folk dance and sang songs over the 24-hour period.<br />

Permission was first given for Nevruz celebrations in Istanbul and later cancelled by area governors citing the reason for their<br />

disapproval as the fact that the People's Democracy Party (HADEP) had spelled the word "Newroz." The Governor's Office<br />

stated that "Nevruz" means spring holiday, so spelling the word "newroz" would provoke hatred and hostility among people,<br />

thus the celebration should not be not permitted.<br />

Police <strong>de</strong>tained 147 people who wanted to celebrate Nevruz, but on Tuesday morning, Istanbul Governor Erol Cakir was<br />

among the people symbolically celebrating Nevruz in Sultanahment Square. Cakir even jumped over a burning tire as a gesture<br />

symbolizing unity and brotherhood. In the same afternoon, however, Cakir or<strong>de</strong>red that those who wanted to participate in<br />

Nevruz celebrations be taken into custody.<br />

Showy celebrations<br />

Nevruz was fully celebrated only in Diyarbakir. The International Fair Center, <strong>de</strong>signated as the site for celebrations by the<br />

Governor's Office, began filling up in the morning. More than 20,000 people got tog<strong>et</strong>her in the Uckuyu district. The<br />

predominantly yellow, red and green HADEP flags were hung in some parts of the area and the celebrations started at about<br />

10:00 a.m. with opening speeches from HADEP District Chairman Ali Urkut, .Diyarbakir Mayor Feridun Celik and HADEP<br />

Chairman Ahm<strong>et</strong> Turan Demir. After the speeches, fires were lit in some parts of the area while people danced the halay, sang<br />

Kurdish songs and jumped over burning tires un<strong>de</strong>r the constant surveillance of F-16 aircraft flying over the crowds of people.<br />

Diyarbakir police headquarters and the garrison command took tight security measures throughout the city. With reinforcements<br />

from other cities, about 4,000 police were on duty, and the entire city was un<strong>de</strong>r camera surveillance. One thing attracting<br />

attention were some groups participating in the celebrations who were giving red carnations to the police.<br />

At the end of the Nevruz holiday, which passed without the unpleasant events that had been expected, the 147 people <strong>de</strong>tained<br />

in Istanbul was the highest number, whereas 100 people in Sanliurfa and 20 people in Siirt were taken into custody.<br />

The Kurdish Culture Research Association issued statements concerning the celebrations cancelled in Istanbul and accused the<br />

governor's office of being biased. The statement, signed by Kamber Soypak on behalf of the organizing committee, said, "The<br />

Governor's Office, which could not tolerate spelling the word Newroz, did not permit the celebrations because it found the date<br />

of March 21 objectionable from a security standpoint."<br />

Politicians commemorate Nevruz in writing<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Suleyman Demirel: Nevruz, which is accepted as the first day of the new. year and the beginning o~ sprin~, is a<br />

perfect ground on which unity and peace can be reflected as well as where such.um.vers~ va~ues as peace, !TIend~hlpand<br />

brotherhood can be shared. There have been some changes in our region that WIllgIve dIrection to world hIstory m.the 21st<br />

century. Our wish is that this new world appearing in.the ~gion promotes friendship, lo.ve, peace a,nd tolerance as IS<br />

appropriate for Nevruz. Nevruz should be celebrated In thIS way, and we should not l<strong>et</strong> It be ma<strong>de</strong> Into an unpleasant event.<br />

Prime Minister Bulent Ecevil: Nevruz, which strengthens national unity and symbolizes bro~erh~, has taken its place in our<br />

culture. I celebrate Nevruz with the wish that it will contribute to the <strong>de</strong>velopment of love, solIdanty and peace among the<br />

people of our country.<br />

Deputy Prime Minister Devl<strong>et</strong> Bahceli: Over the last few y~, there was a <strong>de</strong>sire to see Nev~z become a holid~y when .<br />

separatist and terrorist force would be used. Common sense In our country has not l~t the~ wlshe~ become reall~Y.The Tl~rkish<br />

people's beliefs, cultural values and civilization are the strongest guarantees of Turkish national eXIstence and umty, of which<br />

one celebration of these values is the Nevruz holiday.<br />


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