URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff

URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff URM n° 7 - Station Biologique de Roscoff

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of the anterior circulatory system and characterisation of a coelomic, intracellular haemoglobin. Cah. Biol. Mar., 37:135-151. Karl S.A., Schutz S., Desbruyères D., Lutz R., Vriejenhoek R. (1996). Molecular analysis of gene flow in the hydrothermal vent clam (Calyptogena magnifica). Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 5:193-202. Lallier F.H., Truchot J.P. (1996). Hemocyanin oxygen-binding properties of a deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp: evidence for a novel cofactor. J. Exp. Zool., in press. Lamy J.N., Green B.N., Toulmond A., Wall J.S., Weber R.E., Vinogradov S.N. (1996). The giant hexagonal bilayer extracellular hemoglobins. Chem. Rev., 96: 3113-3124. Mann K., Mechling D.E., Bächinger H.P., Eckerskorn C., Gaill F., Timpl R. (1996). Glycosylated threonine but not 4-hydroxyproline dominates the triple helix stabilizing positions in the sequence of a hydrothermal vent worm cuticle collagen. J. Mol. Biol., 261:255-266. Sarradin P.-M., Caprais J.C. (1996). Analysis of dissolved gases by headspace sampling, gas chromatography with columns and detectors commutation. Preliminary results. Analytical Communications:in press. Van Dover C.L., Desbruyères D., Segonzac M., Comtet T., Saldanha L., Fiala-Médioni A., Langmuir C. (1996). Biology of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field. Deep-Sea Research, in press. Zal F., Green B.N., Lallier F.H., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). Quaternary structure of the extracellular haemoglobin of the lugworm Arenicola marina.. A multi-angle laser-light scattering and electrospray-ionisation mass-spectrometry analysis. Eur. J. Biochem., in press. Zal F., Lallier F.H., Green B.N., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). The multihemoglobin system of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila: II. Complete polypeptide chain composition investigated by maximum entropy analysis of mass spectra. J. Biol. Chem., 271:8875-8881. Zal F., Lallier F.H., Wall J.S., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). The multi-hemoglobin system of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila: I- Reexamination of the number and masses of its constituents. J. Biol. Chem., 271:8869-8874. Articles soumis Black M.B., Hoeh W.R., Hashimoto J., Desbruyères D., Lutz R.A., Vriejenhoek R. (soumis). Molecular systematics of vestimentiferan tube worms from deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold water hydrocarbon seeps. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Boudet T., Gaill F., Strauss A. (soumis). 3D analysis and reconstruction of cellular structures. Application to the chitin secreting gland of Riftia pachyptila. J. Theor. Biol. Cary S.C., Cottrell M.T., Stein J.L., Camacho F., Desbruyères D. (soumis). Molecular identification and localization of filamentous symbiotic bacteria associated with the hydrothermal vent annelid Alvinella pompejana. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Child A., Segonzac M. (soumis). Sericosura heteroscela and S. cyrtoma new species (Pycnogonida) from hydrothermal vents localities in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, with notes on their habitat. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Desbruyères D., Alayse-Danet A.-M., Caprais J.-C., Chevaldonné P.-M., Cosson R., Gaill F., Guezennec J., Hourdez S., Jollivet D., Jouin-Toulmond C., Lallier F.H., Laubier L., Risso R., Sarradin P.-M., Toulmond A., Zal F. (soumis). Burning subjects: biology and ecology of the "Pompei worm" (Alvinella pompejana), a normal dweller of an extreme deep-sea environment. Deep-Sea Research. [ 20 ]

Dixon D.R., Dixon L.R.J., Jollivet D., Southward E.C., Southward A.J. (soumis). Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) variation in a hydrothermal-vent tubeworm, Ridgeia piscesae Jones (Vestimentifera) from the North East Pacific. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Goffredi S.K., Childress J.J., Desaulniers N.T., Lallier F.H. (soumis). Sulfide acquisition by the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila is via diffusion of HS - rather than H 2 S. J. exp. Biol. Jamieson B.G.M., Guinot D., Tudge C.C., Segonzac M. (soumis). Hydrothermal vent crabs, Bythograea, Austinograea and Segonzacia (Decapoda, Brachyura, Heterotremata, Bythograeidae): spermatozoal and morphological evidence for origin within the superfamily Xanthoidea. Biological Bulletin. Jollivet D., Chevaldonné P., Planque B. (soumis). Hydrothermal-vent alvinellid polychaete dispersal in the eastern Pacific. 2. Long-term effects of vent dynamics on the genetic structure of populations. Limnology and Oceanography. Lutz R.A., Desbruyères D. (soumis). A stauromedusae-dominated, deep-sea hydrothermal vent community. Deep-Sea Research. Nicolas G., Gaill F., Zylberberg L. (soumis). Effect of cryotechniques on the immunocytochemical labelling of fibrillar collagens in compact connective tissues for electron microscopic studies. Histochemistry. Sarradin P.M., Caprais J.C., Riso R., Aminot A., Kerouel R., Alayse A.M. (soumis). Chemical environment of the hydrothermal communities in the Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen area, Mid Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Marine Research. Shank T.M., Fornari D.J., Lutz R.A., Haymon R.M., Von Damm K.L., Lilley M.D., Perfit M.R., Edwards M.H., Shanks III W.C., Nelson D., Van Dover C., Black M., Desbruyères D. (soumis). Establishement of a long-term observatory at nascent hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9°49'-50'N: baseline observations. Journal of Geophysical Research. Truchot J.P., Lallier F.H. (soumis). High CO2 content in hydrothermal vent water at the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. AGU Volume - Ewing Series. Zal F., Green B.N., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A. (soumis). Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry of the extracellular hemoglobin from the "pompeii worm" Alvinella pompejana : an unusual hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin. Biochemistry. Zal F., Kuster B., Green B.N., Harvey D.J., Lallier F.H. (soumis). An unusual glycosylation structure on the hemoglobins of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. J. Biol. Chem. Zal F., Suzuki T., Kawasaki Y., Childress J.J., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A. (soumis). Primary structure of the common polypeptide chain b from the multi-hemoglobin system of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila: Implication on the knowledge of the sulfide binding-site. Proteins. Ouvrages et Chapîtres d'ouvrages 1993 Shillito B., Lechaire J.P., Goffinet G., Gaill F. (1993). The chitin secreting microvilli of hydrothermal vent worms. In X. Muzarelli (ed.), Chitin Enzymology, pp. 129-136. ECS Press, Italy. 1995 Beysens D., Forgacs G., Gaill F. (1995). Interplay of genetics and physical processes in the development of biological form at the frontier of physics and biology. . World Scientific, . 320 p. [ 21 ]

