ENTREES Pieuvre grillée, tombée de tomates confites ... - tarantella.ca

ENTREES Pieuvre grillée, tombée de tomates confites ... - tarantella.ca

ENTREES Pieuvre grillée, tombée de tomates confites ... - tarantella.ca


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<strong>ENTREES</strong><br />

<strong>Pieuvre</strong> <strong>grillée</strong>, <strong>tombée</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>tomates</strong> <strong>confites</strong>, câpres et olives<br />

Sur lit <strong>de</strong> petits pois sucrés et menthe<br />

Grilled octopus topped with confit tomato, <strong>ca</strong>pers and olives on a<br />

Bed of sweet peas and mint<br />

16<br />

Ravioli <strong>de</strong> chocolat noir farci <strong>de</strong> mas<strong>ca</strong>rpone, figues et foie gras<br />

Dark chocolate ravioli stuffed with mas<strong>ca</strong>rpone cheese, fig and foie gras<br />

12<br />

Fondant <strong>de</strong> brie, tapena<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> poivrons rôtis et <strong>tomates</strong> séchées<br />

Roasted red pepper and sun dried tomato melted brie<br />

10<br />

Poutine <strong>de</strong> gnocchi, fromage du Québec, sauce au jus<br />

Ricotta gnocchi poutine and Québec cheeses au jus sauce<br />

10<br />

Prosciutto San Danielle à la fleur <strong>de</strong> sel, Parmiggiano Reggiano<br />

San Danielle Prosciutto cured with sea salt, Parmiggiano Reggiano<br />

14<br />

Calmars grillés au thym et quenelle <strong>de</strong> branda<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> morue bleue<br />

Thyme grilled <strong>ca</strong>lamari, blue cod branda<strong>de</strong> quenelle<br />

11<br />

Calmars frits<br />

Fried <strong>ca</strong>lamari<br />

10<br />

Tourelle d’avo<strong>ca</strong>t, mozzarina et <strong>tomates</strong><br />

Avo<strong>ca</strong>do, mozzarina and tomato tower<br />



Soupe <strong>de</strong> Yukon Gold, relish <strong>de</strong> champignons et larme d’huile <strong>de</strong> truffe<br />

Yukon Gold soup, mushroom relish, drizzled with truffle oil<br />

8<br />

Soupe <strong>de</strong> betteraves rouges et gingembre, pesto <strong>de</strong> roquette<br />

Red beet and ginger soup topped with aragula pesto<br />

7<br />

Cœur <strong>de</strong> Romaine <strong>grillée</strong>, vinaigrette méditerranéenne<br />

Grilled romaine heart, Mediterranean dressing<br />

8<br />

Sala<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> roquette vinaigrette aux fraises, brunoise <strong>de</strong> melon et<br />

fo<strong>ca</strong>ccia aux fines herbes<br />

Aragula salad, Strawberry dressing, melon brunoise and Fines herbs fo<strong>ca</strong>ccia<br />

9<br />


Ravioli <strong>de</strong> saucisses et rapini, sauce au vin blanc et crème <strong>de</strong> Parmesan<br />

Ravioli pasta stuffed with rapini and sausage, served with white<br />

wine and Parmesan cream sauce<br />

18<br />

Demi-lune <strong>de</strong> pates au safran farcis au fenouil et crevettes à la nage<br />

Saffron half moon pasta with shred<strong>de</strong>d fennel and shrimps a la nage<br />

20<br />

Risotto <strong>ca</strong>naroli aux porcini<br />

Porcini <strong>ca</strong>naroli risotto<br />

18<br />

Risotto <strong>ca</strong>naroli aux pétoncles, crevettes et roquette<br />

S<strong>ca</strong>llops and shrimp <strong>ca</strong>naroli risotto topped with aragula salad<br />

22<br />

Gnocchi <strong>de</strong> ricotta, sauce tomate et basilic<br />

Ricotta gnocchi simmered in a tomato and basil sauce<br />


Linguini aux fruits <strong>de</strong> mer<br />

Seafood linguini<br />

24<br />

Pappar<strong>de</strong>lle <strong>de</strong> persil, <strong>tomates</strong> <strong>confites</strong> et bocconcini<br />

Home ma<strong>de</strong> parsley pappar<strong>de</strong>lle, confit tomato and bocconcini<br />

16<br />

Penne aux artichauts, noix <strong>de</strong> pin, poulet fumé et <strong>tomates</strong> séchées<br />

Penne with artichoke, pine nuts, smoked chicken and sun dried tomato<br />

17<br />


Morue charbonnière, glace au gingembre et miel<br />

Alaskan black cod glazed with ginger and honey<br />

28<br />

Dos <strong>de</strong> flétan cuit au four, en croûte <strong>de</strong> <strong>tomates</strong> <strong>confites</strong><br />

Oven baked confit tomato crust halibut<br />

28<br />

Filet <strong>de</strong> saumon poêlé, sauce au Limoncello et safran<br />

Pan seared salmon filet, Limoncello and saffron sauce<br />

22<br />


Carré d’agneau flambé à la Grappa, sauce aux mures<br />

Grappa flambed rack of lamb, blackcurrant sauce<br />

25<br />

Suprême <strong>de</strong> volaille farcie au chèvre et figues en chemise <strong>de</strong> prosciutto<br />

Chicken breast stuffed with goat cheese and fig wrapped in prosciutto<br />

18<br />

Côte courte <strong>de</strong> bœuf braisé au vin rouge, ma<strong>ca</strong>roni au fromage<br />

Red wine slow braised beef short rib, ma<strong>ca</strong>roni and cheese<br />

22<br />

Bavette <strong>de</strong> bœuf <strong>grillée</strong>, oignons <strong>ca</strong>ramélisés<br />

Grilled skirt steak, <strong>ca</strong>ramelized onions<br />


Médaillons <strong>de</strong> veau poêlé, sauce aux porcini<br />

Pan seared Veal medallions, porcini sauce<br />

28<br />

Côte <strong>de</strong> veau <strong>grillée</strong>, vino cotto aux figues<br />

Grilled veal chop, vino cotto scented with fig<br />

35<br />

Steak <strong>de</strong> Surlonge style New York, sauce au poivre vert<br />

New York style steak, green peppercorn sauce<br />

29<br />

Service aux tables<br />

Entrecôte <strong>de</strong> boeuf Florentine pour 2<br />

Double beef rib Florentine for 2<br />

65<br />

Loup <strong>de</strong> mer cuit au gros el <strong>de</strong> mer<br />

Mediterranean Sea Bass cooked in sea salt<br />



Trio <strong>de</strong> Crèmes Brûlées<br />

Crèmes Brûlées trio<br />

8<br />

Déclinaison <strong>de</strong> Panna cotta<br />

Panna cotta variation<br />

10<br />

Mi-cuit au chocolat noir<br />

Dark chocolate mi-cuit<br />

9<br />

Tiramisu Maison<br />

Homema<strong>de</strong> Tiramisu<br />

7<br />

Trilogie <strong>de</strong> sorbets<br />

Sorbets trilogy<br />

7<br />

Tartuffo au chocolat<br />

Chocolate Tartuffo<br />


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