Catalogue de la vente - Camille Bürgi

Catalogue de la vente - Camille Bürgi Catalogue de la vente - Camille Bürgi
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CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE VENTE ET D’ACHAT EUROP AUCTION Les conditions de vente d’Europ Auction - Société de Ventes Volontaires de biens mobiliers aux enchères publiques, régie par les lois du 10 juillet 2000 et du 20 juillet 2011 sont régies uniquement par le droit français. La société Europ Auction agit en qualité de mandataire du vendeur. La vente est faite au comptant et conduite en euros et en langue française. L’adjudicataire sera le plus offrant et dernier enchérisseur et aura pour obligation de remettre ses noms et adresse. Les enchérisseurs sont réputés agir en leur nom et pour leur propre compte, sauf convention contraire préalable à la vente et passée par écrit avec la SVV Europ Auction. Les biens mis en vente: Tous les biens sont vendus tels quels dans l’état où ils se trouvent au moment de la vente avec leurs imperfections ou défauts. Les acquéreurs potentiels sont invités à examiner les biens pouvant les intéresser avant la vente, et notamment pendant les expositions. Aucune réclamation ne sera admise relativement aux restaurations d’usage et petits accidents une fois l’adjudication prononcée. Les descriptions des lots résultant du catalogue, des rapports, des étiquettes et indications ou annonces verbales engagent la responsabilité d’Europauction. Les descriptions peuvent être modifiées oralement ou par écrit au moment de la vente ou pendant la vente. Les indications données par Europauction sur l’existence d’une restauration, d’un accident ou d’un incident affectant le lot, sont exprimées pour faciliter son inspection par l’acquéreur potentiel et restent soumis à son appréciation personnelle ou à celle de son expert. L’absence d’indication d’une restauration, d’un accident ou d’un incident dans le catalogue, les rapports, les étiquettes ou verbalement, n’implique nullement qu’un bien soit exempt de tout défaut présent passé ou réparé. Inversement la mention de quelque défaut n’implique pas l’absence de tout autre défaut. Ventes de gré à gré Dans les termes des articles L 321-4 et suivants du Code de Commerce, le vendeur autorise expressément la maison de vente Europ Auction à procéder à une vente de gré à gré, soit avant la vente aux enchères dans les termes de l'article 7 § III de la loi du 20 juillet 2011, soit après la vente aux enchères dans les termes de l'article 11 § II de la loi du 20 juillet 2011, à un prix au moins égal au prix de réserve convenu. Si une offre inférieure à ce prix de réserve était proposée avant ou après la vente, Europ Auction s'engage à la transmettre au vendeur. Frais à la charge de l’acheteur et responsabilité des enchérisseurs : Outre le prix d’adjudication, l’acheteur paiera une commission d’adjudication de 25 % HT (TVA en sus au taux en vigueur : 19,6 % et 5,5 % selon les cas). TVA : Pour les lots en provenance d’un pays tiers à l’Union Européenne signalés par le symbole *, il conviendra d’ajouter la TVA à l’import sur le prix d’adjudication (19,6% ou 5,5% selon les cas). Exportation après la vente : La TVA collectée au titre des frais d’acheteur ou celle collectée au titre d’une importation du lot, peut-être remboursée à l’adjudicataire dans les délais légaux sur présentation des documents qui justifient l’exportation du lot acheté. La formalité de licence d’exportation peut requérir un délai de quatre à six semaines, celui-ci pouvant être sensiblement réduit selon la rapidité avec laquelle l’acquéreur précisera ses instructions. Paiement Le paiement devra être effectué immédiatement après la vente : - en espèce jusqu’à un montant égal ou inférieur à 3 000 € pour les particuliers établis en France et pour les professionnels. 