Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Revie-w-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Gunships Against Human Rights<br />

Foreign policy: Until Turkey stops abusing the Kurds,<br />

Washington should ban a <strong>de</strong>al on U.S.-ma<strong>de</strong> helicopters.<br />


Los Angeles Times 4-3-00<br />

Monday may be a record payday for one of two U.S. weapons makers, either Boeing<br />

Aircraft or Bell Helicopter Textron. On that day, Turkey is scheduled to award a $4-billion<br />

contract for 145 attack helicopters, one of the largest single arms <strong>de</strong>als in history.<br />

International comp<strong>et</strong>ition for the lucrative project has been fierce, with five companies<br />

submitting bids, but Boeing's Apache Longbow and Bell's Super Cobra are consi<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

odds-on favorites to win the award.<br />

About 80% of the Turkish arsenal is U.S.-ma<strong>de</strong>, and the Turkish army has relied on<br />

Sikorsky Blackhawks and both Apache and Cobra gunships to win the long war with<br />

Kurdish rebels in the country's southeast.<br />

In 1997, the Clinton administration granted Boeing and Bell mark<strong>et</strong> licenses to build the<br />

attack helicopters, brushing asi<strong>de</strong> human rights objections from Amnesty International and<br />

Human Rights Watch about Turkey's abuse of its <strong>et</strong>hnic population.<br />

If one of the American companies receives the new contract. the administration may again<br />

overri<strong>de</strong> human rights concerns and, in effect, broker the sale to Turkey by granting the<br />

necessary export licenses. American-ma<strong>de</strong> helicopters are well known to the Kurds.<br />

I have often encountered refugees from <strong>de</strong>stroyed villages in southeast Turkey whose only<br />

English--<strong>de</strong>livered in a thick Kurdish accent--were the words "Sikorsky" and "Cobra."<br />

Villagers know that the soldiers who bum their houses land in Blackhawk helicopters, the<br />

troop transports that are ma<strong>de</strong> by the Connecticut-based Sikorsky Co. And they easily<br />

recognize the rock<strong>et</strong>-equipped Cobras, which are manufactured at the Bell Textron plant in<br />

Fort Worth, Texas.<br />

Turkish Kurdistan is a rugged, mountainous region, and helicopters have proved essential in<br />

the army's scorched-earth campaign. So far, more than 3,000 Kurdish villages have been<br />

burned, <strong>de</strong>priving the guerrillas of vitallogistical support; estimates of civilian Kurds<br />

displaced by the war range from 500,000 to 2 million.<br />

It has been a dirty war, and both si<strong>de</strong>s have been guilty of atrocities.<br />

Last year, after Turkey captured rebellea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan, tried him for treason and<br />

sentenced him to <strong>de</strong>ath, it looked as if the 15-year-old uprising might fa<strong>de</strong> away. Ocalan sent<br />

out word from prison for his fighters to quit, and they eventually issued a formal <strong>de</strong>claration<br />

to end the armed struggle and to work for Kurdish rights "within the framework of peace and<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization. "<br />

Last December, the European Union, after years of rejection, voted to consi<strong>de</strong>r Turkey for<br />

EU admission, but only on the condition that it clean up its human rights record. Among<br />

other things, Europe wants Turkey to negotiate legitimate and long-standing Kurdish<br />

grievances in education, language and cultural expression.<br />

Now the EU may be having second thoughts. Last month, Turkey blocked an EU <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

from visiting Leyla Zana. the imprisoned Kurdish member of parliament who has received<br />

the ED's peace prize. Then a Kurdish educational foundation was indicted on criminal<br />

charges of "inciting separatist propaganda" because it advertised a scholarship in an Istanbul<br />

newspaper for stu<strong>de</strong>nts who could "read and write in Kurdish."<br />

Two weeks ago, the government or<strong>de</strong>red a CNN television affiliate off the air for 24 hours<br />

because a reporter asked a guest wh<strong>et</strong>her history might one day regard Ocalan as a Turkish<br />

version of South African revolutionary Nelson Man<strong>de</strong>la.<br />

A few days later, Turkey arrested the Kurdish mayors of three cities on vague charges of<br />

separatism. Subsequently, authorities arrested hundreds of supporters who were peacefully<br />

protesting the <strong>de</strong>tention of the mayors.<br />


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