CV IB (IMODEV-170910).pdf

CV IB (IMODEV-170910).pdf CV IB (IMODEV-170910).pdf


Irène BOUHADANA Doctor of Law Assistant Professor at Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) General Secretary of the World and Development Institute (IMODEV) Co-Director of the Master of Digital Law (Public sector and Private sector) Curriculum Vitae 1. Family name : BOUHADANA 2. First name : Irène 3. Date of birth : July 1 rst 1969 4. Nationality : French 5. Civil Status : Single 6. Coordinates Irène BOUHADANA 32 rue de Champ Chardon 92130 Issy les Moulineaux FRANCE Tel : 00 33 - 6 68 67 29 27 E-mail: 7. Education Institution Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) (France) Date 2001-2007 Diploma Doctor of Law PhD subject: « Finance committees of Parliament in France: origins, transformations and stakes ». Institution Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) (France) Date 2000-2001 Diploma 2 nd -year-Master of Public Finance (DEA de Finances publiques) Institution Paris-Sud University (Paris 11) (France) Date 1999-2000 Diploma 2 nd -year-Master of Public Law (DEA de Droit public) 17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail : 1

Irène BOUHADANA<br />

Doctor of Law<br />

Assistant Professor at Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1)<br />

General Secretary of the World and Development Institute (<strong>IMODEV</strong>)<br />

Co-Director of the Master of Digital Law (Public sector and Private sector)<br />

Curriculum Vitae<br />

1. Family name : BOUHADANA<br />

2. First name : Irène<br />

3. Date of birth : July 1 rst 1969<br />

4. Nationality : French<br />

5. Civil Status : Single<br />

6. Coordinates<br />

Irène BOUHADANA<br />

32 rue de Champ Chardon<br />

92130 Issy les Moulineaux<br />

FRANCE<br />

Tel : 00 33 - 6 68 67 29 27<br />

E-mail:<br />

7. Education<br />

Institution Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) (France)<br />

Date 2001-2007<br />

Diploma Doctor of Law<br />

PhD subject: « Finance committees of Parliament in France:<br />

origins, transformations and stakes ».<br />

Institution Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) (France)<br />

Date 2000-2001<br />

Diploma 2 nd -year-Master of Public Finance (DEA de Finances publiques)<br />

Institution Paris-Sud University (Paris 11) (France)<br />

Date 1999-2000<br />

Diploma 2 nd -year-Master of Public Law (DEA de Droit public)<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


Institution Paris-Sud University (Paris 11) (France)<br />

Date 1998-1999<br />

Diploma 1 rst -year-Master of Public Law (Maîtrise de Droit public)<br />

Institution Paris-Sud University (Paris 11) (France)<br />

Date 1994-1998<br />

Diploma Bachelor’s degree in Law (Licence en Droit)<br />

Institution Institut des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) (France)<br />

Date 1992-1997<br />

Diploma Oriental and Civilization Degree (Diplôme de langue et civilisation<br />

orientales)<br />

Institution<br />

Diploma<br />

Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris (France)<br />

Literature Degree - (Hypokhâgne)<br />

Hypokhâgne is a prestigious degree in Literature, preparing to<br />

l’École Normale Supérieure (ENS).<br />

ENS is one of the French “Grandes Ecoles” which are considered<br />

to be the pinnacle of French higher education.<br />

7. Language skills (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)<br />

Language Reading Speaking Writing<br />

French 1 1 1<br />

English 1 2 2<br />

Hebrew 2 2 3<br />

Italian 4 5 5<br />

8. Present position<br />

Assistant Professor in Public Law, Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) (since<br />

September 2007)<br />

Co-Director of the Master of Digital Law (Public sector and Private sector)<br />

General Secretary of the World and Development Institute (<strong>IMODEV</strong><br />