of the anterior circulatory system and characterisation of a coelomic, intracellular<br />

haemoglobin. Cah. Biol. Mar., 37:135-151.<br />

Karl S.A., Schutz S., Desbruyères D., Lutz R., Vriejenhoek R. (1996). Molecular analysis of<br />

gene flow in the hydrothermal vent clam (Calyptogena magnifica). Molecular Marine<br />

Biology and Biotechnology, 5:193-202.<br />

Lallier F.H., Truchot J.P. (1996). Hemocyanin oxygen-binding properties of a <strong>de</strong>ep-sea<br />

hydrothermal vent shrimp: evi<strong>de</strong>nce for a novel cofactor. J. Exp. Zool., in press.<br />

Lamy J.N., Green B.N., Toulmond A., Wall J.S., Weber R.E., Vinogradov S.N. (1996). The<br />

giant hexagonal bilayer extracellular hemoglobins. Chem. Rev., 96: 3113-3124.<br />

Mann K., Mechling D.E., Bächinger H.P., Eckerskorn C., Gaill F., Timpl R. (1996).<br />

Glycosylated threonine but not 4-hydroxyproline dominates the triple helix stabilizing<br />

positions in the sequence of a hydrothermal vent worm cuticle collagen. J. Mol. Biol.,<br />

261:255-266.<br />

Sarradin P.-M., Caprais J.C. (1996). Analysis of dissolved gases by headspace sampling, gas<br />

chromatography with columns and <strong>de</strong>tectors commutation. Preliminary results.<br />

Analytical Communications:in press.<br />

Van Dover C.L., Desbruyères D., Segonzac M., Comtet T., Saldanha L., Fiala-Médioni A.,<br />

Langmuir C. (1996). Biology of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field. Deep-Sea<br />

Research, in press.<br />

Zal F., Green B.N., Lallier F.H., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). Quaternary structure<br />

of the extracellular haemoglobin of the lugworm Arenicola marina.. A multi-angle<br />

laser-light scattering and electrospray-ionisation mass-spectrometry analysis. Eur. J.<br />

Biochem., in press.<br />

Zal F., Lallier F.H., Green B.N., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). The multihemoglobin<br />

system of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila: II. Complete<br />

polypepti<strong>de</strong> chain composition investigated by maximum entropy analysis of mass<br />

spectra. J. Biol. Chem., 271:8875-8881.<br />

Zal F., Lallier F.H., Wall J.S., Vinogradov S.N., Toulmond A. (1996). The multi-hemoglobin<br />

system of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila: I- Reexamination of the<br />

number and masses of its constituents. J. Biol. Chem., 271:8869-8874.<br />

Articles soumis<br />

Black M.B., Hoeh W.R., Hashimoto J., Desbruyères D., Lutz R.A., Vriejenhoek R. (soumis).<br />

Molecular systematics of vestimentiferan tube worms from <strong>de</strong>ep-sea hydrothermal<br />

vents and cold water hydrocarbon seeps. Molecular Biology and Evolution.<br />

Bou<strong>de</strong>t T., Gaill F., Strauss A. (soumis). 3D analysis and reconstruction of cellular structures.<br />

Application to the chitin secreting gland of Riftia pachyptila. J. Theor. Biol.<br />

Cary S.C., Cottrell M.T., Stein J.L., Camacho F., Desbruyères D. (soumis). Molecular<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntification and localization of filamentous symbiotic bacteria associated with the<br />

hydrothermal vent annelid Alvinella pompejana. Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology.<br />

Child A., Segonzac M. (soumis). Sericosura heteroscela and S. cyrtoma new species<br />

(Pycnogonida) from hydrothermal vents localities in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,<br />

with notes on their habitat. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.<br />

Desbruyères D., Alayse-Danet A.-M., Caprais J.-C., Chevaldonné P.-M., Cosson R., Gaill F.,<br />

Guezennec J., Hour<strong>de</strong>z S., Jollivet D., Jouin-Toulmond C., Lallier F.H., Laubier L.,<br />

Risso R., Sarradin P.-M., Toulmond A., Zal F. (soumis). Burning subjects: biology and<br />

ecology of the "Pompei worm" (Alvinella pompejana), a normal dweller of an extreme<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep-sea environment. Deep-Sea Research.<br />

[ 20 ]

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