Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Outi<br />

Kurdistan TV 6 Mar 00<br />

KDP Lea<strong>de</strong>r Urges Elections To S<strong>et</strong>tle PUK Dispute<br />

[FBIS Translated Excerpt]<br />

Kurdistan National Assembly resumed its work for the ninth year today. Un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of [Kurdistan<br />

Democratic Party, KDP] lea<strong>de</strong>r Barzani and the chairmanship of the Kurdistan regional government,. the<br />

Kurdistan National Assembly held its first session for the ninth year of its work today. At the opening<br />

ceremony, lea<strong>de</strong>r Barzani addressed the assembly. He" gave his gre<strong>et</strong>ings on the anniversary of the<br />

uprising [March 1991] and spoke about the current issues of Kurdistan. He also spoke about the latest<br />

terrorist attacks. Lea<strong>de</strong>r Barzani talked about the role of the assembly and the peace process and reaffirmed<br />

the KDP's support of the Washington peace agreement. The Speaker of the assembly, Dr Rozh Nuri<br />

Shawes and the head of government, Nechervan Barzani, also addressed the assembly.<br />

[Begin recording] [Correspon<strong>de</strong>nt] Un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of lea<strong>de</strong>r Mas'ud Barzani, the opening ceremony of<br />

the first session for the ninth year of the ~urdistan National Assembly was convened today, 6th March<br />

2000. At the beginning of the ceremony the Speaker of the assembly, Dr Roz Nuri Shawes, addressed the<br />

assembly and stressed the importance of brotherhood and strengthening ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the people, the country,<br />

the assembly and the Kurdistan government.<br />

[Passage omitted: Speaker praising the past achievements of the assembly]<br />

Later, and upon the request of the assembly lea<strong>de</strong>r Mas'ud Barzani addressed the Assembly. He gre<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

the people of Kurdistan on the ninth anniversary of the uprising. He said: "We struggled for 70<br />

years and did not achieve our aims because we were not united. In the 1991 uprising we ma<strong>de</strong> a historic<br />

achievement in seven days and won victory because we were unified." Lea<strong>de</strong>r Barzani took the chance to give<br />

his thanks to the Kurdish people insi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> Kurdistan, the assembly, the parties and the government<br />

for commemorating the 21st anniversary of the <strong>de</strong>ath of [his father] Mustafa Barzani who <strong>de</strong>dicated<br />

his life for the nation.<br />

Lea<strong>de</strong>r Mas'ud Barzani spoke about the current issues of Kurdistan and started with the recent terrorist<br />

attacks in Kurdistan.<br />

[Barzani] Alas, some terrorist activities were recently carried out in Arbil. Many people shed crocodiles<br />

tears for Arbil and gave the impression that Arbil has became hell and nobody could live in it.<br />

Arbil <strong>de</strong>feated Hulagu [Mongolian lea<strong>de</strong>r who ransacked Baghdad] and it will <strong>de</strong>feat many more Hulagus and<br />

terrorists.<br />

The most important thing for us is to be aware of this plan. The aim of these attacks is not only<br />

to show that the fourth cabin<strong>et</strong> [of the KDP-led regional government] can not secure the rule of law and<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> security. The aim is to create sedition among us, especially b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDP and other allied parties.<br />

Some newspapers abroad immediately said that another Algeria is created in Kurdistan. Kurdistan<br />

will never become another Algeria, because neither the Islamic nor the other parties have the grounds to<br />

make Kurdistan another Algeria. This will be the dream that the enemy will take to the grave.<br />

[Correspon<strong>de</strong>nt] Lea<strong>de</strong>r Barzani assured the people of Kurdistan that a number of terrorists have been<br />

arrested by concerned <strong>de</strong>partments of the Kurdistan regional government and are being interrogated. He<br />

hoped that the courts take judicial diligence in their ruling and give all rights of <strong>de</strong>fence to the perp<strong>et</strong>rators.<br />

He said that he will not allow to have an Islamist label on these crimes just because the<br />


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