Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basln Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

PUK Lea<strong>de</strong>r Appeals to KDP Lea<strong>de</strong>r For Unity<br />

KurdSat Television 6 Mar 00<br />

[FBIS Translated Excerpt] [PUK lea<strong>de</strong>r Talabani] The 1991 uprising had many gains, such as the elections<br />

in 1992. For the first time people of Kurdistan went to polling stations and cast their votes freely.<br />

[Passage omitted: Talking about other gains like, cultural freedoms; recent.municipal elections and <strong>de</strong>nial<br />

of violations that took place in the elections]<br />

Another gain of the uprising is the Kurdistan National Assembly, which unfortunately passed its date.<br />

It has been there for nine years. Initially, it was supposed to last for three years and it was renewed<br />

for a further period of three years. It should be re-elected. It should not be s<strong>et</strong> for three years and<br />

last for nine. This will become dictatorship and a joke. [Passage omitted: Further comments on the<br />

necessity of renewing the existing KDP-held assembly]<br />

L<strong>et</strong> us hold new elections with the presenc~ of forei9n supervision. L<strong>et</strong> us normalize the situation<br />

in the cities of Kurdistan and give freedom to everyone. L<strong>et</strong> us elect a free Assembly for all Kurdistan.<br />

It is a gain of the uprising and we should safeguard it. The Kurdistan regional government is an achievement.<br />

But there must not be two governments. We should have one government. As you remember, when our<br />

Kurdistan Democratic Party [KDP] brothers appointed Nechirvan Barzani as the new head of government, I open-<br />

.ly said that we accept Nechirvan to be the head of a joint government. L<strong>et</strong> us normalize the situation in<br />

the cities, and then s<strong>et</strong>up a government un<strong>de</strong>r the lea<strong>de</strong>rship of Nechervan with the condition of s<strong>et</strong>ting a<br />

date for general elections. We are ready for the unification of government.<br />

Regarding the issue of who is the first party and who is the second, we thing that we are the first<br />

party, another party might thing that they are the first party and consi<strong>de</strong>r us as the third party. The<br />

.Islamists might thing that they are the first or the second party. L<strong>et</strong> this issue be <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by the ballot<br />

box. L<strong>et</strong> us safeguard the uprising's gain of being able to go to the ballot box.<br />

L<strong>et</strong> us safeguard the other gains of the uprising like resources of Kurdistan, l<strong>et</strong> it be spent for the<br />

whole of Kurdistan. Withholding the country's wealth from people has never worked for anyone. [Passage<br />

omitted: giving examples of corruption cases from European countries]<br />

The PUK should be ready at anytime to account to the assembly for all the monies that have been collected<br />

and spent over the past years. The government should be able to account for every dinar spent.<br />

The same should apply to the KDP brothers. L<strong>et</strong> us unify the divi<strong>de</strong>d gains of the uprising and learn lessons<br />

from the past.<br />

I wrote a l<strong>et</strong>ter to my respected brother Mas' ud Barzani. I told him that we should buckle down to<br />

the job and revive the old brotherhood and cooperation; and to implement the Washington agreement tog<strong>et</strong>her<br />

and safeguard the gains of the uprising. I talk the opportunity of this month, the month of March and<br />

uprising, to urge our KDP brothers to tear off the dark pages of our past and open a new page of brotherhood<br />

and cooperation. For this reason, and in or<strong>de</strong>r to normalize the situation in the cities and towns<br />

of Kurdistan and unify the administrations, the PUK is ready for all concessions and softness.<br />

[Passage omitted: saying that the Kurds insi<strong>de</strong> Kurdistan should not forg<strong>et</strong> their duties and that the<br />

Kurds abroad should carry out diplomatic campaigns to gain support for the Kurds in western countries.]<br />

."<br />


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