Mobile: + 33 – (0)6 68 67 29 27<br />

E-mail:<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


9. Key qualifications<br />

- Public finance, New Public Management and Good governance :<br />

o Central government/State finance:<br />

o Preparation and adoption of the State budget<br />

o Parliamentary control and evaluation of public funds<br />

o Finance committees of Parliaments<br />

o Courts of accounts and National audit offices (NAO)<br />

- Constitutional Law :<br />

o Parliamentary law<br />

o Relationships between legislative and executive powers<br />

o The separation of powers<br />

o Democracy<br />

- Local government law:<br />

o A comparative approach of local governments<br />

o Devolved and decentralized administrations<br />

- Digital law<br />

- Preparation to competitive exams in Public Finance and in Public law<br />

10. Teaching Experience<br />

Institution<br />

[ Date from - Date to ]<br />

2007-2010<br />

Pantheon-Sorbonne<br />

University<br />

(Paris 1, France)<br />

2006-2007<br />

Paris-Nord University<br />

(Paris 13, France)<br />

2002-2004<br />

Paris-Nord University<br />

(Paris 13, France)<br />

2002-2003<br />

Paris-Nord University<br />

(Paris 13, France)<br />

Assistant-Professor in Public Law<br />

Position<br />

Courses:<br />

- Fundamental liberties and digital law<br />

- Constitutional Law<br />

- Civil servant Law<br />

- Urbanism Law<br />

- Local government institutions: a comparative approach<br />

Lecturer in Public Law<br />

Course : Public Finance and New Public Management<br />

Assistant in Public Law<br />

Tuitions: Public Finance ; Tax Law<br />

Lecturer in Public Law<br />

Course : Public Finance and New Public Management ; Political and administrative<br />

institutions<br />

11. International Symposiums and seminars<br />

Institution<br />

[ Date from - Date to ]<br />

Association of Towns<br />

and Cities of the Czech<br />

Republic<br />

(Prague, Czech<br />

Republic)<br />

June 4th and 5th 2010<br />

Position<br />

“The management of the UE structural funds by czech local authorities” - « La<br />

gestion des fonds structurels par les collectivités locales tchèques »<br />

Seminar organized by <strong>IMODEV</strong> (the World and Development Institute) and the<br />

Association of Towns and Cities of the Czech Republic. Prague, Czech Republic<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


Academy of Finance of<br />

the Russian Federation<br />

(Moscow, Russia)<br />

March 18th<br />

and 19th 2010<br />

Fundaçao<br />

Calouste Guelbenkian<br />

(Lisboa, Portugal)<br />

June19th 2009<br />

University of Bologne<br />

(Bologne, Italy)<br />

March16th 2009<br />

Academy of Finance of<br />

the Russian Federation<br />

(Moscow, Russia)<br />

December 29th and<br />

30th 2008<br />

Academy of finance<br />

(Hanoi, Vietnam)<br />

Nov. 2004<br />

Committee of Budget<br />

of the Vietnamese<br />

National assembly<br />

(Hanoi, Vietnam)<br />

Nov. 2004<br />

Moderator and two speeches :<br />

Suject 1 : “The budgetary reform in France and the revival of the Parliament: myth or<br />

reality” - « Les réformes budgétaires en France et le renouveau du Parlement : mythe<br />

ou réalité »<br />

Suject 2 : “Performance and the Evolution of the right of Civil servants in France” - «<br />

La performance et l’évolution du droit des agents publics en France »<br />

Symposuim organized by the Academy of Finance of the Russian Federation and<br />

Fondafip. Moscow, Russia<br />

“Reinforcing the parliamentary control to fight against financial crises: the lessons of<br />

the history” - «Le renforcement du contrôle parlementaire comme outil de lutte contre<br />

les crises financières : les leçons de l’histoire », La nouvelle gouvernance financière<br />

publique : une réponse à la crise économique ?<br />

International symposuim organized by the Portuguese Court of Accounts (Tribunal de<br />

Contas), FONDAFIP and l’Instituto de direito económico financeiro e fiscal. Lisbon,<br />

Portugal<br />

“Financial powers of the Parliament in the French model ” - « Les pouvoirs financiers<br />

du Parlement dans le modèle français », Les finances de l’État en France et en Italie.<br />

European symposium organized in partnership with FONDAFIP and the University<br />

of Bologne. Bologne, Italy<br />

“The transformations of the russian budget system” - « Les transformations du<br />

système budgétaire de la Fédération de Russie »<br />

Seminar organized at the Academy of Finance of the Russian Federation. Moscow,<br />

