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2007b Investigating the Thermo-Acoustic Stability of a Real Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber Using<br />

Large-Eddy Simulations. In 11th CEAS-ASC Workshop and 2nd Scientific Workshop of X3-NOISE 27–<br />

28 September 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.<br />

BRILLANT, G. 2004 Simulations <strong>de</strong>s gran<strong>de</strong>s échelles thermiques <strong>et</strong> expériences dans le cadre d’effusion<br />

anisotherme. Thèse d’Université, Institut National <strong>de</strong>s Sciences Appliquées <strong>de</strong> Lyon.<br />

BRUNDAGE, A. L., PLESNIAK, M. W. & RAMADHYANI, S. 1999 Influence of coolant feed direction<br />

and hole length on film cooling j<strong>et</strong> velocity profiles. ASME Paper 99-GT-035 .<br />

CALLOT, S. 2002 Analyse <strong>de</strong>s mécanismes macroscopiques produits par les interactions rotor/stator<br />

dans les turbomachines. Thèse d’Université, Ecole Centrale Lyon.<br />

CHAMPION, J.-L. 1997 Étu<strong>de</strong> expérimentale <strong>de</strong>s films pariétaux <strong>de</strong> refroidissement produits par une<br />

paroi multiperforée. cas <strong>de</strong>s conditions <strong>de</strong> fonctionnement <strong>de</strong>s chambres <strong>de</strong> combustion <strong>de</strong>s moteurs<br />

aéronautiques. Thèse d’Université, Université <strong>de</strong> Poitiers.<br />

CHAMPION, J.-L., DI MARTINO, P. & CORON, X. 2005 Influence of flow characteristics on the discharge<br />

coefficient of a multiperforated wall. In Turbo Expo 2005, Reno Hilton, Reno Tahoe, Nevada<br />

USA, June 6-9 2005, , vol. GT2005-68904.<br />

CHAMPION, J.-L. & ROUVREAU, S. 2002 Plif analysis of mixing phenomena insi<strong>de</strong> an effusion cooling<br />

film. In Proceedings of Eurotherm 71 on Visualization, Imaging and Data Analysis in Convective Heat<br />

and Mass Transfer.<br />

CHASNOV, J.R. 1991 Simulation of the Kolmogorov inertial subrange using an improved subgrid mo<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

Phys. FluidsA 3, 188–200.<br />

CHASSAING, P. 2000 Turbulence en mécanique <strong>de</strong>s flui<strong>de</strong>s, analyse du phénomène en vue <strong>de</strong> sa<br />

modélisation à l’usage <strong>de</strong> l’ingénieur. Toulouse, France : Cépaduès-éditions.<br />

CHO, H. H. & GOLDSTEIN, R. J. 1995a Heat (mass) transfer and film cooling effectiveness with injection<br />

through discr<strong>et</strong>e holes : Part i-within holes and on the back surface. ASME J. Turbomach. 117,<br />

440–450.<br />

CHO, H. H. & GOLDSTEIN, R. J. 1995b Heat (mass) transfer and film cooling effectiveness with injection<br />

through discr<strong>et</strong>e holes : Part ii-on the exposed surface. ASME J. Turbomach. 117, 451–460.<br />

COLIN, O. 2000 Simulations aux gran<strong>de</strong>s échelles <strong>de</strong> la combustion turbulente prémélangée dans les<br />

statoréacteurs. Thèse d’Université, INP Toulouse.<br />

COLIN, O., DUCROS, F., VEYNANTE, D. & POINSOT, T. 2000 A thickened flame mo<strong>de</strong>l for large eddy<br />

<strong>simulation</strong>s of turbulent premixed combustion. Phys. Fluids 12 (7), 1843–1863.<br />

COLIN, O. & RUDGYARD, M. 2000 Development of high-or<strong>de</strong>r Taylor-Galerkin schemes for unsteady<br />

calculations. J. Comput. Phys. 162 (2), 338–371.<br />


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