15000€ pour les particuliers établis hors de France sur présentation d’une pièce d’identité - par carte bancaire VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD - par chèque bancaire certifié à l’ordre d’Europ Auction , avec présentation d’une pièce d’identité en cours de validité. ◗ Les chèques émis sur banques étrangères seront majorés de 1 ‰ du montant total. ◗ par virement bancaire à l’ordre de Europ Auction Banque : NEUFLIZE OBC RIB : 30788 00900 08519920002 55 IBAN : FR76 3078 8009 0008 5199 2000 255 Code SWIFT : NSMBFRPPXXX Défaut de paiement : Conformément à l’article 14 de la loi n° 2000-642, à défaut de paiement par l’adjudicataire, après mise en demeure restée infructueuse, le bien est remis en vente à la demande du vendeur sur folle enchère de l’adjudicataire défaillant ; si le vendeur ne formule pas cette demande dans un délai d’un mois à compter de l’adjudication, la vente est résolue de plein droit, sans préjudice de dommages et intérêts dus par l’adjudicataire défaillant. En outre, Europ Auction se réserve le droit de réclamer à l’adjudicataire défaillant des intérêts au taux légal, le remboursement de tous les frais engagés pour le recouvrement des sommes dues par lui, ainsi que le paiement de la différence entre le prix d’adjudication initial et le prix d’adjudication sur folle enchère s’il est inférieur, ainsi que les coûts générés par les nouvelles enchères. L’estimation de prix de vente probable d’un lot n’est qu’une indication, le prix d’adjudication résultant des enchères peut varier en plus ou en moins de cette estimation. Les ordres d’achat ou enchères par téléphone enregistrés seront exécutés au mieux des intérêts du client en fonction des enchères portées lors de la vente. Les ordres d’achat et enchères téléphoniques sont un service gratuit, Europ Auction ne pourra être tenue responsable pour avoir manqué l’exécution d’un ordre par erreur. Lorsque plusieurs ordres d’achat sont identiques, la priorité revient au premier ordre reçu. Ces ordres d’achat devront être accompagnés de photocopies de deux pièces d’identité différentes. L’Etat français dispose d’un droit de préemption sur certaines œuvres mises en vente publique. L’exercice de ce droit au cours de la vente est confirmé dans un délai de quinze jours à compter de la vente. Dans ce cas, l’Etat se substitue au dernier enchérisseur. Enlèvement des achats : Europ Auction ne remettra les lots vendus à l’adjudicataire qu’après acquittement du règlement total de son achat. Dès l’adjudication, l’objet sera sous l’entière responsabilité de l’adjudicataire. Les acheteurs par téléphone ou par ordre d’achat n’ayant pas retiré leurs lots avant le lendemain matin de la vente à dix heure en salle, devront les retirer auprès de l’hotel des ventes (3° sous-sol) ; des frais de magasinage leur seront facturés. Toutefois la société EUROP AUCTION leur offre la possibilité d’entreposer gracieusement leurs achats (pendants huit jours) dans ses entrepots sur simple demande. Adresse du magasin : Société MONIN - 26 avenue Henri Barbusse - 93100 BOBIGNY. Retrait sur rendez-vous. Tel.: + 33 1 80 60 36 10. 8h30-12h30, 13h30-17h. Des frais de stockage au dede huit jours de dépôt après la vente seront appliqués. Le fait de participer à la vente emporte acceptation des présentes conditions générales de vente. Autonomie des dispositions Si une partie ou une disposition quelconque des présentes conditions générales de vente était déclarée, par un tribunal quel qu’il soit, non valable, illégale ou inapplicable, il ne sera pas tenu compte de cette partie mais le reste desdites conditions générales de vente restera pleinement valable dans toutes les limites prévues par la Loi. Informations obligatoires Dans les termes de l'article L 321-6 du Code de Commerce, Europ Auction dispose: - à Neuflize OBC d'un compte destiné exclusivement à recevoir les fonds détenus pour le compte d'autrui. - d'une assurance couvrant sa responsabilité professionnelle ouverte auprès de la compagnie Allianz. - d'une assurance garantissant la responsabilité des fonds mentionnés au § I ouverte auprès de la compagnie Allianz. Loi applicable et résolution des litiges Toutes les transactions visées par les présentes Conditions générales et tous les litiges y étant relatifs sont soumis et interprétés selon les lois Françaises ; vous et nous acceptons de nous soumettre à la compétence exclusive des juridictions françaises et particulièrement des Tribunaux compétents de PARIS, étant toutefois prévu que nous pouvons vous assigner devant n’importe quelle autre juridiction compétente, et dans toute la mesure prévue par la loi applicable devant cette autre juridiction. Dans les termes de l'Article L 321-17 du Code de Commerce, les actions en responsabilité civile engagées à l'occasion des prisées et des ventes volontaires de meubles aux enchères publiques se prescrivent par cinq ans à compter de l'adjudication de la prisée. 88 88 Europ Auction - Vente de prestige - Conditions générales

