Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Oz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Le PDK annonce ~Ie prochain jugement <strong>de</strong><br />

"terroristes" is-lamistes<br />

DUBAI, 17 mars (AFP) - 18h09 - Le Parti Démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK) <strong>de</strong> Massoud Banani a annoncé vendredi le prochain jugement <strong>de</strong><br />

"terroristes" islamistes accusés d'avoir perpétré <strong>de</strong>s attentats dans le Kurdistan irakien.<br />

Dans un communiqué reçu à Dubaï, un porte-parole du PDK précise que "<strong>de</strong>s personnes accusées <strong>de</strong> crimes terroristes à Erbil seront déférées<br />

prochainement <strong>de</strong>vant un tribunal équitable pout être jugées publiquement". ~<br />

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Selon le communiqué, "ces accusés ont fait <strong>de</strong>s aveux détaillés à la télévision staIlitaire Ktv, appartenant au PDK, selon lesquels ils avaient commis<br />

<strong>de</strong>s assassinats, <strong>de</strong>s explosions <strong>et</strong> d'autres actes terroristes, notamment à Erbil".<br />

Le communiqué reproduit les aveux présumés <strong>de</strong> quatre accusés: Ab<strong>de</strong>l Moneem Ab<strong>de</strong>rrahman Mohammed. Hussein Kamal Aziza, Ali Hussein<br />

a1-Mokhtar <strong>et</strong> Moussa Rassoul Hédi.<br />

Le communiqué déplore que "le Mouvement <strong>de</strong> l'Unité Islamique, une organisation politique reconnue (dans le Kurdistan irakien qui échappe au<br />

contrôle <strong>de</strong> Bagdad), ait accusé le gouvernement local <strong>de</strong> chercher à intenter un procès à ces personnes, d'une manière irréfléçhie".<br />

Le PDK <strong>et</strong> l'Union Patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK, <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani) se partagent le contrôle du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>de</strong>puis que c<strong>et</strong>te région a échappé à<br />

l'autorité <strong>de</strong> Bagdad. après la guerre du Golfe (1991). Ils avaient formé un gouvernement non reconnu internationalement, à l'issue <strong>de</strong>s élections<br />

législatives <strong>de</strong> 1992.<br />

Turkish Minister Denies Ocalan Lives in Luxury<br />

ANKARA (March 17) XINHUA - Turkish Justice Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> Sami Turk said on<br />

Friday that Abdullah Ocalan, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), did not live in<br />

luxury as it was assumed, but he had a radio and could read newspapers every day.<br />

"Today, punishment aims at not exterminating criminals, but training them to be useful for<br />

the soci<strong>et</strong>y in future," the Anatolia News Agency quoted Turk as saying at Salpazari town of<br />

Trabzon province in the Black Sea Region.<br />

Turk seems to support life imprisonment for Ocalan. "While taking the <strong>de</strong>cision (on<br />

Ocalan), Turkey's high interests will be taken into consi<strong>de</strong>ration by the Parliament. It is very<br />

easy to exterminate a person but life imprisonment is a very heavy sentence and<br />

punishment. "<br />

Turk said that his country, which has been accepted a European Union candidacy, has s<strong>et</strong> up<br />

a commission to scrutinize the Turkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> (TCK).<br />

Capital punishment has been annulled in Europe while there is <strong>de</strong>ath sentence only in<br />

Turkey which sees itself a European country.<br />

"Turkey has not carried out any capital punishment since 1984. A total of 57 people have<br />

been sentenced to capital punishment since 1991. Ocalan is among them," the minister said.<br />

Ocalan had been leading the PKK in an armed struggle for an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish state in<br />

southeast Turkey since 1984. The long- time conflict has claimed thousands oflives.<br />

The PKK chieftain was captured last year by Turkish security forces and was later sentenced<br />

to <strong>de</strong>ath by a court. ~<br />

Turkey is waiting for a <strong>de</strong>cision by the European Court of Human Rights' (ECHR) about<br />

Ocalan. Only after the ECHR makes such a <strong>de</strong>cision, the country will <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> wh<strong>et</strong>her or not<br />

to carry out the <strong>de</strong>ath sentence for Ocalan.<br />

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