Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Oz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Foreign<br />

interest<br />

01 March 2000, Copyright @ Turkish Daily News<br />

•<br />

In liberal Kurdish p~rty<br />

• Foreign countries wiÙl diplomatic missions in Turkeyare showing great interest in preparations by Kurdish<br />

intellectuals striving to form a liberal party .<br />

• Elci: 'According to foreign diplomats, Ùle motivation provi<strong>de</strong>d by establishing a Kurdish party would playa very<br />

significant role in solving Ùle Kurdish problem'<br />

Ankara - Turkish Daily News<br />

Foreign, and especially European, countries wiÙl diplomatic missions in Turkeyare showing great interest in Ùle<br />

preparations being ma<strong>de</strong> by Kurdish intellectuals striving to form a liberal Kurdish party in Turkey.<br />

Chairman of ÙleDemocratic Mass Party (DKP) lawyer Seraf<strong>et</strong>tin Elci, who initiated preparations to form a political party<br />

wiÙl Kurdish intellectuals Abdulmelik Firat, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Emin Seven, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Ali Eren and Nazif Kaleli, stated Ùlat members<br />

of foreign diplomatic missions had displayed great pleasure in Ùleir ongoing efforts to form Ùleparty.<br />

In response to a question about foreign interest in Ùleparty, EIci said: "Foreign diplomats from some very influential<br />

countries in Ùle world, particularly from Europe, who have been assigned as ambassadors or <strong>de</strong>partmental heads at Ùleir<br />

respective missions in Turkey have contacted our group and received <strong>de</strong>tailed information on our en<strong>de</strong>avors. When we gave<br />

information about Ùle framework of Ùlepolitical party we are trying to establish, Ùley told us Ùlat Ùlis is what was expected,<br />

Ùley were very happy to see Ùleprogress and Ùlat such motivation would playa very significant role in solving ÙleKurdish<br />

problem." .<br />

Elci went on to say Ùlat Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, who recently visited Turkey, had also shown interest in Ùle<br />

political party Ùley are trying to establish and received information during their me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

"Mrs. Lindh was extremely happy about our efforts to form a party. Europe wants Kurds to take part in a political structure<br />

Ùlat is civiliZed and in line wiÙllegal procedures accepted in Europe. This would also help Turkey's accession to Europe<br />

and enhance Europe's confi<strong>de</strong>nce in Turkey. Formation of a liberal Kurdish party is som<strong>et</strong>hing Ùlat has always been<br />

encouraged by Europeans.<br />

"Now efforts by Kurds trying to establish a political structure wiÙl a liberal and <strong>de</strong>mocratic approach Ùlat complies wiÙl<br />

European norms is consi<strong>de</strong>red a very positive <strong>de</strong>velopment by Europeans, who say Ùlat such a political structure will<br />

receive moral support from Ùlem," Elci said.<br />

Turkey creates unnecessary problems for itself<br />

In his evaluation of ÙleJustice Ministry's refusal to allow Cohn Bendit, a member of ÙleEuropean Parliament, to visit<br />

former Democratic Labor Party (DEP) Deputy Leyla Zana in prison, EIci stressed ÙlatTurkey wascreating unnecessary<br />

problems for itself, and ad<strong>de</strong>d: "What could be more natural Ùlan Mr. Bendit requesting to visit Zana in prison, and what<br />

kind of harm could such a visit cause for Ùle state? Leyla Zana is a person wiÙla political i<strong>de</strong>ntity and is serving time in jail.<br />

Moreover, Ùlere is an assumption in Europe Ùlat she was imprisoned because of a speech she <strong>de</strong>livered in ÙleEuropean<br />

Parliament.<br />

"For Turkey to prevent this visit is unbelievable nonsense. Trying to use a valid regulation as an excuse for Ùlis action<br />

would not justify Turkey's action. If Ùlere is such a regulation, Turkey should take immediate action to change it and make<br />

sure Ùle provisions remain within reasonable criteria. I believe Turkey has unnecessarily placed. itself in a predicament. We<br />

hope that Ùlis type of absurdity will never be displayed again."<br />

Elci also criticized Ùle state for not allowing Lindh to visit Diyarbakir, saying: "This behavior will inevitably create some<br />

questions in Mrs. Lindh's head. Turkey makes great mistakes which are totally needless. There is nothing out of Ùle<br />

ordinary in Mrs. Liridh wanting to see Diyarbakir, but our foreign minister Ùlought Ùlat this was inappropriate and<br />

prevented her from taking Ùl<strong>et</strong>rip. Now Mrs. Lindh will naturally be suspicious and Ùlink Ùlere are some activities taking<br />

place in Ùle region which Ùley don't want her to witness. Had she been allowed to go, nOÙlingwould have happened.<br />

Baring in mind her busy schedule, Mrs. Lindh would only have had time to visit Ùle municipality, Ùle governor and some<br />

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and would have r<strong>et</strong>urned back to Ankara wiÙl a clear picture.<br />

"Through this behavior, Turkey causes more harm Ùlen good for itself and continues to <strong>de</strong>monstrate Ùl<strong>et</strong>ype of conduct Ùlat<br />

will not be accepted in Ùle civilized world. Since Turkey wants accession to ÙleEuropean Union it had b<strong>et</strong>ter realize Ùlat Ùle<br />

period following Ùle Helsinki summit has to be different from Ùleperiod Ùlat prece<strong>de</strong>d it. Turkey is required to adjust itself<br />

to the requirements. Turkey was given a great opportunity wiÙl ÙleHelsinki summit, and if its efforts for accession to Ùle<br />

EU are genuine, it has to accomplish what is being requested of it. It has to abandon Ùlisunreasonable conduct, Ùlus trying<br />

to recognize and subsequently digest Ùle mentality shared by the civilized world.<br />

..<br />


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