URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff

URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff

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Chevaldonné P., Jollivet D., Ladrat C., Desbruyères D., Alayse A.M. (1993). Ecology of hydrothermal vent alvinellid polychaetes and adaptation to high temperatures. Third RIDGE Theoretical Institute: Physical, chemical, biological and geological interactions within seafloor hydrothermal systems, Big Sky, Montana, USA, Aug 27- 31. (Communication affichée). Féral J.P., Philippe H., Desbruyères D., Derelle E., Chenuil A. (1993). 28S ribosomic RNA inferred phylogeny of alvinellid from the hydrothermal vents: the fastest evolving polychaetes ? Evolution 93, Montpellier131. Gaill F. (1993). Enzymology and microbiology under extreme conditions. Table ronde Roussel Uclaf n°77. Gaill F. (1993). Les problèmes de la pression dans la récolte des organismes hydrothermaux. Journées URM/IFREMER, Brest (F) (), . Gaill F. (1993). Les matrices extracellulaires d'invertébrés de milieux extrêmes. 2èmes Journées des Sciences de la Vie, Paris (F) (), . Gaill F. (1993). Les collagènes d'organismes hydrothermaux. Extracellular matrices from invertebrates and primitive vertebrates, Paris (F) (), . Gaill F. (1993). Some properties of extracellular polymers from deep-sea worms. Workshop Photosynthetic systems, Paris (F) (), . Gaill F. (1993). Collagens from hydrothermal vent annelids. Gordon Research conferences, Colby Sawyer (USA) (), . Hamraoui L., Timpl R., Gaill F. (1993). Characteristics and immunolocalization of collagens from marine worms. Réunion annuelle de la Société Française du Tissu conjonctif (SFTC), Caen (F) (), . Hamraoui L., Timpl R., Gaill F. (1993). Caractéristiques et immunolocalisation des collagènes chez des organismes des sources hydrothermales profondes. 2ndes Journées des Sciences de la Vie, Paris (F) (), . Jollivet D., Desbruyères D. (1993). Can the hydrothermal environment be responsible for the low genetic differentiation among deep-sea hydrothermal vent alvinellid polychaetes ? Evolution 93, Montpellier204. Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Loth M.M. (1993). Autoxidation and oxidation of extracellular haemoglobin from the lugworm Arenicola marina and the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury (U.K.), 28 Mar-2 Apr. (Communication orale). Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Gaill F. (1993). Synthèse des microfibrilles de chitine chez un organisme abyssal. 33ème Colloque annuel de la Société Française de Microscopie Electronique, Lyon (F) (), . Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Gaill F. (1993). Sécrétion de chitine par des microvillosités chez un organisme abyssal. 2ndes Journées des Sciences de la Vie, Paris (F) (), . Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Goffinet G., Gaill F. (1993). The chitin secreting glands of hydrothermal vent worms. International Symposium on chitin Enzymology, Senigallia (Italie) (), . Toulmond A. (1993). Propriétés des pigments respiratoires en rapport avec le mode de vie chez les Invertébrés de l’environnement hydrothermal profond. Table Ronde de la Société Zoologique de France, Paris, 5 Mar. (Conférence invitée). Toulmond A., Lallier F.H., de Frescheville J. (1993). Unusual carbon dioxide-combining properties of body fluids in hydrothermal vent tubeworms. Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury (U.K.), 28 Mar-2 Apr. (Communication orale). Zal F., Jouin-Toulmond C. (1993). Sexual dimorphism in Paralvinella grasslei (Polychaeta; Alvinellidae). Symposium du GDR Ecoprophyce, Paris (F), 28-29 Sep. [ 26 ]