EUROP AUCTION GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PURCHASE The terms of sale of Europ Auction - Société de Ventes Volontaires of goods at public auction, governed by the laws of July 10th 2000 and of July 20th 2011, are governed solely by French Law. Europ Auction acts as the seller’s agent. Payments must be made in cash, and sales are carried out in Euros, in French. The last and highest bidder shall be the successful bidder and purchaser, and must to provide its personal data (name and address). In the absence of a written agreement between the bidders and SVV Europ Auction stating otherwise prior to the sale, bidders are deemed to make bids in their own names and on their own accounts. Goods for auction : All property is sold in the condition in which they were offered for sale with all their imperfections and defects. Prospective buyers are invited to examine any goods in which they may be interested, before the auction takes place, and notably during the exhibitions. No claim may be made for minor restorations or small damage after completion of the sale of the item. Descriptions of the lots resulting from the catalogue, the reports, the labels and the verbal statements or announcements involves the liability of Europauction. Descriptions may be altered orally or in writing at the time of the sale, or during the sale. The statements made by Europauction relating to a restoration, mishap, or harm arisen concerning the lot are only made to facilitate the inspection thereof by the prospective buyer and remain subject to his own or to his expert’s assessment. The absence of a statement by Europauction relating to a restoration, mishap or harm, in the catalogue, condition reports, on labels or orally, does not imply that the item is free from any current, past or repaired defects. Inversely, the indication of any defect whatsoever does not imply the absence of any other defects. Estimates are provided for guidance only and cannot be considered as implying the certainty that the item will be sold for the estimated price or even within the bracket of estimates. Estimates cannot constitute any guarantee whatsoever. Sales by mutual agreement: Under the terms of articles L 321-4 and following of the commercial code, the seller expressly authorizes the EUROPAUCTION company to conclude a sale by mutual agreement, either before the public auction under the terms of article 7 paragraph III of the law of July 20, 2000, or after the public auction under the terms of article 11 paragraph 2 of the law of July 20, 2000, at a price at least equal to the reserve price stated above. Should an offer lower than this reserve price be made before or after the sale, EUROPAUCTION promises to report it to the seller. Costs payable by the buyer and bidder’s liability: In addition to the closing bid price, the buyer shall pay a bid commission of 25% excluding taxes (VAT in addition at the rate in force : 19.6% and 5.5% as applicable). VAT: In the case of items originating from a country outside the European Union, marked with the symbol *, Import VAT must be added to the hammer price (19.6% and 5.5% as applicable). After-sale Export : VAT collected as a part of the buyer’s costs or on the occasion of an import may be refunded to the buyer upon proof of export within the legal time limit. Obtaining an export licence may take four to six weeks. This time may be shortened appreciably, depending on the speed with which the buyer gives its instructions. Payment: must be made immediately after the sale: - In specie up to and including €3,000 for French residents and professionals. €15,000 for non-French residents upon presentation of an identity document. - By Visa card, , AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD - By cheque made payable to Europ Auction, subject that a valid proof of identity is presented. ◗ Cheques drawn on foreign banks shall be increased by 1‰ of the total amount. ◗ By bank transfer payable to Europ Auction Banque : NEUFLIZE OBC RIB : 30788 00900 08519920002 55 IBAN : FR76 3078 8009 0008 5199 2000 255 