Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Iranians Should S<strong>et</strong> Out Quicklyon the Long<br />

--EHRAN - Euphoria over<br />

By Philip Bowrin~ -Ro-a-d-toReform<br />

T -<br />

the reformist landsli<strong>de</strong> in<br />

last -month's legislative elections<br />

must soon make way for<br />

somè harsher realities. That is<br />

not 10 diminish the importance<br />

of Iran's effort to combine <strong>de</strong>mocracy<br />

and a mark<strong>et</strong> economy<br />

with its Islamic i<strong>de</strong>ntity. The<br />

momentum is so strong that optimism<br />

is justifiable. But the<br />

political and economic challenges<br />

ahead are formidable.<br />

The frrst unknown is the real<br />

character of the newly elected<br />

Parliament. The "reformist"<br />

coalition of factions covers a<br />

wi<strong>de</strong> spectrum of <strong>de</strong>mands for<br />

change - ranging from liberal<br />

clerics to young technocrats,<br />

old quasi-secular leftists and<br />

assorted intellectuals.<br />

- In the broa<strong>de</strong>st terms, they<br />

have been elected to help Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Mohammed Khatami<br />

pUllh Itlrough his reform<br />

agenda. frustrated by the previous<br />

Parliament, of advancing<br />

a law-based civil soci<strong>et</strong>y in<br />

which individuals gain power at<br />

the expense of both church and<br />

state. But it remains to be seen<br />

how cohesive they are and<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her on specific issues they<br />

-frustrate the executive. -<br />

The, old left is suspicious of<br />

economic reforms such as privatization,<br />

reduction Of sùbsidies<br />

and a welcome to foreign<br />

, investment, which are generally<br />

favored ~y the mo<strong>de</strong>rate conservatives<br />

led by former Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Hashemi Rafsaniani. He<br />

fared badly in the election because<br />

of association with more<br />

conservative clerics, but he remains<br />

a powerful force.<br />

He continues to head the Expediency<br />

Council, which per"__<br />

forms a key role in balancing<br />

the views of Parliament and of<br />

the Guardian Council, the cler- \<br />

ie-dominated body which <strong>de</strong>termines<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her laws are constitutional<br />

and Islamic, and'v<strong>et</strong>s<br />

candidates for elected office.<br />

, Parliament is likely to focus<br />

frrst on social and political issues,<br />

on which it may prove'<br />

more radical in its <strong>de</strong>mands foi,<br />

change than Mr. Khatami, who<br />

seeks gradual, consensus-driven<br />

change, wants. If it tries to<br />

force the pace, it could provoke<br />

a ,rightist backlash, or at least<br />

prevent the emersence of a con-,<br />

sensus on economic issues.<br />

More use of clergy courts to jail<br />

reformers is quite possible.<br />

Conservatives, behind Supreme<br />

Lea<strong>de</strong>r Sayed Ali<br />

Khamenei, will be sure to use<br />

the. levers of p6wer that they<br />

control - the Guardian Council,<br />

~e judiciary, the military,<br />

speCial courts <strong>et</strong>c. Iran's convoluted<br />

~onstitution gives entrenched<br />

mterests (economic as<br />

well a~.clerical) plenty of opportumtles<br />

to frustrate change.<br />

'<br />

They cannot do so in<strong>de</strong>fin- -<br />

itely. Cons~r:vative domination<br />

of the Guardian Council will be<br />

diluted by this election. Next<br />

year Mr. Khatami will be up for<br />

re-election, and the following<br />

year will come the turn of the<br />

mostly clerical Assembly of<br />

Experts, which is supposed to<br />

supervise the supreme lea<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

The constitution can be<br />

changed by referendum. So constitutional<br />

means are available<br />

to shift Iran from clerical domination<br />

to a more liberal as well<br />

as <strong>de</strong>mocratic Ishimic republic<br />

in which religious observances<br />

are a matter of free will, not state<br />

imposition, and the supreme<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r is more a symbol than a<br />

wiel<strong>de</strong>r of power. But it will<br />

take time and patience.<br />

Time, however, is not entirely<br />

on the si<strong>de</strong> of an Iran in<br />

which 55 percent of the pop~<br />

ulation is un<strong>de</strong>r 21 and the labor<br />

force is growing at nearly 4<br />

percent a year. Social freedoms<br />

may satisfy the middle classes,<br />

but lower-income youths need<br />

jobs if drug abuse and urban<br />

crime are not to keep growing.<br />

The economy hasbeen growing<br />

more slowly than the population,<br />

inflation is at 20 to 30<br />

percent, industry is mostly government-owned<br />

and inefficient,<br />

the currency bounces in a confusion<br />

of exchange rates. A<br />

large chunk of the economy is in<br />

the hands of religious foundations<br />

that have become a gravy<br />

train for the new elite.<br />

Official policy is to privatize,<br />

allow foreign investment, cut<br />

subsidies that cause government<br />

<strong>de</strong>ficits and inflation, reform<br />

the price structure and unify<br />

the exchange rate. But implementation<br />

has been painfully<br />

slow and it remains to be seen<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her, with Parliàment at its<br />