Zal F., Jouin-Toulmond C. (1993). Stratégie de reproduction de Paralvinella grasslei, Annélide polychète des sources hydrothermales profondes. Société d'Ecophysiologie de la Reproduction, Paris (F), 26 Nov. (Communication orale). 1994 Blythe S., Brindley J., Cann J., Dando P., Desbruyères D., Dixon D., Fowler M., Gebruk A., Halley J., Jenkyns H., Jollivet D., Kutzenov A., Murton B., Richards K., Rudnichi M., Sloan H., Southward A., Southward E., Tunnicliffe V., Tyler P., VanDover C.L., Walker C., Wilson J. (1994). Diversity of Vent Ecosystem. Bridge Workshop n°4, Plymouth, UKBRIDGE, 1-39. Chevaldonné P., Godfroy A., Guezennec J., Marec F., Fouquet Y. (1994). Micro-ecology of a hydrothermal vent chimney at 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise. 7th Deep Sea Biology Symposium, Hersonissos, Grèce, 29 Sep-4 Oct. (Communication affichée). Desbruyères D. (1994). Deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities: an ecological overview. 16th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Dehli, IndiaPublications & Information Directorate, 38. Gaill F. (1994). Collagens from deep-sea worms. Pathology of collagens, Madras (Inde) (), . Gaill F. (1994). Life development at deep sea hydrothermal vents. International workshop interplay physic and biology processes in development, Les Houches () (), . Gaill F. (1994). Chitin secretion of deep sea tube worms. Interplay physic and biology, Les Houches (F). Gaill F. (1994). Modèlisation du système de secrétion des tubes de Riftia. Imagerie des systèmes macromoléculaires et cellulaires, Annecy (F). Gaill F., Hamraoui L., Sicot F.X., Timpl R. (1994). Immunological properties and tissue localization of two different collagen types in annelid and vestimentifera species. XIVth Federation of the European connective tissue societies (FECTS) Meeting, Lyon (F) (), . Gaill F., Mann K., Wiedemann H., Timpl R., Engel J. (1994). Structural comparison of collagens from annelids living in different environments. XIV FECTS Meetin, Lyon (F) (), . Gaill F., Nicolas G., Jamme D., Hamraoui L., Lechaire J.P. (1994). In situ localization of collagen from marine invertebrates by immuno electron microscopy. ICEM 13, Paris (F)Editions de Physique, 289-290. Hamraoui L. (1994). In situ and in vitro assembly of cuticle collagens from marine worms. Journées de l'UFR des Sciences de la Vie, UPMC, Paris. Jouin-Toulmond C., Augustin D. (1994). Anatomy and ultrastructure of the anterior circulatory system, and erythrocytes in Alvinellidae, a polychaete family from hydrothermal vents. 7th Deep Sea Biology Symposium, Hersonissos (Crete), 29 Sep-4 Oct. (Communication affichée). Kaule G.H., Timpl R., Gaill F., Gunzler V. (1994). Prolyl hydroxylase activity in deep sea worm tissues. XIV FECTS Meeting, Lyon (F) (), . Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., de Frescheville J. (1994). The body fluids of hydrothermal vent tubeworms exhibit unusual carbon-dioxide combining properties. 7th Deep Sea Biology Symposium, Hersonissos (Crete), 29 Sep-4 Oct. (Communication affichée). Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Loth M.M. (1994). Quelques propriétés remarquables de l’hémoglobine extracellulaire de l’Arénicole. Club de l’Hémoglobine, Paris (F), 4-5 Fév. (Communication orale), Nouv. Rev. Fr. Hematol., 36: 7. Lechaire J.P., Nicolas G., Müller M., Müller T., Gaill F. (1994). EM Aspects of Fibrils and Collagen Gel after High-Pressure Freezing. ICEM 13, Paris (F)Editions de Physique, 987-988. [ 27 ]

Chevaldonné P., Jollivet D., Ladrat C., Desbruyères D., Alayse A.M. (1993). Ecology of<br />

hydrothermal vent alvinellid polychaetes and adaptation to high temperatures. Third<br />

RIDGE Theoretical Institute: Physical, chemical, biological and geological<br />

interactions within seafloor hydrothermal systems, Big Sky, Montana, USA, Aug 27-<br />