Code SWIFT : NSMBFRPPXXX Non-payment : In accordance with Article 16 of law of, if the successful bidder fails to pay for an item, after notice to pay not having led to rectification of the situation, the item is re-auctioned at seller’s request, in accordance with the “irresponsible bid” procedure; if the vendor does not make such a request within one month from the day of the auction, the sale is null and void as of right, without prejudice for damages payable by the irresponsible bidder. Moreover, Europ Auction reserves the right to claim from the irresponsible bidder interest at the legal rate, repayment of all additional costs incurred by reason of its default, and payment of the difference between the initial winning bid and the price at the irresponsible bid auction if it is lower, together with the costs generated by the new auction. Estimates are indicative only; the final selling price may be higher or lower. Duly processed absentee-bids and telephone bids shall be carried out in the client’s best interest, depending on the bids made during the auction sale. Absentee Bids and Telephone Bids are a service which is provided free of charge. Europ Auction shall not be held liable for having failed to perform a bid order by error. When several absentee bids are identical priority is given to the first bid order received. The French State has a right of pre-emption in respect of certain works offered at auction. If the State wishes to exercise this right in respect of a sale this must be confirmed within fifteen days from the day of the sale. In this case the State replaces the last bidder. Collection and Storage of purchased items: Europ Auction shall give the sold lots to the winning bidder only after full payment of its purchase prices. From the “hammer fall” on, the item shall be under the buyer’s full responsibility. If need be, after eight days from the day of the sale, the buyer shall be charged Storage expenses. The phone bidders or absent bidders who have not collected their lots before 10 a.m. on the day following the day of the sale, shall have to collect them at the Hotel des Ventes (3rd floor underground) and shall be charged storage fees. However, EUROP AUCTION gives them the possibility, on demand, to store the said lots, free of charge up to eight days, in Europ Auction’s storage rooms. Adress: Société MONIN 26 avenue Henri Barbusse 93100 BOBIGNY. TEL: + 33 1 80 60 36 10. 8:30/12:30 - 13h30/17:00. Collection in Bobigny by appointment. Bidding implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions. Autonomy of clauses: Should any part or provision of these general terms and conditions be declared void, illegal or inapplicable, by any court, this part shall be disregarded, but the remainder of the general terms of sale shall be fully valid within the limits provided by the law. Required information: As required under the terms of article L321-6 of the commercial code, EUROPAUCTION holds: - at (Bank Name) an account devoted exclusively to monies held on behalf of third parties. - an insurance policy covering professional liability, with the (name of company) company - an insurance policy guaranteeing the availability of the funds mentioned in the first paragraph above, with the (name of company) company. Applicable law and resolution of disputes: All transactions referred to by the present General Terms, and all disputes relating the reto, are subject to and interpreted according to French laws; you and we accept to submit ourselves to the exclusive competence of the French courts, and in particular the competent PARIS courts, with the stipulation, however, that we are able to summon you before any other competent court, and to the full extent set out by the law applicable before this other court. Under the terms of article 321-17 of the commercial code, the statute of limitations for tort actions brought concerning estimates and voluntary and court-ordered auctions of personal property is five years from the time of the sale or estimate. Europ Auction - Vente de prestige - Conditions générales 89



