Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Iraqi Parliamentary Election Results Announced<br />

BAGHDAD (March 28)-XINHUA - All 220 members of Iraq!s new National Assembly<br />

(parliament) have been chosen through the elections on Monday, with Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam<br />

Hussein's el<strong>de</strong>st son Uday g<strong>et</strong>ting the majority of votes, announced a senior Iraqi official on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

Among the 220 elected, 143 are from the ruling Socialist Arab Baath Party, 23 are its<br />

supporters, and the other 55 are in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nts, announced Justice Minister Shebib Lazim<br />

A1-Maliki.<br />

Uday got more than 200,000 votes, the highest among the elected members, said the<br />

minister.<br />

Among the 25 female candidates running for seats in the next parliament, 18 got elected,<br />

Maliki said.<br />

There are altog<strong>et</strong>her 250 seats in the National Assembly, 30 of which are allocated for the<br />

Kurds-populated areas in northern Iraq.<br />

These 30 seats are directly <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by the presi<strong>de</strong>nt, said the minister.<br />

Some 88.6 percent ofthe eligible voters took part in the voting on Monday.<br />

The elected members of the new National Assembly will hold a me<strong>et</strong>ing early next month to<br />

elect a speaker, the minister said.<br />

The voting was held on Monday to choose from a total of 512 candidates.<br />

The country was divi<strong>de</strong>d into 54 constituencies, with each consisting of a number of polling<br />

centers.<br />

Elections were not held in the northern provinces where the Kurds live. The United States<br />

and its Western allies s<strong>et</strong> up two no- fly zones in northern and southern Iraq allegedly to<br />

protect the Kurds in the north and the Shiite Muslims in the south from<br />

Baghdad's persecution.<br />

Iraqi election laws require that all candidates must <strong>de</strong>fend the constitution and believe in the<br />

principles of the July 17 Revolution of 1958 which established the republic.<br />

Four parliamentary elections have been held in Iraq, with the last one in March, 1996.<br />

Balsak condamné à 4 ans d'emprisonnement à <strong>Paris</strong><br />

PARIS, 30 mars (AFP) - 14h58- Irfan Balsak, 35 ans, considéré comme un <strong>de</strong>s responsables du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatistes<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie) en France, a été condamné jeudi à 4 ans d'emprisonnement <strong>et</strong> 10 ans d'interdiction du territoire français par la 14e chambre du<br />

Tribunal correctionnel <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>.<br />

Le 2 mars, le Parqu<strong>et</strong> avait requis 6 ans d'emprisonnement <strong>et</strong> l'interdiction définitive du territoire français.<br />

Il était" poursuivi, avec quatre autres Kur<strong>de</strong>s, pour participation à une association <strong>de</strong> malfaiteurs en relation avec une entreprise terroriste, pour avoir<br />

participé au rack<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> commerçants turcs afin <strong>de</strong> financer le PKK.<br />

Isken<strong>de</strong>r Kilan, 27 ans, a été condamné à 3 ans d'emprisonnement <strong>et</strong> à 10 ans d'interdiction du territoire français alors que le Parqu<strong>et</strong> avait requis 5 ans<br />

d'emprisonnement <strong>et</strong> l'interdiction définitive du territoire.<br />

Mehm<strong>et</strong> Bayram, 35 ans, a été condamné à 2 ans d'emprisonnement dont un an avec sursis, alors que Hasan Nogut, 35 ans <strong>et</strong> Hasan Gene, 34 ans, sont<br />

condamnés à 30 mois d'emprisonnement dont 15 mois avec sursis.<br />

Contre ces trois <strong>de</strong>rniers, le Parqu<strong>et</strong> avait <strong>de</strong>mandé 3 ans d'emprisonnement.<br />

Enfin, Zulkuf Ayazgun, 40 ans, a été condamné à 18 mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis.<br />


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