Russia<br />

Expert to the Academy of Finance (Vietnamian Ministry of the Economy and<br />

Finance)<br />

« The Evolution of the State Budget Proceedings in the context of the New Public<br />

Management » (10 days - 30 hours)<br />

Speech to the Committee of Budget of the Vietnamese National assembly<br />

« The Parliamentary Control of Public Funds »<br />

12. National Symposiums (France)<br />

Institution<br />

[ Date from - Date to ]<br />

University of Angers<br />

(Angers,France)<br />

October, 1rst 2009<br />

Ministry of Finance<br />

(Paris, France)<br />

June 16 th and 17 th 2008<br />

Ministry of Finance<br />

(Paris, France)<br />

May 30 th and 31 rst 2005<br />

Ministry of Finance,<br />

Pantheon-Sorbonne<br />

University and French<br />

Senate<br />

Position<br />

"The French Public Transportation Tax", « Le dispositif et les enjeux du versement<br />

transport », Le financement des services publics locaux : enjeux et perspectives,<br />

Symposuim organized by the University of Angers, Angers<br />

“The role of the finance committees of the Parliament: a comparative approach” -<br />

« Le rôle des commissions des finances des assemblées parlementaires : approche<br />

comparée », 4 th Spring University of Public Finance: The Governance of Public<br />

Finance in the World.<br />

A symposium organized in partnership with Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1),<br />

the GERFIP, French Senate and the French Ministry of Public Finance. Paris<br />

“Reinforcing the capacity for expertise of the finance committees of the Parliament”<br />

- « Quel renforcement de la capacité d’expertise des commissions des finances des<br />

assemblées parlementaires ? », 2 nd Spring University of Public Finance: Innovations,<br />

creations and transformations of Public Finance.<br />

“The reform of Public Finance: towards a new role of the finance committees of the<br />

Parliament” - « La réforme des finances publiques: vers un nouveau role des<br />

commissions des finances des assemblées parlementaires », 1 rst Spring University of<br />

Public Finance: Reform of Public Finance, Democracy and Good Governance<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


(Paris, France)<br />

From April 27 th to April<br />

29 th 2004<br />

Pantheon-Sorbonne<br />

University<br />

(Paris, France)<br />

October 19 th 2001<br />

“The Parliamentary control of Publics funds: from the Restauration to the First<br />

World War” - « Le contrôle parlementaire de la dépense publique : de la<br />

Restauration à la Première Guerre mondiale », The ADEFIP/GERFIP days: The<br />

transformations of Public Finance, Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1)<br />

13. Other Professional Experiences<br />

Institution<br />

[ Date from - Date to ]<br />

France (Paris, Lille)<br />

and Czech Republic<br />

(Brno)<br />

Observatory on Local<br />

Autonomy<br />

October 2007 -<br />

December 2011<br />

OECD<br />

(Public Management<br />

department)<br />

Oct. 2002 – Jan. 2005<br />

Position<br />

Czech team Coordinator to the Observatory on Local Autonomy (OLA)<br />

Participation to the making of a Database comparing Public Financial Systems<br />

of 60 Countries<br />

14. Publications :<br />

Published book<br />

“Finance committees of Parliament in France: origins, transformations and stakes”, LGDJ, Public finance and<br />

Taxation Collection, 2007<br />

Published articles<br />

The management of the UE structural funds by czech local authorities – « Le financement des collectivités<br />

locales par les fonds structurels en France et en République tchèque » (coauteur), in Roselyne Allemand<br />

(dir.), Les collectivités territoriales et les politiques européennes, 2010 (forthcoming)<br />

"Presentation of the russian public budgetary system"- « Présentatation du système budgétaire public russe » n°<br />

109, Revue française de finances publiques (RFFP), n° 109, 2010<br />

"The French Public Transportation Tax" – « Le dispositif et les enjeux du versement transport », in Le<br />

financement des services publics locaux : enjeux et perspectives, 2010 (forthcoming)<br />

