Cadre Procédural de Réinstallation - Dr. Kai Schmidt-Soltau

Cadre Procédural de Réinstallation - Dr. Kai Schmidt-Soltau

Cadre Procédural de Réinstallation - Dr. Kai Schmidt-Soltau


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ICCN<br />

<strong>Cadre</strong> procédural <strong>de</strong> Réinstallation du Projet GEF-BM<br />

very effective, sustainable and efficient way could be the establishment of community hunting zones<br />

on their land and support in the marketing of these products.<br />

People of category d might prefer cash based compensations together with some capacity building to<br />

invest this wisely into long term social security.<br />

For the hunting and gathering areas of indigenous peoples - category e – around the PNVi, ICCN will<br />

ensure within the management plans and the conservation laws (presently un<strong>de</strong>r revision), that the<br />

indigenous peoples are allowed to live, hunt, gather and fish in the PNVi and market these products<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the supervision of the ICCN.<br />

While the responsibility of the implementation of these mitigation strategies remains with the ICCN, it<br />

is suggested to share responsibilities in the following manner:<br />

1. The ICCN technical commission has the overall responsibility (strategy, steering, supervision etc.)<br />

for the implementation of the RPoF and the RPrF;<br />

2. The chief conservators of the national parks have the responsibility for the implementation at the<br />

local level;<br />

3. The responsibility for external elements (reviews, participation and mediation, support for<br />

vulnerable populations, etc.) will be outsourced to one or more NGO.<br />

Rapport Final Février 2007 10

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