The terms of sale of Europ Auction - Société <strong>de</strong> Ventes Volontaires of goods at public<br />

auction, governed by the <strong>la</strong>ws of July 10th 2000 and of July 20th 2011, are governed<br />

solely by French Law. Europ Auction acts as the seller’s agent.<br />

Payments must be ma<strong>de</strong> in cash, and sales are carried out in Euros, in French. The <strong>la</strong>st<br />

and highest bid<strong>de</strong>r shall be the successful bid<strong>de</strong>r and purchaser, and must to provi<strong>de</strong> its<br />

personal data (name and address).<br />

In the absence of a written agreement between the bid<strong>de</strong>rs and SVV Europ Auction<br />

stating otherwise prior to the sale, bid<strong>de</strong>rs are <strong>de</strong>emed to make bids in their own names<br />

and on their own accounts.<br />

Goods for auction :<br />

All property is sold in the condition in which they were offered for sale with all their<br />

imperfections and <strong>de</strong>fects.<br />

Prospective buyers are invited to examine any goods in which they may be interested,<br />

before the auction takes p<strong>la</strong>ce, and notably during the exhibitions. No c<strong>la</strong>im may be ma<strong>de</strong><br />

for minor restorations or small damage after completion of the sale of the item.<br />

Descriptions of the lots resulting from the catalogue, the reports, the <strong>la</strong>bels and the verbal<br />

statements or announcements involves the liability of Europauction.<br />

Descriptions may be altered orally or in writing at the time of the sale, or during the sale.<br />

The statements ma<strong>de</strong> by Europauction re<strong>la</strong>ting to a restoration, mishap, or harm arisen<br />

concerning the lot are only ma<strong>de</strong> to facilitate the inspection thereof by the prospective<br />

buyer and remain subject to his own or to his expert’s assessment.<br />

The absence of a statement by Europauction re<strong>la</strong>ting to a restoration, mishap or harm, in<br />

the catalogue, condition reports, on <strong>la</strong>bels or orally, does not imply that the item is free<br />

from any current, past or repaired <strong>de</strong>fects.<br />

Inversely, the indication of any <strong>de</strong>fect whatsoever does not imply the absence of any<br />

other <strong>de</strong>fects.<br />

Estimates are provi<strong>de</strong>d for guidance only and cannot be consi<strong>de</strong>red as implying the<br />

certainty that the item will be sold for the estimated price or even within the bracket of<br />

estimates. Estimates cannot constitute any guarantee whatsoever.<br />

Sales by mutual agreement:<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of articles L 321-4 and following of the commercial co<strong>de</strong>, the seller<br />

expressly authorizes the EUROPAUCTION company to conclu<strong>de</strong> a sale by mutual<br />

agreement, either before the public auction un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of article 7 paragraph III<br />

of the <strong>la</strong>w of July 20, 2000, or after the public auction un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of article 11<br />

paragraph 2 of the <strong>la</strong>w of July 20, 2000, at a price at least equal to the reserve price<br />

stated above.<br />

Should an offer lower than this reserve price be ma<strong>de</strong> before or after the sale,<br />

EUROPAUCTION promises to report it to the seller.<br />

Costs payable by the buyer and bid<strong>de</strong>r’s liability:<br />

In addition to the closing bid price, the buyer shall pay a bid commission of 25% excluding<br />

taxes (VAT in addition at the rate in force : 19.6% and 5.5% as applicable).<br />

VAT:<br />

In the case of items originating from a country outsi<strong>de</strong> the European Union, marked<br />

with the symbol *, Import VAT must be ad<strong>de</strong>d to the hammer price (19.6% and 5.5% as<br />

applicable).<br />

After-sale Export : VAT collected as a part of the buyer’s costs or on the occasion of an<br />

import may be refun<strong>de</strong>d to the buyer upon proof of export within the legal time limit.<br />

Obtaining an export licence may take four to six weeks. This time may be shortened<br />

appreciably, <strong>de</strong>pending on the speed with which the buyer gives its instructions.<br />

Payment: must be ma<strong>de</strong> immediately after the sale:<br />

- In specie up to and including €3,000 for French resi<strong>de</strong>nts and professionals. €15,000<br />

for non-French resi<strong>de</strong>nts upon presentation of an i<strong>de</strong>ntity document.<br />


- By cheque ma<strong>de</strong> payable to Europ Auction, subject that a valid proof of i<strong>de</strong>ntity is<br />

presented.<br />

◗ Cheques drawn on foreign banks shall be increased by 1‰ of the total amount.<br />

◗ By bank transfer payable to Europ Auction<br />

Banque : NEUFLIZE OBC<br />

RIB : 30788 00900 08519920002 55<br />

IBAN : FR76 3078 8009 0008 5199 2000 255<br />

Co<strong>de</strong> SWIFT : NSMBFRPPXXX<br />

Non-payment : In accordance with Article 16 of <strong>la</strong>w of, if the successful bid<strong>de</strong>r fails<br />

to pay for an item, after notice to pay not having led to rectification of the situation,<br />

the item is re-auctioned at seller’s request, in accordance with the “irresponsible bid”<br />

procedure; if the vendor does not make such a request within one month from the day of<br />

the auction, the sale is null and void as of right, without prejudice for damages payable<br />

by the irresponsible bid<strong>de</strong>r. Moreover, Europ Auction reserves the right to c<strong>la</strong>im from the<br />

irresponsible bid<strong>de</strong>r interest at the legal rate, repayment of all additional costs incurred by<br />

reason of its <strong>de</strong>fault, and payment of the difference between the initial winning bid and<br />

the price at the irresponsible bid auction if it is lower, together with the costs generated<br />

by the new auction.<br />

Estimates are indicative only; the final selling price may be higher or lower.<br />