“Reinforcing the parliamentary control to fight against financial crises: the lessons of the history” - "Le<br />

renforcement du contrôle parlementaire comme outil de lutte contre les crises financières : les leçons de<br />

l'histoire", Revista do Tribunal de Contas / Revista de Direito Financeiro e Fiscal (Portugal), 2010<br />

"Civil servants in the XXIth century: between duty of obedience and performance of public services" - L'agent<br />

public au XXIème siècle : entre devoir d'obéissance stricto sensu et performance de l'action publique",<br />

RFFP, n° 108, 2009<br />

“The role of the finance committees of the Parliament: a comparative approach” - « Le rôle des commissions des<br />

finances des assemblées parlementaires : approche comparée », in M. Bouvier (dir.), La gouvernance des<br />

finances publiques dans le monde, LGDJ, 2008 (forthcoming)<br />

“The Chairmanship of the Finance committee by a member of the parliamentary opposition: potentiality and<br />

stakes” - « La présidence de la commission des finances par un membre de l’opposition parlementaire :<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


potentialités et enjeux » (co-author with W. Gilles), Revue française de finances publiques (RFFP), n° 100,<br />

2007<br />

“A parliamentary organ intended to reinforce the capacity for expertise of the finance committees of the<br />

Parliament” - « Un organe parlementaire d’études et d’informations pour renforcer la capacité d’expertise<br />

des commissions des finances des assemblées parlementaires », RFFP, n° 94, 2006<br />

“Public Finance in Hungary” - « Les finances publiques en Hongrie », in G. Orsoni (dir.), Les finances publiques<br />

en Europe, Economica, 2007<br />

“Public Finance in Poland” - « Les finances publiques en Pologne », in G. Orsoni (dir.), Les finances publiques<br />

en Europe, Economica, 2007<br />

“The financial stakes of intermunicipal contracts” - « Les aspects financiers des contrats d’agglomération » (coauthor),<br />

in Les cahiers du Gridauh, n° 12, 2005<br />

“The reform of Public Finance: towards a new role of the finance committees of the Parliament” - « La<br />

présentation consolidée des finances publiques : quels enjeux ? », in M. Bouvier (dir.), Réforme des<br />

finances publiques, démocratie et bonne gouvernance, LGDJ, 2004<br />

Studies<br />

“The management of the public expenditure in subsaharian african countries” (La gestion de la dépense publique<br />

dans les pays de l’Afrique francophone subsaharienne), (co-author), DgCiD, MAE (French Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs), 2006<br />

“Redynamisation of research and taxation: France facing the international competition challenge” - La<br />

redynamisation de la recherche et l’outil fiscal : la France face au défi de la concurrence internationale<br />

(co-author with W. Gilles), Res Publica Foundation, 2005<br />

Interviews<br />

“The free school canteens in the city of Drancy: a forerunner model of financing public services?” - « La gratuité<br />

des cantines scolaires à Drancy : un modèle précurseur de financement des services publics ? », An<br />

interview with JC. Lagarde, MP-Mayor of Drancy (co-author with I. Bouhadana), in RFFP, n° 106, 2009<br />

“Which controls for which performances?” - « Quels contrôles pour quelles performances? », An interview with<br />

A. Barilari, General Inspector of Finance (co-author with I. Bouhadana), in RFFP, n° 75, 2001<br />

Other publications<br />

“The crisis and afterward?” - « La crise et après ? », An account of the book by J. Attali, in RFFP, n° 105, 2009<br />

“The Public service Plan” - « Les schémas de services collectifs », An account of the book by J.-M. Pontier, in<br />

RFFP, n° 84, 2003<br />

“Budget – Towards a New Role for the Legislature” - « Procédure budgétaire: vers un nouveau rôle du<br />

Parlement », An account of the January 2001-OCDE-French Senate Symposium, in RFFP, n° 80, 2002<br />

“Leading a devolved administration” - « Animer une organisation déconcentrée », An account of the book by A.<br />

Barilari, éditions d’organisation 2002, in RFFP, n° 79, 2002<br />

17/09/2010 Irène BOUHADANA, Assistant Professor<br />

Phone : + 33 - (0)6 68 67 29 27 – E-mail :<br />


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