31. (Communication affichée).<br />

Féral J.P., Philippe H., Desbruyères D., Derelle E., Chenuil A. (1993). 28S ribosomic RNA<br />

inferred phylogeny of alvinellid from the hydrothermal vents: the fastest evolving<br />

polychaetes ? Evolution 93, Montpellier131.<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Enzymology and microbiology un<strong>de</strong>r extreme conditions. Table ron<strong>de</strong><br />

Roussel Uclaf n°77.<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Les problèmes <strong>de</strong> la pression dans la récolte <strong>de</strong>s organismes hydrothermaux.<br />

Journées <strong>URM</strong>/IFREMER, Brest (F) (), .<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Les matrices extracellulaires d'invertébrés <strong>de</strong> milieux extrêmes. 2èmes<br />

Journées <strong>de</strong>s Sciences <strong>de</strong> la Vie, Paris (F) (), .<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Les collagènes d'organismes hydrothermaux. Extracellular matrices from<br />

invertebrates and primitive vertebrates, Paris (F) (), .<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Some properties of extracellular polymers from <strong>de</strong>ep-sea worms. Workshop<br />

Photosynthetic systems, Paris (F) (), .<br />

Gaill F. (1993). Collagens from hydrothermal vent annelids. Gordon Research conferences,<br />

Colby Sawyer (USA) (), .<br />

Hamraoui L., Timpl R., Gaill F. (1993). Characteristics and immunolocalization of collagens<br />

from marine worms. Réunion annuelle <strong>de</strong> la Société Française du Tissu conjonctif<br />

(SFTC), Caen (F) (), .<br />

Hamraoui L., Timpl R., Gaill F. (1993). Caractéristiques et immunolocalisation <strong>de</strong>s<br />

collagènes chez <strong>de</strong>s organismes <strong>de</strong>s sources hydrothermales profon<strong>de</strong>s. 2n<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Journées <strong>de</strong>s Sciences <strong>de</strong> la Vie, Paris (F) (), .<br />

Jollivet D., Desbruyères D. (1993). Can the hydrothermal environment be responsible for the<br />

low genetic differentiation among <strong>de</strong>ep-sea hydrothermal vent alvinellid polychaetes ?<br />

Evolution 93, Montpellier204.<br />

Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Loth M.M. (1993). Autoxidation and oxidation of extracellular<br />

haemoglobin from the lugworm Arenicola marina and the hydrothermal vent<br />

tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury (U.K.), 28<br />

Mar-2 Apr. (Communication orale).<br />

Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Gaill F. (1993). Synthèse <strong>de</strong>s microfibrilles <strong>de</strong> chitine chez un<br />

organisme abyssal. 33ème Colloque annuel <strong>de</strong> la Société Française <strong>de</strong> Microscopie<br />

Electronique, Lyon (F) (), .<br />

Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Gaill F. (1993). Sécrétion <strong>de</strong> chitine par <strong>de</strong>s microvillosités chez un<br />

organisme abyssal. 2n<strong>de</strong>s Journées <strong>de</strong>s Sciences <strong>de</strong> la Vie, Paris (F) (), .<br />

Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Goffinet G., Gaill F. (1993). The chitin secreting glands of<br />

hydrothermal vent worms. International Symposium on chitin Enzymology, Senigallia<br />

(Italie) (), .<br />

Toulmond A. (1993). Propriétés <strong>de</strong>s pigments respiratoires en rapport avec le mo<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vie<br />

chez les Invertébrés <strong>de</strong> l’environnement hydrothermal profond. Table Ron<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Société Zoologique <strong>de</strong> France, Paris, 5 Mar. (Conférence invitée).<br />

Toulmond A., Lallier F.H., <strong>de</strong> Frescheville J. (1993). Unusual carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>-combining<br />

properties of body fluids in hydrothermal vent tubeworms. Society for Experimental<br />

Biology, Canterbury (U.K.), 28 Mar-2 Apr. (Communication orale).<br />

Zal F., Jouin-Toulmond C. (1993). Sexual dimorphism in Paralvinella grasslei (Polychaeta;<br />

Alvinellidae). Symposium du GDR Ecoprophyce, Paris (F), 28-29 Sep.<br />

[ 26 ]

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