Duly processed absentee-bids and telephone bids shall be carried out in the client’s<br />

best interest, <strong>de</strong>pending on the bids ma<strong>de</strong> during the auction sale. Absentee Bids and<br />

Telephone Bids are a service which is provi<strong>de</strong>d free of charge. Europ Auction shall not be<br />

held liable for having failed to perform a bid or<strong>de</strong>r by error. When several absentee bids<br />

are i<strong>de</strong>ntical priority is given to the first bid or<strong>de</strong>r received.<br />

The French State has a right of pre-emption in respect of certain works offered at auction.<br />

If the State wishes to exercise this right in respect of a sale this must be confirmed within<br />

fifteen days from the day of the sale. In this case the State rep<strong>la</strong>ces the <strong>la</strong>st bid<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Collection and Storage of purchased items:<br />

Europ Auction shall give the sold lots to the winning bid<strong>de</strong>r only after full payment of its<br />

purchase prices.<br />

From the “hammer fall” on, the item shall be un<strong>de</strong>r the buyer’s full responsibility. If<br />

need be, after eight days from the day of the sale, the buyer shall be charged Storage<br />

expenses.<br />

The phone bid<strong>de</strong>rs or absent bid<strong>de</strong>rs who have not collected their lots before 10 a.m. on<br />

the day following the day of the sale, shall have to collect them at the Hotel <strong>de</strong>s Ventes<br />

(3rd floor un<strong>de</strong>rground) and shall be charged storage fees. However, EUROP AUCTION<br />

gives them the possibility, on <strong>de</strong>mand, to store the said lots, free of charge up to eight<br />

days, in Europ Auction’s storage rooms.<br />

Adress: Société MONIN 26 avenue Henri Barbusse 93100 BOBIGNY. TEL: + 33 1 80<br />

60 36 10. 8:30/12:30 - 13h30/17:00.<br />

Collection in Bobigny by appointment.<br />

Bidding implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions.<br />

Autonomy of c<strong>la</strong>uses:<br />

Should any part or provision of these general terms and conditions be <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>red void,<br />

illegal or inapplicable, by any court, this part shall be disregar<strong>de</strong>d, but the remain<strong>de</strong>r of<br />

the general terms of sale shall be fully valid within the limits provi<strong>de</strong>d by the <strong>la</strong>w.<br />

Required information:<br />

As required un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of article L321-6 of the commercial co<strong>de</strong>, EUROPAUCTION<br />

holds:<br />

- at (Bank Name) an account <strong>de</strong>voted exclusively to monies held on behalf of third parties.<br />

- an insurance policy covering professional liability, with the (name of company) company<br />

- an insurance policy guaranteeing the avai<strong>la</strong>bility of the funds mentioned in the first<br />

paragraph above, with the (name of company) company.<br />

Applicable <strong>la</strong>w and resolution of disputes:<br />

All transactions referred to by the present General Terms, and all disputes re<strong>la</strong>ting the<br />

reto, are subject to and interpreted according to French <strong>la</strong>ws; you and we accept to<br />

submit ourselves to the exclusive competence of the French courts, and in particu<strong>la</strong>r<br />

the competent PARIS courts, with the stipu<strong>la</strong>tion, however, that we are able to summon<br />

you before any other competent court, and to the full extent set out by the <strong>la</strong>w<br />

applicable before this other court.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the terms of article 321-17 of the commercial co<strong>de</strong>, the statute of limitations for<br />

tort actions brought concerning estimates and voluntary and court-or<strong>de</strong>red auctions of<br />

personal property is five years from the time of the sale or estimate.<br />

Europ Auction - Vente <strong>de</strong> prestige - Conditions générales<br />


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