back, the executive can make<br />

these things happen.<br />

There are plenty of parallels"<br />

including China and India, to<br />

suggest that changing these<br />

structures is a long haul.<br />

Iran has the advantage for<br />

now of a recovery in the oil<br />

price and a surge of foreign<br />

interest in investing in a country<br />

~f 60 million people with good<br />

mfrastructure, good educational<br />

standards and a strategic geographical<br />

position. ,<br />

It has overseas an educated<br />

-well-off expatriate community<br />

3 million or so strong,' tens of<br />

thousands of whom would r<strong>et</strong>urn<br />

if social conditions were<br />

relaxed and private sector economic<br />

opportunities were greater.<br />

Money and people are trickling<br />

back, but Iran needs a flood<br />

of it, plus domestic economic'<br />

reform, if it is to make the economic<br />

progress it needs to un<strong>de</strong>rpin<br />

its political advance.<br />

For now, Mr. Khatami probably<br />

has the prestige to <strong>de</strong>fine<br />

the course of reform, overruling<br />

socialists and nationalists in the'<br />

reform camp, but he will need to<br />

move fast.<br />

Internatiollul Hel'l/ld Tribulle,<br />

_Islam Needs Mo<strong>de</strong>ls of Homegrown Democracy<br />

STOCKHOLM' - The vic- - -" - - th<br />

tory of reformists in the elec- By Bengt Save-So<strong>de</strong>rbergh a way at ~espon~. to conterntiOMin<br />

Iranhas f(X:usedattention<br />

porary socI~1 realities, are the<br />

on àn important trend: the slow ' most Muslim countries, po<strong>et</strong>'s spiritual'and <strong>et</strong>hical rather than ones ~ost likely to be strong,<br />

,~ut steady spread' of <strong>de</strong>mocracy voices can still be silenced when .a legislative role in <strong>de</strong>termining dynarmc forc~s.<br />

ln the Islamic world. Alongsi<strong>de</strong> they 'Yrite poems <strong>de</strong>emed to the course of <strong>de</strong>velopment. For ~e extreffilsm that has char-<br />

Iran we see <strong>de</strong>mocratic evolution have contradicted the Koran.,' believers, this means accepting ac~r.lzed some recent forms of<br />

of differing kinds in a number of Newspaperll are censored. The, that the social and political as- pohtlcal Islam ca~'be seen as a<br />

predominantly Muslim countries<br />

including Thrke M '<br />

challenge is to engen<strong>de</strong>r acceptance<br />

()fthe principle that artists,.<br />

pects of the Koran's teaching<br />

can and should be inteIJ1i'<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

res~olnbsl<strong>et</strong>o lt!t~falllUre0lfother<br />

aval a e po Itlca mo e d s. ,<br />

and indonesia. y, orocco 'intellectuals arid political oppo- ' according to contemporary so- Tw.o <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>~ on from Iran's<br />

Important challenges lie 'nents of the authorities have the cial needs and imperatives. Isl~ rr'0lut~on, many ordin-<br />

,ahead"however: right to express themselves It would not be the frrst time ~ ~s lffiS .ave come full<br />

M d .<br />

o ermty.<br />

Th<br />

e need ISfor<br />

.<br />

a<br />

fr<br />

ee<br />

I<br />

y,<br />

I<br />

egally ilnd without fear. m<br />

. hi<br />

s<br />

t<br />

ory<br />

th<br />

a<br />

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amlc countries<br />

.<br />

th'ât<br />

crrcle.<br />

a fundam<br />

Increasmgly<br />

tar t<br />

they see<br />

h<br />

balance b<strong>et</strong>ween core <strong>de</strong>mo- Th~ role of w.omen. In many have adopted this approach to' . . ~n IS approac<br />

cratic practices and respect for Mushm countries there is a the role'Öf religion in politics. to kOhtlcs, Simply does not<br />

the basic ten<strong>et</strong>s of Islam. Thi1i pressing need to reform legal During- the Middle Ages, the wor, and they use the ballot<br />

applies from anchoring the rule, frameworks that <strong>de</strong>ny women Isl~ic' wQrld"experi~nced a . bo~ to express S~PP?rt for the<br />

,of law and politiçal institution full and equal rights, in the scientific andculturalflowerlng optl,n of mo<strong>de</strong>rmzatlon., .<br />

building to constitutional <strong>de</strong>vel- 'workplace as much as in the that left a permanent imprint on . ~at form t!t at , m

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